Overcrowded pools this week

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Old 04-12-2009, 11:49 AM
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Default Overcrowded pools this week

I just chatted with a pool goer who said that they were turning away disgruntled pool goers at Bridgeport this morning. This would be the second time this week they have closed it due to overcrowding. Earlier in the week, Bridgeport Pool was also turning away large numbers of residents due to over crowding.

Are other pools having the same problem? Are Bridgeport residents getting shortchanged on their neighborhood pool because of over crowding by residents of other Villages? I understand that residents can use any neighborhood pool in the Villages but don't understand why Bridgeport seems to be a problem. Could it be that it directly serves 2 Bridgeport communities?

Just looking for information.
Old 04-12-2009, 11:52 AM
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Perhaps it is because this is Easter week, and just more family and friends are together.
Old 04-12-2009, 12:50 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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On most any day the Bridgeport pool (and others) can accomodate anybody...holidays are the exception. No one is getting shortchanged and people should be more patient.
Old 04-12-2009, 01:19 PM
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I would think that "patients" would be hard to come by if you showed up with your three grand kids who had their noodles under their arm, ready to swim, and they were turned away.
Old 04-12-2009, 02:30 PM
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Cool a Wannabee question......

Are there "adult only" pools ? and if so, and are they less crowded during holidays?
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 04-12-2009, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Talk Host View Post
I would think that "patients" would be hard to come by if you showed up with your three grand kids who had their noodles under their arm, ready to swim, and they were turned away.
Then I would go away for an hour and come back. When the pools are full, people are coming and going all the time.
Old 04-12-2009, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ConeyIsBabe View Post
Are there "adult only" pools ? and if so, and are they less crowded during holidays?

There are adult-only pools and they (at least during the times we have visited when children were not in school) appear to be less crowded.

Holyoke, Mass; East Granby, Monroe, Madison and Branford, Conn; Port Clyde, Maine; North Myrtle Beach, SC; The Village of Bonita (April 2009 - )
Old 04-12-2009, 08:48 PM
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There are 27 or 28 (give or take) neighborhood pools that are "Adult Only - 30 years of age or older". Many of the pools in The Villages were voted upon by the residents of that village whether or not it was to be an adult pool or a family pool. If some of the pools that are being brought up as being over crowded and was voted as such by the residents... then so be it. If some of these are adult pools and people under the age of 30 are using them, then somebody needs to say something to them and set the record straight and/or report them. On page 12 and 13 of the 2009 Villages phone book is a map and key showing where all the pools in TV are and their classification. No big secret.
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Old 04-13-2009, 08:30 AM
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Default Family Pools

We have lived in Santiago for nine years and I don't recall being able to vote on a pool designation.Not only is Santiago's Pool one of the smallest ones in the Villages it is a"Family" pool and has to support three(Santiago,Alhambra,and Santo Domingo)villages.Not complaining just stating a fact.
Old 04-13-2009, 08:48 AM
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When we were in TV last month we were looking at houses in the Santiago - Santo Domingo neighborhoods and decided to see what the pools were like. Santiago was very crowded with many children. Hacienda Hills looked like a convention was taking place there with wall-to-wall people, Savannah had an event of some kind going on and it appeared that the pool was closed for general use (I didn't check the hours or nature of the event taking place.) We didn't go to Tierra del Sol's pool but the general impression was that there seem to be far fewer pools for those neighborhoods that many other villages. It is at least a consideration in determining in which village to purchase a home.
Tom W
Old 04-13-2009, 09:18 AM
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The adult pool in The Village of ST Charles gets a good crowd never overcrowed
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Old 04-13-2009, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Ooper View Post
Many of the pools in The Villages were voted upon by the residents of that village whether or not it was to be an adult pool or a family pool. If some of the pools that are being brought up as being over crowded and was voted as such by the residents... then so be it.

Been here 6 years in 2 different houses and don't recall having a pool vote at either location.

Last edited by chuckster; 04-13-2009 at 09:39 AM.
Old 04-13-2009, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by chuckster View Post
Been here 6 years in 2 different houses and don't recall having a pool vote at either location.
I have lived in Santiago for about 7 years and the pool was already designated, whether by the residents or the Recreation Department. But there have been numerous times in The Daily Sun where shortly after a new village opened up, those residents that lived there were allowed to vote on what type of pool classification they wanted. Maybe, if somebody wanted to look into it further, they could call the Recreation Department to see if they could reclassify their pool by a vote. Again, this wasn't offered for all pools, but it was to some of them.
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Old 04-13-2009, 03:30 PM
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Default Overcrowding

The issue of overcrowding here in TV pops up periodically. I think recently the crowding was at The Wellness Center. In the 9+months I've lived here my sense is TV a mini-resort/recreational community. People seem to flock here to play and party as much as to retire. By that I mean, I have met a lot of folks ho come for a few weeks to vacation (not lifestylers) and do this repeatedly. As "buildout" approaches The Villages revenue stream will be generated less by home sales and more the way revenue is generated at Disney... people visiting and spending.
Old 04-13-2009, 05:33 PM
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Question All Villages are not equal?

So, am I to understand that some Villages have more community pools than others? Does the Village population or density determine how many pools there are? What than This would be a big factor in my decision because I don't play golf and not into picleball....... but I would be a frequent visitor to the local pool and I would be irritated to find it "full" !
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
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