Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
We lost a good airman the other day. Let's doff our covers to the loss of a great and intrepid soul. Blue Angel of the best of the best. When reading the story in today's Daily Sun, I thought of the last line in the movie, "The Bridges of Toko Ri" with William Holden as lead character. The Admiral, upon learning of the pilot's death asked hauntingly..."Where do they come from these brave men...where do they come from?" This question is asked a lot by field commanders I suppose. There are those that will always rise to the challenge in our great land....from all walks of life. "We sleep soundly a night, only because brave men and women stand ready to do violence on our behalf"....I can't think of who wrote that at this time...but it couldn't be said any better. Goodbye sweet young warrior. No more need to watch your "six". Archangel Michael now has a most excellent wingman.
Brooklyn, Long Island City and Oyster Bay NY USAF Sheppard AFB, Witchita Falls, TX Bellbrook, OH Hollywood, FL Woodstock, GA The Villages, FL |
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