Pool cost

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Old 07-19-2009, 09:14 PM
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Default Pool cost

Can anyone give me an idea on the annual cost to operate a swimming pool?

Old 07-19-2009, 10:15 PM
ijusluvit ijusluvit is offline
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Since I am not at my place for a good part of the year I hire Villages Pool Service. They come on the same day each week and charge $96.00 monthly. Mark, the owner, is a real expert and his service is superb.
Old 07-20-2009, 06:17 AM
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You need to look at all the costs, not just the pool service. I use T&D and they cost $22 a week. However electric cost between house with a pool and one without, is about another $100 a month because your running the pump 8 to 10 hours a day. Then there is usually some type of service required. Pool light, pool heater, tile replacement, painting the lanai surface with non slip paint every 3 years, additional taxes, and probably a couple others I forgot. Then why have a pool unless you heat it? Gas bill in the winter can go to $400 a month. So my annual cost is somewhere close to $6000, or about $500 a month. However so far worth every penny.
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Old 07-20-2009, 06:37 AM
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Default That's Why We Don't Have One

Amenity fee at $130 a month is my cost to "own" (sorta) a pool. Comes in handy when I'm testing new fishing lures and bang one of the side of the pool. No liners to snag, all concrete floor surrounding pool, , 30-40 chairs with tables, ceiling fans, and 2 outside bathrooms.... Made me feel right at home.
Old 07-20-2009, 07:17 AM
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Originally Posted by F16 1UB View Post
Amenity fee at $130 a month is my cost to "own" (sorta) a pool. Comes in handy when I'm testing new fishing lures and bang one of the side of the pool. No liners to snag, all concrete floor surrounding pool, , 30-40 chairs with tables, ceiling fans, and 2 outside bathrooms.... Made me feel right at home.
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Old 07-20-2009, 11:47 AM
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We had a pool for 25 years in Orlando, but it wasn't heated except by the Florida sun - It was not screen enclosed. My husband maintained it (very little maintenance with polaris) other than chemicals which were probably about 7-$10 a week, electric to run the pump which we ran 10-12 hours a day, increased insurance costs on your homeowners policy and an umbrella policy to cover potential liability. We enjoyed it a lot and did the boys and their friends, but are very glad to be rid of it at this stage of our life and enjoy the community pool.
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Old 07-20-2009, 03:50 PM
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Default Our own pool

We used to have a pool in our back yard. Didn't cost us a cent. Every time we had a heavy rain ....... voila ... instant pool. Didn't stay to long, but the price was right and no maintenance.

I was going to tell the pool police, but then they probably would have told me I was not allowed to have my own pool in the back of my yard.
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