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redwitch 02-10-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by cabo35 (Post 329864)
However, until recently, no one from either side mentioned the controversy over where the bulk of contribution revenues were going was at the root of decision making. If in fact, apparently, the developer used his leverage to insure greater financial advantage for Villagers.

First, thanks for the kind words. It really is nice when someone has differing opinions but doesn't feel the need to bash the other one over the head. You've shown how to do it with grace.

Second, I think it was always clear that the issue with Relay for Life was about where the contributions were going. At least that's how I understood it. I just feel (and, from what I can tell, so do Whalen and F16) that the Relay should have been held on TV grounds regardless of the fact the money would go to ACS.

Where are opinions totally diverge is whether it is a greater financial advantage to Villagers. I think it is a greater financial advantage to the developer (not Moffitt, not Villagers). It's not like we will be getting free medical services -- we or our insurance companies will pay through the nose to be treated at Moffitt. The only true benefit is getting Moffitt onto TV grounds and, to my way of thinking, that is a distinct advantage for advertising for the developer but not much of one for Villagers given that Moffitt is going to be built in Leesburg.

swrinfla 02-10-2011 04:15 PM

I am so very thankful that today's "letter-editorials" appeared.

I am so very tired of being so inundated with bashing messages, blaming everyone from Mr. Obama all the way down to Ms. Ritchie for everything.

My reasonably substantial contribution to Moffitt was made several months ago in Good Faith that there really was a viable reason for it. Today's entries validate my original faith and give me comfort.

Indeed, there may possibly be more money forthcoming!


dillywho 02-10-2011 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 329853)
I recall that the Morses were greedy bums when the Buffalo went away.

It was a huge fiasco. The mother buffalo gave birth and were acting nasty to the grandkids being held over the fence. The buffalo were occupying space as farmland to keep the taxes low. Tch. Tch.

The Morses moved the buffalo just to build houses. They should have kept the buffalo, some said it was promised to them.

We are all still here and the buffalo aren't.

The building will be built and rented to the cancer specialists and when you are diagnosed you will be grateful.

The Relay for Life will return to the high school track and life will go on.

Nicely stated. As usual, you are a jewel and a calming voice in the midst of storms.

Midge538 02-10-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter (Post 329869)
The Daily Sun is what it is. Why spend $.25 for something that doesn't provide you with the information that you desire?

That's Creely a choice. Good suggestion?

ducati1974 02-10-2011 04:57 PM

Well stated thread cabo35, thanks!

beartrack 02-10-2011 04:59 PM

Thank you Cabo for your thoughtful and respectful comments. I have long thought to respond to some of the posts on other threads pertaining to this Moffitt debate. Being a cancer victim myself and having lost my sister, my father and now have a daughter fighting breast cancer, from an emotional standpoint I decided not to. Your post is so on the money, that I felt the need to thank you. I wish that I had the ability to articulate my feelings the way that you do.

Bogie Shooter 02-10-2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Taj44 (Post 329891)
How true! The Pollyannas have all banded together as usual. Circle the wagons. The funny thing is, when you get outside TOTV and listen to the people on the street, as it were, there are many, many residents who are now realizing what the Morse outfit is up to. The pollyannas are only fooling themselves. :clap2:

What is it they are up to?

Bosoxfan 02-10-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Taj44 (Post 329891)
How true! The Pollyannas have all banded together as usual. Circle the wagons. The funny thing is, when you get outside TOTV and listen to the people on the street, as it were, there are many, many residents who are now realizing what the Morse outfit is up to. The pollyannas are only fooling themselves. :clap2:

Pollyannas?What makes your opinion the right one?People on the street?How about forming your own opinion ?

nitakk 02-10-2011 05:57 PM

I owe Morse and his family nothing - I just bought a house from him. He means nothing to me and I mean nothing to him, and that's just fine. I am under no false pretenses that he cares one way or the other about my welfare, nor I him. Somehow, I picture The Wizard of Oz with a little man behind the curtain, controlling the newspaper, the radio, the bank and even a TV station (shall we discuss how bad that one is?), trying desperately to control all that is seen and heard in his land. Alas and alack, someone pulls the curtain back but some don't want to look. No one should have the amount of power he has over this community. Cabo, I don't want happy news - I want the truth. You say we are not getting the truth from Lauren Ritchie because she dislikes Morse and because it was on the Opinion page, it has no basis in fact because she's not a real reporter. Well, where were the two "articles" today in the Sun? Oh yeah, on the Opinion page and written by two people who owe either a) their livelihood, or b) their position to Morse. Let's see, who has more credibility...hmmmm.

