VLS Agents: Does it matter?

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Unread 02-02-2025, 10:46 AM
ElDiabloJoe ElDiabloJoe is offline
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Default VLS Agents: Does it matter?

I know many of us have had experiences with VLS agent, be-it excellent, good, average, or bad.

My question is: Does it matter who your agent is?

I don't mean their personal attention and service. I mean do some agents get better access to information or potential sales access (first call or "dibs") for their clients based on either their seniority, size of their team (some are families working together), or their sales history of bringing dollars to The Villages? Are they all on even footing as far as inside information and access to serve their clients? First-hand insight preferred, please.
Chino 1960's to 1976, Torrance, CA 1976-1983, 87-91, 94-98 / Frederick Co., MD 1983-1987/ Valencia, CA 1991-1994/ Brea, CA 1998-2002/ Dana Point, CA 2002-2019/ Knoxville, TN 2019-Current/ FL 2022-Current
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"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.” Thomas Paine
Unread 02-02-2025, 08:07 PM
shaw8700@outlook.com's Avatar
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They all get the information at the same time. Now an agent can decide when and if they tell you the information.
I wish I knew what I don’t know.
Unread 02-02-2025, 08:43 PM
Laker14 Laker14 is offline
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I was happy with the one experience we had with a VLS agent. We wound up deciding on a home via MLS, but it it was the home not the agent that determined it.
I don't love the fact that they don't share their commission with a buyer's agent, so you either have to trust them not to screw you, or you have to pay your own agent out of your own pocket. Having said that, I have never heard anyone complain about the net result of using a VLS agent.
Unread 02-03-2025, 07:21 AM
brianherlihy brianherlihy is offline
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bad bad n and real bad stay a way go mls
Unread 02-03-2025, 10:57 AM
ElDiabloJoe ElDiabloJoe is offline
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Originally Posted by brianherlihy View Post
bad bad n and real bad stay a way go mls
I'm not asking about VLS vs MLS. I'm asking if there are any real differences in advantages between VLS agents. Do some get better, more, or faster information or get other internal advantages due to their seniority or team size or gross sales numbers? Are ALL the VLS agents on equal footing or are some "more" equal than others?
Chino 1960's to 1976, Torrance, CA 1976-1983, 87-91, 94-98 / Frederick Co., MD 1983-1987/ Valencia, CA 1991-1994/ Brea, CA 1998-2002/ Dana Point, CA 2002-2019/ Knoxville, TN 2019-Current/ FL 2022-Current
Unread 02-03-2025, 12:53 PM
CigarMaster CigarMaster is online now
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Experience in VLS and the TV area in general is a must. Plus you want someone who is in your age bracket helping you. We dumped the 20ish year old person who didn't understand and picked someone closer to our age.

Just my two pennies worth.
I have another home that is not in Florida. Therefore quit whining and crying about me violating deed restrictions when I comment.
Unread 02-03-2025, 01:48 PM
MplsPete MplsPete is online now
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Originally Posted by Laker14 View Post
... I don't love the fact that they don't share their commission with a buyer's agent, so you either have to trust them not to screw you, or you have to pay your own agent out of your own pocket...
How exactly might they screw you?
Unread 02-03-2025, 07:18 PM
BrianL99 BrianL99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Laker14 View Post

I don't love the fact that they don't share their commission with a buyer's agent, so you either have to trust them not to screw you, or you have to pay your own agent out of your own pocket. Having said that, I have never heard anyone complain about the net result of using a VLS agent.
It sounds like you may be confused about the process or VLS? I have it on fairly good authority, that both the Listing and Selling representative get paid on VLS sales (like any real estate office would do). I'm not exactly sure what you mean by a "Buyer's Agent"? In order to receive a "Commission" in Florida, you must be a Licensed Broker (unless your selling for a Developer, from their own portfolio, like new homes in TV). Where does a "Buyer's Agent" get into the equation?

Originally Posted by ElDiabloJoe View Post
I'm not asking about VLS vs MLS. I'm asking if there are any real differences in advantages between VLS agents. Do some get better, more, or faster information or get other internal advantages due to their seniority or team size or gross sales numbers? Are ALL the VLS agents on equal footing or are some "more" equal than others?
If VLS is like any other Multiple Listing service in the USA, the answer is "yes" unofficially and "no" officially.

A Listing Broker will always know what properties they have coming online and a good one, will let his/her friends know about it, before it hits the wire.

"Officially", it's bad business practice and contrary to good employee relations to do such a thing ... not that it doesn't happen between friends.
Unread 02-04-2025, 05:57 AM
Laurawilcox Laurawilcox is offline
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We changed VLS agents three times based on their ability to understand our needs. Our decision was also based on the number of home sites they procured in any offering. Three of us received the lots we wanted with them in a handful of lots. This was their typical pattern. They all have access to the same information, however, some have better approaches in place.
Laura and Michael new to DeLuna in Fall 2022
Unread 02-04-2025, 07:36 AM
paulcallaway paulcallaway is offline
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Default VLS agent

I think that it matters very much which VLS agent you choose. Agents like Frank and Judi DiPietro have brokered a LOT of sales here and have a very large, very loyal following that will contact them directly with a new listing.
There is an old expression that goes (loosely) : "20% of the agents are hard workers that produce 80 % of the sales." This might apply to Frank and Judi.
Unread 02-04-2025, 08:27 AM
ByebyeMichigan ByebyeMichigan is offline
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We bought 6 months ago. When all said and done we had 3 different VLS realtors. First one who we really liked unexpectedly retired , second guy was awful so we requested another , third guy was great and is who we bought our new home with ……
Unread 02-04-2025, 09:11 AM
Pat2015 Pat2015 is offline
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Originally Posted by Laker14 View Post
I was happy with the one experience we had with a VLS agent. We wound up deciding on a home via MLS, but it it was the home not the agent that determined it.
I don't love the fact that they don't share their commission with a buyer's agent, so you either have to trust them not to screw you, or you have to pay your own agent out of your own pocket. Having said that, I have never heard anyone complain about the net result of using a VLS agent.
MLS splits commissions between the buyer’s agent and sellers agent unless you just used the sellers agent for the transaction.
Unread 02-04-2025, 09:28 AM
BrianL99 BrianL99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Pat2015 View Post
MLS splits commissions between the buyer’s agent and sellers agent unless you just used the sellers agent for the transaction.

"Shares", not necessarily "splits". I've been in 100's of transactions, less than 70% were a "split".
Unread 02-04-2025, 09:59 AM
Lisanp@aol.com Lisanp@aol.com is offline
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No, I'm with a "top" agent (wins annual awards, cars, etc) and have lost out on 9 "lotteries" the past few months. There is no preference.

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