I'm Counting on all you Villagers to help a "Newbee"!!

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Old 05-09-2007, 02:03 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default I'm Counting on all you Villagers to help a "Newbee"!!

My husband and I are selling our home in Colorado and moving to the Villages. (We've had some serious nibbles) This website has proved invaluable. I've learned to be very careful controlling our dogs (we have two small ones), not to buy a home where the two patios butt up to one another (noise level), not to put our garbage out too early, be careful when eating at the new steak house, that there is rampent sex in the villages (oops, maybe that was wishful thinking... lol) and to be really careful driving golf carts.
Although we are extremely happy about moving to the Villages, this is the only place I've found that tell's it "[u]like it is"!!

Here's my question... What other things must we be aware of before and after moving down there? Besides "Gas or Electric", and "Lawn care"...... We have already opened an account at Citizen's, picked out furniture at Southern Lifestyles etc.

Thanks in advance!
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 05-09-2007, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: I'm Counting on all you Villagers to help a "Newbee"!!

Not to alarm you but we've chosen the lightning capital of North America to settle in--And that's not my conclusion but the description Sumter Electric uses to promote their whole-house surge protection system. So sooner rather than later, consider installing (either by a private electrician or SECO) a surge protection system for your new home. I'd be surprised if others don't come up with a laundry list of suggestions to help you get started. Good luck with your new home.
Old 05-09-2007, 03:20 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: I'm Counting on all you Villagers to help a "Newbee"!!

Thanks gryoung!!! I had never heard of that before so it's not something we'd ever think about! We will certainly take care of that!!! (I think they left that out of the "Villages Brochure!)
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 05-09-2007, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: I'm Counting on all you Villagers to help a "Newbee"!!

Citizens bank and Southern Lifestyles are great choices. We are very happy with both. Welcome to the Villages. It's a fun place to live. Even though the residents are hesitant to post here at Talk of The Villages ;D They don't know how much fun they are missing.
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