Bottom line is it's your money and if it makes you "happy" to give it away, go ahead. Personally, I ain't buying what they are selling. They are using stories of people's tragedies with cancer to their advantage, and it makes me sick to see facts twisted and blurred to their advantage.

JenAjd 02-10-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by cabo35 (Post 329800)
I opted to give this topic a separate thread because it suggests a broader perspective then current threads concerning the latest Orlando Sentinel and Lauren Ritchie contrived assault on The Villages. While existing thread topics are included I am attempting to define a bigger picture. Apologies to similar thread hijack intended. Administrators feel free to adjust if you disagree.

Moffitt Center, Relay for Life and the Morse family.

Today's Village Sun pretty much spells out what prompted the Relay for Life decision that Lauren Ritchie and the Orlando Sentinel manufactured into a sinister, evil plot by the Morse family. In simple terms, a disproportionate share of the funds raised were going outside the Villages. The developer exercised leverage to insure a larger share went to medical care for Villagers. To this end, a new charity called Mission for Moffitt will insure that goal. Editorial articles by the founder of Relay for Life, Sonny Resmondo and Evan Richards should expose Ms. Ritchie's pattern of Villages bashing. Speaking of which.....I wonder how Lauren and the Orlando paper will spin this into another assault on Villagers and the Morse family?

Further, it occurred to the me that Ritchie and the critics are selectively painting the developers role with Moffitt and the physical plant in a fashion that perpetuates their bias. It appears to me that the Morse family is contributing the land and construction. The Orlando paper is selectively vague on that point while stressing largely by innuendo, potential lease revenues as a diabolical plot to generate contributions. In any case, that is between Moffitt and the developer. I haven't seen anywhere where the Morse family is the recipient of contributions to the Moffitt Center. Further, no one is being forced to contribute so why are some trying to demonize and intimidate vicariously, those who contribute. It's not your money. I choose to contribute and respect your right not to. Please take care to do no harm to honest fund raising that can help my family, friends and neighbors benefit from what Moffitt and Boissoneault offer.

Litany of Bashing the Villages

In fairness to Ms. Ritchie, she has emphatically disclosed that she is not a reporter. She is a columnist whose work product does not have to be supported by fact or empirical research. Accordingly, in my opinion, she has in the past used her pen to incite angst and distress for many Villagers. Relevant excerpts from my previous posts are included below.

In the August 29 Orlando Sentinel, Ritchie further tweaks Villagers with her recent statement, "Ritchie: It's got to be unsettling and frightening to wonder what's in store. Not to mention expensive. The district already has spent more than $209,000 of residents' money so far, nearly all on high-powered lawyers on both coasts."

The most frightening and unsettling circumstance is Lauren Ritchie's selectively alarming language created to further distress those who view them. In my opinion and notwithstanding opinions to the contrary, it is desperate, insidiously sinister and ethically challenged. Ask yourself, do you get the impression Ritchie is rooting for the IRS and would love to be able to say to Villagers....I told you so? .........and that is why balance, or lack thereof is significant.

She lost all credibility with many when in an early article she, with cavalier arrogance and presumptuousness stated, "And it is time for homeowners to worry less about their tee time and marvelous activities and more about their future property values and financial liability."

Copyright © 2009, Orlando Sentinel

What is her purpose in admonishing Villagers to worry about their "property values and financial liability"?

That calculated statement created angst with many Villagers and potential Villagers. It did what Laura Ritchie wanted.

Here's another Ritchie hatchet headline on the Villages. We Villagers are such a greedy lot....according to our friend Lauren.

Greedy Villages fires first salvo in water war COMMENTARY - LakefrontMarch 11, 2007|By Lauren Ritchie, Sentinel Columnist

Starting to see a pattern?

Has the columnist reported on the positive developments that have blossomed and benefited the people of Sumter, Lake and Marion counties as a direct result of the growth of the Villages?

The hospital and copious medical services and resources that came with development would not exist for so many area residents that have availed themselves of its services and care.

The tax revenues from new Village property owners that have improved police, fire, emergency medical, public safety resources, roadways and general municipal service would not exist.

Multiple safe, planned, quality entertainment and shopping venues that are enjoyed by thousands of non-Villagers would be on some one's drawing board.

