Sky Poop

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Old 04-25-2007, 02:16 PM
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Default Sky Poop

Yes I know. Weird topic. No, it's not about that "blue ice" ejected from jet liners. It's something different....perhaps even lofty and poetic. There's been a lot of buzz in the forum regarding....let's be poop around town. I work from home.....give me a computer, an internet connection, a phone and a calculator....and I'm in business. Sometimes I take a break and go out on the lanai and look up into the sky to take-in the beautiful flatland vista that Florida living offers. Have you ever watched how the clouds move and change formation and sometimes just scream for a "Rorschach" interpretation? Of course you do. Well, this afternoon, I spied a cloud (a few clouds actually) that I swear looked exactly like a poodle taking a dump.....yup....right there in our pristine blue sky......over The Villages no less. There in the sky was a white poodle, an all poofy sort of one, hunched over doing its thing. A little cloud (real little) appeared to be expelled with a little wisp of another cloud that was attached giving the impression that this dainty poodle was leaving a real "steamer". How dare this ....over The Villages proper. Lofty...definitely yes. Poetic....nah....don't think so. But pretty cool I think. Just thought I share that with y'all.
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Old 03-15-2013, 05:57 AM
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:: TV even have poop in the sky

There is a fascination with poo down dar
My alarm doesn't have a snooze button. It has a paw.

Old 03-15-2013, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by JohnZ View Post
Yes I know. Weird topic. No, it's not about that "blue ice" ejected from jet liners. It's something different....perhaps even lofty and poetic. There's been a lot of buzz in the forum regarding....let's be poop around town. I work from home.....give me a computer, an internet connection, a phone and a calculator....and I'm in business. Sometimes I take a break and go out on the lanai and look up into the sky to take-in the beautiful flatland vista that Florida living offers. Have you ever watched how the clouds move and change formation and sometimes just scream for a "Rorschach" interpretation? Of course you do. Well, this afternoon, I spied a cloud (a few clouds actually) that I swear looked exactly like a poodle taking a dump.....yup....right there in our pristine blue sky......over The Villages no less. There in the sky was a white poodle, an all poofy sort of one, hunched over doing its thing. A little cloud (real little) appeared to be expelled with a little wisp of another cloud that was attached giving the impression that this dainty poodle was leaving a real "steamer". How dare this ....over The Villages proper. Lofty...definitely yes. Poetic....nah....don't think so. But pretty cool I think. Just thought I share that with y'all.
Sure do miss John Z's contributions.
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