bond costs in Hadley for a designer home

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Old 05-21-2008, 03:03 PM
mikey mikey is offline
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Default bond costs in Hadley for a designer home

It appears as if most of the new homes are in Hadley. Could those of you who have recently purchased a new home there please provide information on what the bond costs are as well as the closing costs. There have been some statements that the developer is now willing to pay closing costs, but that does not seem too realistic to me. Thanks for your help.
Old 05-21-2008, 03:56 PM
ohiogolf ohiogolf is offline
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Default Re: bond costs in Hadley for a designer home

The bond for our CYV in Hadley that had a basis around $190,000 is $13,288. I hope this helps. we purchased in February.
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