How far for car or cart?

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Old 08-01-2008, 02:57 PM
starflyte1 starflyte1 is offline
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Default How far for car or cart?

Do you have a cut off point that you use to decide when to take the car and when to take the golf cart, as far as distance to travel? Is five miles "nothing" in a golf cart? I am thinking that a golf cart ride may not be much different than a boat ride -just a pleasurable trip. And we usually go for 1 1/2 to two hours.

We are just beginning to think about moving to TV, and am trying to find out how far out is too far for some.
Village of Hacienda East
Old 08-01-2008, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?


For us, anything less than say 7 miles gets golf cart preference. More than that (from here on the South side up to Lopez CC), the car usually wins out. That being said, there are a whole bunch of destinations and other fun stuff within that 7 mile radius. We put far more miles on the golf cart than the car.
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

I really like driving around in my cart, so I may be the wrong person to answer this, but here goes anyway.
My general rule of thumb: If my destination is golf car accessible, I'll take the cart. I make some weather related exceptions to the rule (bad rain, extreme cold), and some time related exceptions (for the late movie I might take the car). Other than that, TV is all about golf cart accessibility - it's part of the fun living here. Oh, if you're picking up something large at the store - for instance, a television is tough to get back home via cart. I have fit some pretty large stuff on board though!
Old 08-01-2008, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

using the 7 miles stated above, that's about a 20 minute golf cart ride @ 20mph, not bad

depends where you're going and how much you enjoy the cart, I guess
Old 08-01-2008, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

Only time decides which we take car or cart. If there is enough time to take the golf cart we take it but if we have to get there and back quicker than the cart will do we take the car. Most of the time we take the cart.

I played golf with a guy who told me that he doesn't own a car and rents one on the occasions that he needs one. He has not owned a car in over 2 years. No insurance he purchases it from the rental car company, no maintenance, and no plates. He said that he hasn't rented a car in over 3 months
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Old 08-01-2008, 04:31 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

Originally Posted by SteveFromNY

TV is all about golf cart accessibility - it's part of the fun living here.
I think this is part of what life in TV all about. A properly maintained golf cart can travel from virtually anywhere in TV to anywhere else and back, and that's a big piece of what makes TV what it is--the golf cart--which can be used for most getting around other than, as pointed out, weather issues or needing to carry something too big for a golf cart.
Old 08-01-2008, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

Considering I have a Miata and a scooter, there are times I can carry more in a golf cart than I can in my vehicle.
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Old 08-01-2008, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

Originally Posted by redwitch
Considering I have a Miata and a scooter, there are times I can carry more in a golf cart than I can in my vehicle.
I am NOT one bit surprised that you have a Miata (and a scooter for that matter). You sound like a cool chick... ;D :2cool:

Old 08-08-2008, 06:06 PM
starflyte1 starflyte1 is offline
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

Thanks for the replies! I have my map of TV and my ruler ready to check the distances. I was trying to keep it down to 4 miles, but think I can up it to at least six and maybe 7.

Thanks again!
Village of Hacienda East
Old 08-08-2008, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

When we bought our golf cart (new 2/2008) they told us that it can go 50 miles on a charge. We have driven it from the north side (Springdale) all the way down to 466A and golfed (executive) and driven it back with no problems. Takes us an hour to get there but living in the Villages who needs to be in a hurry anyway????!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-12-2008, 02:30 PM
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Default Re: How far for car or cart?

to JAV0108...what model golf cart do you have? Being new to the villages we are planning on buying an electric golf cart ..
Old 08-08-2011, 04:50 PM
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Default How far...? Depends...

Is it (or will it), rain, or be too cold/hot? We have a street legal LSV with hard doors that can take about any weather and at 25 MPH. But, we still take the car if the trip in the LSV will be over 1/2 hour...I know, we're TV whimps, but would rather get there quickly...more time to enjoy the wine.
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