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Old 10-17-2008, 11:05 AM
tony tony is offline
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Default New bulletin board being added

We are adding a bulletin board, or forum, to Talk Of The Villages. It will be called Nuts and bolts of The Villages and we will try to gather all the helpful information here that we have scattered around.

To start the ball rolling, zcaveman will be posting and maintaining his informational posts on Moving to The Villages. His postings pave the way for people to plan their move to The Villages, and what to do when they get there. All the nuts and bolt. You name it, he covers it, and they will be sticky posts, always staying at the top of that forum.

We hope his posts help everybody, and he deserves a round of applause of putting his work into one file.

Darrel, Jan and I welcome zcavemen and appreciate his effort.

Also, if you find other posts around the forum that you think should go there, let us know.

We'll let you know when zcaveman's posts are there.
Old 10-17-2008, 11:10 AM
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Tony, before I completely read your post, I was going to join the nuts forum!!! I really thought your post was leading to that.

Anyway thanks so much to Zcaveman for his input, always informative and very helpful!
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Last edited by nONIE; 10-17-2008 at 02:08 PM.
Old 10-17-2008, 01:56 PM
tony tony is offline
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Here you go, people.

zcaveman is quicker than I thought. He has his sticky posts up and going.

If anybody is looking for them, now you know where to find them.

zcaveman will be maintaining the posts. If you have information for him, send him a note explaining in detail what the change, addition or deletion should be.
Old 10-17-2008, 02:18 PM
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Default Great Idea

This is a terrific idea. And thanks to Tony and zcaveman. I read z's post regularly although I have no idea when we will be able to move to TV. But when the time comes we will be ready and do it right because of the great information from zcaveman.
Johannesburg, London, Wiesbaden, Fairfield CA, Tokyo, Rock Hill SC, Myrtle Beach, Denver, Baltimore, Bangkok, Hongkong, Rutland VT, New York NY, Seneca SC, and next (and last stop as soon as we sell our house) The Villages.
Old 10-17-2008, 05:00 PM
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[quote=nONIE;167527]Tony, before I completely read your post, I was going to join the nuts forum!!! I really thought your post was leading to that] Sorry Tony, I can't look at the new bulletin board I'm too busy laughing so hard at Nonie's post....

You gotta admit, she really is a very funny woman, not only the sweetest and most thoughtful, but extremely humorous.

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Old 10-17-2008, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by nONIE View Post
Tony, before I completely read your post, I was going to join the nuts forum!!! I really thought your post was leading to that] Sorry Tony, I can't look at the new bulletin board I'm too busy laughing so hard at Nonie's post....

You gotta admit, she really is a very funny woman, not only the sweetest and most thoughtful, but extremely humorous.
Yes. But she ain't right.

Edited. Someone very sweet just emailed me about this. I thought that everyone knew that "She ain't right". "He ain't right" is a term of affection in the SOUTHERN part of Ohio. I meant it that way anyway. Ya hear that NONIE? Your shiksa friend.

Last edited by graciegirl; 10-17-2008 at 07:28 PM.
Old 10-18-2008, 09:29 PM
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Its ok Gracie, really it is, what else could i expect out of a shikssa???LOL

I love ya Gracie, no need to explain!
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