Not once, to the best of my knowledge, has Lauren Ritchie written about the the evil developer's role in bringing the Charter Schools to the region. Thousands of children benefit from first class facilities and quality educational processes now in place. Not once has Ms. Ritchie written about the scores of Villagers, many with professional education backgrounds, who volunteer and work with kids from the area....who generously donate and raise funds for educational programs. That, from my viewpoint would be a benefit to the area's educational services that would not exist without the development of the Villages....and the "evil" developer's vision.

Has anyone seen an article from Ms. Ritchie about the economic and employment opportunities that result directly from the development of The Villages. Now that would be an interesting series of articles comparing the region's economy and job growth before and after development. It would probably sell papers.....ahhhh.....but wait. It might put the evil developer in a positive light and that would be inconsistent with Ms. Ritchie and the agenda of an assortment of Village bashers. Further, it would require a real journalistic effort accompanied by empirical research and Ms. Ritchie has often reminded us that she is a columnist....not a journalist. She is unencumbered by the journalistic concepts of objectivity and balance. From a personal perspective, I am not a shill for the developer. On balance, I believe he has done more good than bad and I believe that is a net positive.

Notwithstanding those that think her "scare" commentary is beneficial in some abstract way, I believe the dearth of real, in depth reporting on this issue speaks louder than her contrived assaults on the developer and the vicarious, intended or unintended distress it may contribute to Villagers of good will.

For balance, I guess if I was born and raised here, I may have some resentment about what progress has taken away. A quiet, idyllic countryside dotted with watermelon patches, horse farms, cattle grazing peacefully and fishing holes that never heard the whine of an outboard motor. A lifestyle that insulates you from car, truck and traffic noises. A lifestyle that keeps you from the pollution of progress. Damn Walt Disney and Gary Morse.

Moffitt Center Controversy

I have had suspicions that the biased reporting on the Moffitt/ Robert Boissoneault Oncology Center controversy has been used as a circulation booster and/or part of a continuing pattern of contemporary Florida style yellow journalism directed at the The Villages and the developer.

I have heard nothing but positive accolades about the Robert Boissoneault Oncology Center and the Moffitt Cancer Center. I recently lost a family member to this insidious disease and do not understand why having both centers would be anything but positive for Villagers who need treatment options.

Wouldn't the competition offer patients more options?

Wouldn't two outstanding centers facilitate prompter treatment by virtue of more beds or appointment opportunities?

As we grow as a community, would we want to block Sloan-Kettering from opening here and competing with services?

I'm sure you can add to the list.

It's a wonderful country that gives us freedom of the press. It's equally wonderful that you can take exception to the commentary that you disagree with. If you disagree with my assessments, I would welcome divergent opinions.

For the record.....I have no connection to the developer, the Morse family or any of its varied interests. I am a 5 year Villages resident who has never met anyone in the Morse family. On occasion, I have publicly disagreed and questioned some of the developers decisions.


WOW!!! Articulate...I couldn't have said this better!!! In reading some of the other would get the opinion there's a master conspiracy going againest us. I haven't lived here long and if I wasn't an independent thinker...I'd have wondered what we'd gotten ourselves into by moving here. People, this is a free country that has grown with the Free Enterprise System...and kudos to the Morse family for having an idea and a dream and we all get to benefit from it. I say I'm happy that I have options here if the need would arise. Enough said...let's stop and smell the roses and not be looking under every leaf for something bad to pop out at us!!

bike42 02-10-2011 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by JenAjd (Post 329907)

WOW!!! Articulate...I couldn't have said this better!!! In reading some of the other would get the opinion there's a master conspiracy going against us. I haven't lived here long and if I wasn't an independent thinker...I'd have wondered what we'd gotten ourselves into by moving here. People, this is a free country that has grown with the Free Enterprise System...and kudos to the Morse family for having an idea and a dream and we all get to benefit from it. I say I'm happy that I have options here if the need would arise. Enough said...let's stop and smell the roses and not be looking under every leaf for something bad to pop out at us!!

Yes! Yes! Yes!:BigApplause:

Jane52 02-10-2011 06:08 PM

Tabloid opinion writing
Lauren Ritchie ought to be working for National Enquirer or one of the other checkout line tabloids.....maybe write about Elvis appearing amongst alien space creatures on the White House lawn or something "newsworthy" like that.

