Making directional signs more prominent?

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Unread 02-03-2025, 09:01 AM
Dotneko Dotneko is offline
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Default Making directional signs more prominent?

Yesterday, Sunday, we were driving up Morse in our car. Wondered why cars were pulling right. Turns out there were two women in a golf cart doing 20 mph. Clearly lost, in the left lane of Morse in a non-street worthy cart. By the time we were able to react, we were by them in traffic, so unable to help.
They must have turned onto Morse from a village and missed the 'no carts beyond this point' sign. This happens frequently. Shouldnt the signs be made brighter, larger, orange or something? Also the entrance to the golf cart paths need to be made more clearly cart only so that automobiles arent found on the Brownwood and Lake Deaton golf cart bridges.
How do we fix this? Who do we contact?
Unread 02-03-2025, 09:09 AM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is online now
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Originally Posted by Dotneko View Post
Yesterday, Sunday, we were driving up Morse in our car. Wondered why cars were pulling right. Turns out there were two women in a golf cart doing 20 mph. Clearly lost, in the left lane of Morse in a non-street worthy cart. By the time we were able to react, we were by them in traffic, so unable to help.
They must have turned onto Morse from a village and missed the 'no carts beyond this point' sign. This happens frequently. Shouldnt the signs be made brighter, larger, orange or something? Also the entrance to the golf cart paths need to be made more clearly cart only so that automobiles arent found on the Brownwood and Lake Deaton golf cart bridges.
How do we fix this? Who do we contact?
Does not happen frequently…….
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OP, you can try contacting the local CDD, however all of the roads (with the exception of villa areas) are county roads, so the final authority is probably the county.
Pennsylvania, for 60+ years, most recently, Allentown, now TV.
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Dotneko Dotneko is offline
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Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter View Post
Does not happen frequently…….
Define frequently. 4x in the last 6 months is pretty frequent to me. YMMV.
We were able to reroute 2 of them. One gave us the finger.
Unread 02-03-2025, 09:26 AM
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For all the carts out here it doesn’t happen that frequently. They need to educate people before they buy/rent a cart.
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CarlR33 CarlR33 is offline
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Your post reminds me of the problem with wrong way drivers getting on the interstate when there are clearly signs posted on the ramps. It’s not always the signage but lack of awareness of the driver, IMO. Just passed a cart on Meggison the other day, cart in the cart lane elderly driver with cell phone up in left side ear (cars passing side). Do you think their number one concern was driving?
I will say the things that others are probably thinking but afraid to say.
Unread 02-03-2025, 09:37 AM
BrianL99 BrianL99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter View Post
Does not happen frequently…….
Originally Posted by Dotneko View Post
Define frequently. 4x in the last 6 months is pretty frequent to me. YMMV.
We were able to reroute 2 of them. One gave us the finger.
4 times?

Not week goes by, I don't see a golf cart driving on a road it shouldn't be on or driving on a cart path. This was last week, on my way home from Palmer Legends (Florida plates on the car). This was the 3rd time in 2025, I've seen a car on a cart path.
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The Villages Florida: Click image for larger version

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Last edited by BrianL99; 02-03-2025 at 10:31 AM.
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Originally Posted by Dotneko View Post
. One gave us the finger.
I guess they were rerouting you...
Doesn't matter what you drink, you only rent it...
Unread 02-03-2025, 10:03 AM
tjdmlhw tjdmlhw is offline
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Default There is no sign on Steelwater Trail

Unless they have installed one recently, there is no 'no carts beyond this point' sign on Steelwater Trail at Morse Boulevard. The first day I was in The Villages, I ended up on Morse because there was nothing telling me I shouldn't take the golf cart through the gate. I could see golf carts on the MMP as I crossed over the Lake Sumter bridge but had no idea how to get there. It was a scary few minutes until I finally got off at the Mission Hills entrance and got on the path.
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Originally Posted by Dotneko View Post
Define frequently. 4x in the last 6 months is pretty frequent to me. YMMV.
We were able to reroute 2 of them. One gave us the finger.

I have made the mistake, once. In my four years here full time what I have seen is 1:1:1
- one cart on a road it should not be
- one cart appeared to be on a road it should not be but was actually a tagged LSV
- one cart pull through a gate, immediately realize its mistake, and U-turn back towards the cart path

Four times in six months? What area was that in?
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

Victor, NY
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Unread 02-03-2025, 10:17 AM
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One avoidable accident is one too many. Jmho.
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I’ve always wondered why they put very indiscreet small print signs, with no lighting or reflective night viewing assistance, in a senior community where the general populations eyesight is not what it once was. Go figure?
Unread 02-03-2025, 10:32 AM
BrianL99 BrianL99 is offline
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Originally Posted by tophcfa View Post
I’ve always wondered why they put very indiscreet small print signs, with no lighting or reflective night viewing assistance, in a senior community where the general populations eyesight is not what it once was. Go figure?
Ambience over practicality.
Unread 02-03-2025, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill14564 View Post

I have made the mistake, once. In my four years here full time what I have seen is 1:1:1
- one cart on a road it should not be
- one cart appeared to be on a road it should not be but was actually a tagged LSV
- one cart pull through a gate, immediately realize its mistake, and U-turn back towards the cart path

Four times in six months? What area was that in?
Do the math. 140,000 people, each making the mistake once in 4 years, is 35,000 mistakes each year, or 96 mistakes every day.
Unread 02-03-2025, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by bob47 View Post
Do the math. 140,000 people, each making the mistake once in 4 years, is 35,000 mistakes each year, or 96 mistakes every day.
And yet we don't hear of 96 every day, or 96 every month, or 96 every year, or even 96 in the last four years.

As for the math, 140,000 people did not all arrive last year. We don't even hear about an incident for each of the 4,000 who arrive each year.

1. There is carnage on our highways that <the paper that shall not be named but is always looking out for things to criticize the Villages over> isn't reporting
2. Not everyone makes the mistake before learning to avoid it. (even my wife and I only made the mistake once for the two of us)
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

Victor, NY
Randallstown, MD
Yakima, WA
Stevensville, MD
Village of Hillsborough

cart, golf, morse, made, signs

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