Purchase question

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Old 02-13-2009, 02:33 PM
gharper gharper is offline
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Default Purchase question

Originally Posted by Russ_Boston View Post
NY - I see that one right here:http://www.thevillages.com/homes/new...&sid=799196964

I think that one may have a little issue (looks like power lines right behind?). It is the only one much under 200K.

But I do agree that there are some good prices on new right now (plus bond of course).

I like this style here: http://www.thevillages.com/homes/new...&sid=799190685

I just joined the forum. We are looking to buy a house in TV during the slump in prices. I heard that if you buy north of 466 there is no bond, thus more savings. Our salesman told us it does not matter because on a new house they "tape" your house (measure it) and value it much lower than if you buy a resale. Therefore, he says, they come out about the same. What do you think of that? He also said they tax at 100% in Marion county and 85% in Sumpter county.


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