Tired of Postage Stamp Increases!!!

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Old 04-16-2007, 09:50 AM
Kathie Kathie is offline
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Default Tired of Postage Stamp Increases!!!

I work as a Customer Services Representative for the VCCDD Utilities and have noticed a lot of the Villagers are still mailing your water/sewer/amenities bill. You sure could save yourself a few bucks by just dropping that bill in the amenities box at your postal station. We pick up everyday!!! Postage stamps have increased due to the wonderful world of internet. Just trying to help ya'll. Have a great day!!
Old 04-16-2007, 10:17 AM
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Default Re: Tired of Postage Stamp Increases!!!

Originally Posted by Kathie
I work as a Customer Services Representative for the VCCDD Utilities and have noticed a lot of the Villagers are still mailing your water/sewer/amenities bill. You sure could save yourself a few bucks by just dropping that bill in the amenities box at your postal station. We pick up everyday!!! Postage stamps have increased due to the wonderful world of internet. Just trying to help ya'll. Have a great day!!
Hi Kathie,

Thanks for the reminder. Could you put up a notice at the VCCDD boxes for residents to check Talk of The Villages at talkofthevillages.com for VCCDD information and other Villages news?

Jan Kokochak
Old 04-16-2007, 06:39 PM
sparky sparky is offline
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Default Re: Tired of Postage Stamp Increases!!!

Kathie, I signed up for automatic payment from my checking account. Why does the VCCD still send out bills that use postage? ??? Why not send e mail notices????? All your phone,credit card companies, etc do this.
Sidney, Ohio 39-1968,<br />Dallas, Texas 68-69<br />Algonquin, Ill. 69-74<br />Fairfield, Ohio 74-78<br />Marietta, Ga. 78-98<br />Big canoe, Ga. 98-2002<br />The Villages, Fl 02-present
Old 04-17-2007, 06:23 AM
Kathie Kathie is offline
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Default Re: Tired of Postage Stamp Increases!!!

In reply to the Amenities Boxes. We are not allowed to post any kind of signage on those boxes. There is a message board at all postal stations and I don't know who is in charge of "THE KEY" to open those locked boards. I do know you can contact your district representative about questions like that.

Also, as far as mailing out the monthly bills. It is required and is in the budget that we mail out all bills so that customers who are on automatic draft will see this on their statement and know that on "THE DUE DATE" is when they will be drafted. Also, customers are required to see their usage and charges. TECO AND SECO, Comcast and everyother bill you can think of sends out statements notifying you of your draft date also. Perhaps it would require a more extensive program from the Information Systems Staff to gather lots of data and emails to send that out. Hope I have helped.

Word of mouth gets around The Villages pretty fast and also "Letters to the editor" of the Daily Sun and The "Reporter" is widely read. Give them a shout on your computer.
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