It is so evident she has a personal axe to grind w. the Republican developers. If anyone could name some non-republican developers/city planners who could or have built a community as beautiful, clean and fiscally solvent as TV, then maybe we could be convinced of the "conspiracy" theories and the "atrocity" of wanting to bring a nationally recognized Comprehensive Cancer to TV.

Especially in a time when healthcare OPTIONS are dwindling for many people w/o insurance or who are underinsured, it is appalling to see people here fighting against more OPTIONS close by for cancer victims. Until you've walked in those shoes, you have no idea as to why you ought to "be careful what you wish for" (no more cancer center options here....limit them to present providers/facilities).

And meanwhile, cancer incidence will increase by leaps and bounds as baby boomers age:

"To date, investing in cancer care has been a good bet. Cancer incidence has increased dramatically since 1975, and though it has leveled off recently, it is expected to rise an estimated 45% over the next 20 years and to nearly double by 2050. Experts point out that cancer risks increase with age and, with 76 million baby boomers entering their 60s and medical advances keeping people alive well into their 80s, demand is expected to skyrocket.
By 2025, 3.2 million New Yorkers will be over age 65, a 40% increase over today's 2.3 million, according to U.S. Census projections. Cancer is already the top killer of Americans under the age of 85...."

"Brooklyn's Maimonides Medical Center expects to record 50,000 cancer patient visits this year, up 66% in just two years. ..."

And then consider how many New Yorkers retire here in TV, much less all who come from the other 49 states.

katezbox 02-10-2011 06:32 PM

[QUOTE=nitakk;329905]I owe Morse and his family nothing - I just bought a house from him. He means nothing to me and I mean nothing to him, and that's just fine. I am under no false pretenses that he cares one way or the other about my welfare, nor I him.

In past postings I have taken a similar position. The Villages is what it is, the Morses earn their money in a variety of ways, and we have a lovely home surrounded by many friends in a community that their creativity has made special.

Having said that, I think all news sources need to be read/listened to objectively. The Sun is a mouthpiece for the Morse family. The Sentinel is a liberal paper, and Lauren Ritchie - as Cabo pointed out in detail - has a history of bashing The Villages, the Morse family, and occasionally Villagers such as ourselves.

If you held a dance at a rec center the Wildwood Soup Kitchen, how would you feel if you were only allowed use of the center if you turned over 50% of your proceeds to a charity within TV? IMHO, that is the crux of the issue here.

Red, I agree with much of your comments - but as we baby boomers age, we should be happy to have multiple top cancer centers in the area.

I have been a proud supporter of Relay for the 2 years we have lived here and will continue to be. I will likely also contribute to Moffitt - but admit that I find their fund raising no to be my cup of tea.

Mikeod 02-10-2011 06:36 PM

People, people, people!
Let's not make this an us against them thing. #1 I don't think most of the people uncomfortable with this thing are really against more choices in cancer care here. #2 I think most of us understand that everything one reads is colored by the bias of the writer, whether from Orlando or from the Sun. As usual, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

I know, personally, my discomfort is due to the way this was presented at the beginning. I think we (Villages residents) deserved to know that the developer was not donating the building for the center, but was building it with the intent of leasing the spaces. I have no problem with that arrangement. If you recall, when the POA discovered a potential Moffitt/Leesburg association, they wondered out loud why it was not to be located in TV. The reason at that time was there was no spaces adequate for the center. Well, then the developer comes forward with plans to build a facility that can house the center. Why not tell it like it is? To me, they came to the rescue. Why publish the decision as a donation when it is not? If we were told the truth at the time, what would be negative? If we were told at the beginning that Moffitt and/or CFHA usually relied on donations for equipment needs, would there be as much concern? I don't understand the apparent decision to spin the story at the beginning. :shrug:

Advogado 02-10-2011 09:52 PM

Don't shoot the messenger
Once again, Lauren Ritchie is attacked for reporting news that that our alleged local newspaper, The Daily Sun, either does not report, distorts, or buries on a back page. One may disagree with Ms. Ritchie's tone and/or her interpretation of the facts, but where are the factual inaccuracies?

I find the allegations that the Orlando Sentinel is doing its reporting on The Villages to increase circulation to be particularly absurd. How many additional subscribers do you really think the Sentinel has gotten as a result of Ms. Ritchie's articles? In fact, what the Orlando Sentinel is doing with its articles on The Villages is is what real newspapers are supposed to do-- report the facts of stories that are of importance to their readers.

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