Hurricane Shutters

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Old 02-10-2010, 04:07 PM
rfishxf rfishxf is offline
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Smile Hurricane Shutters

Are hurricane shutters allowed on Courtyard Villas, and, if so, what type are most often (if ever) installed and which local vendor is recommended to do them.

In driving around, I have not seen any discrete mounting brackets for the type one puts panels into before a storm...nor did I see the accordian or roll down least in the newer villa communities. I know they exist in some older Village villas and on homes.

I assume the architectural review boards have to approve them.

Having lived in FL for some time and planning to move to the Villages...I have learned the hard way it only takes one Hurricane or even Tropical Storm with their wind bursts let alone mini tornadoes to ruin ones day...and that "once in a 110 year event one is not supposed to worry about" can occur at surprising times. The relatively small investment in hurricane shutters is well worth the peace of mind they can provide when sitting in a home hearing the wind howling and windows being buffeted and bowing in or being hit by pepples picked up by the wind. My current home has them on every window and the lanai.

Last edited by rfishxf; 02-11-2010 at 08:34 AM.
Old 02-14-2010, 02:30 PM
wesmin wesmin is offline
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3M Makes film to prevent glass from breaking open
Old 02-16-2010, 12:42 PM
ldj1938 ldj1938 is offline
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Having lived in South Florida I'm familiar with Bahama Shutters and electric roll down shutters. I haven't seen either in The Villages. I would think that Bahama Shutters would be appropriate here, but they would have to be approved and I haven't seen them available in any local ads.
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