Coupon Exchange

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Old 06-05-2009, 08:46 AM
softfire softfire is offline
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Default Coupon Exchange

I am hoping to start a coupon exchange club in the villages. Any and all coupons one does not use,or doubles you'd like to share. Any and all specials you may have heard, bring to the monerator to present to the club. I would like to know how many are interested in such a club. Once a month. On a Tuesday morning 9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m. You may contact me here by leaving me a name and phone number, or call 352-753-9307. This club is open to all villagers. This idea is along the idea of garage sales, some elses throw aways , may be some elses treasures. Looking forward to hearing from you. Please, if you'd like this to happen, bring smiles and laughter with you. This is not going to be a serious club. Simply men and woman getting together to share and receive.
Thank you everyone.
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