I have some questions

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Old 11-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Minnesotalyn Minnesotalyn is offline
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Smile I have some questions

We're coming down on the 15 of Nov. for our Lifestyle visit. Do they have a map for visitors? Are all the Villages Gated or can we drive around and look at all of them? Does the Villages have there own police force? We're exsmokers and in Minnesota you can't smoke in the restaurants, or bars what are the laws in Florida? Thanks
Old 11-04-2009, 05:22 PM
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quick answers...

1. they will probably give you the one page map which is OK; invest the $5 and get the detailed road map at the Mercantile store in Lake Sumter.

2. There are gates but the roads are public so you will have free access to all areas...even easier via golf cart.

3. Law enforcement provided by Sumter/Lake/Marion county sheriffs; The Villages has a community watch that patrols the streets but they have now law enforcement powers.

4. Smoking...no smoking in restaurants/public places, pools, or even the main part of the town square (where entertainment is). Designated smoking areas at the perimeter of the square and outside the pool gate.

Have fun....you'll love it.
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Old 11-04-2009, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Minnesotalyn View Post
Do they have a map for visitors?
If you have a Villages Sales Agent during your LSV, ask her/him for the $5 map. Ours got us 1 for the asking!

Have fun during your stay..you almost have to try hard not to!!!
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