Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Do you pay impact fees every time you buy new construction or do you only pay them only once in your lifetime?
I'm assuming that paying them once doesn't confer lifetime immunity.
The Villages, Florida |
I'm planning a move next year to The Villages, so what do I know LOLOL, but I've read that impact fees are paid just once, and only for non-Florida residents buying new construction. What I don't know is how much they are.
I think it's several thousand dollars, but less than $10K. Does anyone have more info on this topic? |
I asked because I paid in Mar 06 when I bought my first home, then again in Dec 06 when I bought my second. Both were new construction. Based on that, I'm guessing that if you buy new, you matter how many times you buy new. It's not one fee per person per lifetime. I am a Fl resident now but wasn't when I purchased either home. I read something that made me think the fee was based on my environmental impact on the state. Now I think it's just another way to raise revenue.
The Villages, Florida |
So is the fee only applicable if you are not going to reside in TV permanently? I assume this is what I am reading.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages |
As far as I can tell, impact fees are on any new construction. Not additions but new buildings on new property.
Jacksonville, Florida Andover, New Jersey The Villages Second star to the right, then straight on 'til morning. |
Impact fees are tacked on to new construction, both commercial and residential. Doesn't make any difference if you are a Florida resident or not, everybody pays them. I actually believe they are tacked on to the developer or builder who merely passes on the cost to the ultimate buyer. Usually buried in the cost of the new home. They typically pay for schools and roads.
We currently live in Pasco county and there was some recent talk of a 25K impact fee being assessed against commercial property which ultimately raised a concern in the county about keeping businesses out of the county with such a fee. Current Pasco county impact fees on a new home are around $12,000 and they are considering a $3,900 increase. Wonderful!! Here's an article about it. |
I don't know which thread you were reading, so I don't know the specific context of your question. But typically "impact fees" are negotiated between a developer and the governmental unit (village, town, county, etc.) where the development will be constructed. Typically, they are costs to do things like widen roads, build a fire station, build a new school, etc. The theory is that those types of things would be necessary to serve new residents before the tax revenues from the development began to flow to pay for those projects. The impact fees are paid to the governmental unit "in exchange" for their approval of the development plan, change zoning if needed, and agreement to issue the necessary building permits.
Accordingly, impact fees become a cost to the developer which he must consider when establishing the prices for the buildings he intends to build and sell. They are definitely not a cost for out-of-staters only.
Politicians are like diapers--they should be changed frequently, and for the same reason. |
Doesn't the impact fees and the Villages CD Bond pay for the same items....roads, schools etc?
If yes, one might think homeowners are being double charged for the same infrastructure costs. |
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