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Old 02-06-2011, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Sigh! It really is a shame this has become a thread of personal attacks. Sorry, but it really makes no sense whatsoever that Russ would "pander" or brown-nose or kiss a rear or two to get a job here. He's a nurse -- they're in high demand. As a nurse, his viewpoint is that Moffitt is a good thing. To me, it really is that plain and simple. It has nothing to do with his wanting a job here. That he'll easily get regardless of his viewpoints of Moffitt.

Do I think Russ and most of the other pro-Moffitt people "get" it? Not really. I understand the concept that they feel the more ways to help fight cancer, the better. I don't understand how they can support a medical center that is truly superfluous; has been shown that the people building it have basically used fraudulent tactics to get that center in this location; have taken from other charities. But, those that support a TV Moffitt Center are doing what they feel is right and that really is the bottom line. It is all any of us can do.

So, could we please quit with the name-calling and accusations between members? It is demeaning to all of us. Don't turn this into the political forum.

Stick to the facts and your opinions of those facts. Don't get mired down in the fact someone believes differently than you. As has been said, TV Moffitt will be built regardless of what any of us feel. We can choose to support it or not. If we ever get cancer and are lucky enough to be able to afford treatment there, we can go there or to Shands or to Moffitt-Tampa or wherever. We all have choices.
Thanks Red
Old 02-06-2011, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Sigh! It really is a shame this has become a thread of personal attacks. Sorry, but it really makes no sense whatsoever that Russ would "pander" or brown-nose or kiss a rear or two to get a job here. He's a nurse -- they're in high demand. As a nurse, his viewpoint is that Moffitt is a good thing. To me, it really is that plain and simple. It has nothing to do with his wanting a job here. That he'll easily get regardless of his viewpoints of Moffitt.

Do I think Russ and most of the other pro-Moffitt people "get" it? Not really. I understand the concept that they feel the more ways to help fight cancer, the better. I don't understand how they can support a medical center that is truly superfluous; has been shown that the people building it have basically used fraudulent tactics to get that center in this location; have taken from other charities. But, those that support a TV Moffitt Center are doing what they feel is right and that really is the bottom line. It is all any of us can do.

So, could we please quit with the name-calling and accusations between members? It is demeaning to all of us. Don't turn this into the political forum.

Stick to the facts and your opinions of those facts. Don't get mired down in the fact someone believes differently than you. As has been said, TV Moffitt will be built regardless of what any of us feel. We can choose to support it or not. If we ever get cancer and are lucky enough to be able to afford treatment there, we can go there or to Shands or to Moffitt-Tampa or wherever. We all have choices.
You are one clear headed little redheaded witch...And I likes ya.
Old 02-06-2011, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Sigh! It really is a shame this has become a thread of personal attacks. Sorry, but it really makes no sense whatsoever that Russ would "pander" or brown-nose or kiss a rear or two to get a job here. He's a nurse -- they're in high demand. As a nurse, his viewpoint is that Moffitt is a good thing. To me, it really is that plain and simple. It has nothing to do with his wanting a job here. That he'll easily get regardless of his viewpoints of Moffitt.

Do I think Russ and most of the other pro-Moffitt people "get" it? Not really. I understand the concept that they feel the more ways to help fight cancer, the better. I don't understand how they can support a medical center that is truly superfluous; has been shown that the people building it have basically used fraudulent tactics to get that center in this location; have taken from other charities. But, those that support a TV Moffitt Center are doing what they feel is right and that really is the bottom line. It is all any of us can do.

So, could we please quit with the name-calling and accusations between members? It is demeaning to all of us. Don't turn this into the political forum.

Stick to the facts and your opinions of those facts. Don't get mired down in the fact someone believes differently than you. As has been said, TV Moffitt will be built regardless of what any of us feel. We can choose to support it or not. If we ever get cancer and are lucky enough to be able to afford treatment there, we can go there or to Shands or to Moffitt-Tampa or wherever. We all have choices.
I am in total agreement with your position especially the portion I highlighted. If I were an HR person with CFHA and had followed this thread and Russ came knocking on my door looking for a job I would hire him in a minute. Not because of his position on Moffitt but because of the way he has conducted himself here.

