How Progress Is Made

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Old 01-15-2009, 12:40 PM
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Default How Progress Is Made

I didn't have the opportunity to attend the presentation by The Villages Regional Hospital last night, which was sponsored by the VHA. I found the article covering the meeting in today's Daily Sun interesting.

After all the negativity and castigation of the hospital last year by the POA, it looks like somehow progress has been made without their involvement. The article said that TVRH Emergency Room services were rated in the top 10% of hospitals in the U.S. recently. That was the main issue about which the POA was critcizing everyone in sight, from the developer (who doesn't own the hospital), TVRH management and staff, to anyone else they could think of. They were particularly critical of the VHA for declining their invitation to join them in their criticism of the hospital and demands for improvements in TVRH ER.

The article said that the VHA worked quietly with the management of TVRH to achieve the improvements in the ER and to formulate the plans for further improvements in hospital facilities and services which were announced at the meeting. The VHA involvement has been so effective that they have been invited to serve in a couple of positions on TVRH Board of Directors.

No word of the POA in this scenario. It's possible, I suppose, that they might take some credit for improvements in ER services as the result of their very public criticism and their letter-writing campaign against the hospital. But it looks like the VHA were the ones who rolled up their sleeves and went to work with TVRH management and staff to achieve the improvements that have occurred.

Three cheers for the VHA! Keep up the good (and positive) work.
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Last edited by Villages Kahuna; 01-15-2009 at 12:44 PM.
Old 01-15-2009, 12:48 PM
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Default I found the article interesting.

Being one who prefers more precise planning commitments, the article (to me ) was significantly weakened by the nebulous timing references...."some day"...."in the future"...."in the more distant future".....

Old 01-15-2009, 01:21 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Any validity to the POA regarding the hospital issue?

A recent issue of the POA newsletter asked for readers to submit stories of their experiences at TV Regional Hospital ER. I sent them a copy of my letter to the CEO of the hospital, which I also posted on TOTV, praising the incredibly outstanding care I received in the ER there a month ago. I've spent a lifetime in and out of hospital operating rooms, and so I know quality care when I receive it.

I have not had the courtesy of a response from the POA to my letter, and it'll be interesting to see if my letter appears in the next POA newsletter, that is, without my being accused of 'having drunk the water and being smitten.' How easy it is to criticize, and how sad it is to be an individual or an organization that cannot give a compliment when one is due....
Old 01-15-2009, 07:18 PM
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O-K, here we go again. The POA has stated many times in it's newsletters, that they have requested the VHA to join them in researching the ER issues at the hospital. I agree that the POA does, at times, beat a tired horse to death. But the VHA has consistantly ignored any efforts of assistance. I believe the VHA thinks that by ignoring the POA, it will just go away. The POA is here to stay because it offers another perspective to TV without the Developers influence. The POA represents the homeowners without any undo pressures from the Developer.
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Old 01-15-2009, 07:49 PM
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We just had a whole thread on both the VHA and the POA. I said we need both.
Remember the developer runs the VHA and-The Daily Sun. It is not a fair and balanced newspaper! It will do everthing it can to put down the POA and push the VHA. I did attend the VHA meeting. NO open floor and No chance for any questions during the meeting. It is like a sales pitch to make people feel good about the Villages.
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