The Lifestyle? What protects its future?

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Old 03-22-2010, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by eyc234 View Post
Real quick and easy question, once the fee is set can it change as long as you live in the same home at TV?
Quick answer, yes. But contractually it cannot be raised by more than the inflation rate (aka Comsumer Price Index) in any given year.
Old 03-22-2010, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
It seems in the last six months that TV is attracting younger people and those who want bigger houses.

Now I am hoping that the person who keeps careful statistics on sales on this forum can tell us if designers, larger villas and premier models have outsold cottages, ranches and village homes in the past six months.

I don't know how you would get information on the age of the residents who have recently bought here. But I am counting on BK...the supreme information gatherer.
Hi Gracie,

Good questions. I would be interested in knowing too.

Here is a source of info on home price trends in TV

Here is one on the recent home sales in TV:,FL/

The default setting on Trulia is most recent home sales first. You can also sort by price, sq. ft., # of bedrooms and other criteria. It would take some work to convert the data to sales by home-type by date.

I wonder if your TV agent/friend would have insight about about age of buyers and sales trends by home type. Maybe he would even have some actual data he could share?
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