Personal attacks here are uncalled for and downright rude.

I am not real happy about the way the Moffitt situation has been handled but I respect the opinions of those who disagree with my position
Old 02-06-2011, 08:58 PM
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Default It's appalling

It is appalling that anyone would drag a message writer's employment search or aspirations into this rag session over the CLOTHESLINE.

To even mention him by name is appalling, much less disparage his motives in seeking a job. This is disgusting and low-class. There's no need to mention names--the posts are all numbered and some have referred to them by number. The whole thing stinks.
Old 02-06-2011, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Sigh! It really is a shame this has become a thread of personal attacks. Sorry, but it really makes no sense whatsoever that Russ would "pander" or brown-nose or kiss a rear or two to get a job here. He's a nurse -- they're in high demand. As a nurse, his viewpoint is that Moffitt is a good thing. To me, it really is that plain and simple. It has nothing to do with his wanting a job here. That he'll easily get regardless of his viewpoints of Moffitt.
Old 02-06-2011, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Russ_Boston View Post
Morse family does not own CFHA in any shape or form. So why would the Morse minions who monitor this site (debatable on its face) care if I work for CFHA? Never mind help me get a job there. Ludicrous.
Russ, please post where you got this information. I would like to get a copy for myself.
If you think this site is not monitored try to post an opinion like the Shadow did.
Old 02-06-2011, 10:23 PM
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AJ, the administrators do monitor this site, but they have nothing to do with the Morses. Tony said he removed The Shadow's post. The admins do remove posts they feel are inappropriate for whatever reason.

Russ was saying that he wasn't convinced that the developer has any of his employees monitor this site. I agree 100% with him on this one. I'm sure there are TV employees who read and possibly even post here, but I don't think there is anyone assigned to specifically monitor this site for the developer, even though I wouldn't be surprised if some of the threads were mentioned to the higher ups and even possibly forwarded to them.
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Old 02-06-2011, 11:45 PM
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Boy I wonder what Shadow said that was so bad that admin felt it needed to be removed, and I question why the admins did not remove the slanderous remark toward Russ?
Old 02-07-2011, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
I don't think there is anyone assigned to specifically monitor this site for the developer, even though I wouldn't be surprised if some of the threads were mentioned to the higher ups and even possibly forwarded to them.
Old 02-07-2011, 03:32 PM
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Default Duped into donating?

Originally Posted by Larry Wilson View Post
Just came back from my golf group. Eight full timers are so sorry they were duped( great ads in the Sun and front page news, shows etc.) into giving donations to Moffitt as they are learning more and more.
I would trust the Orlando Sentinel and certain posters before I would trust The Sun and other posters. So much for my 2 cents, off to a Super Bowl party!
Just curious: Why don't your friends ask for their money back? Under the circumstances, I would think that they would be entitled to it.
Old 02-08-2011, 06:58 PM
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Default Moffit is Expanding

Looks like the villages is not the only community that is getting Moffit access, here is an article from the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania announcing an affiliation:,1277526.story
Old 02-08-2011, 09:10 PM
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Default This is from M D Anderson Cancer Center

Old 05-13-2011, 08:42 AM
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Default News Update on Moffi Center in Leesburg

I received an announcement today which stated that the building of a Moffit Center in Leesburg is being suspended. That means that the one in The Villages will serve both areas. That certainly the building makes our center more of a necessity. I know the construction on ours is underway but am not sure when they plan its completion.
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Old 05-13-2011, 08:53 AM
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Old 05-13-2011, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by SALYBOW View Post
I received an announcement today which stated that the building of a Moffit Center in Leesburg is being suspended. That means that the one in The Villages will serve both areas. That certainly the building makes our center more of a necessity. I know the construction on ours is underway but am not sure when they plan its completion.
I think I heard a tentative November completion.

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