Can anyone explain this "Wiki-leaks"?

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Old 11-29-2010, 02:08 PM
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Default Can anyone explain this "Wiki-leaks"?

This may belong in political, but I think more of it as world affairs. I have been so busy and the few brief things I've heard....or read...I don't understand.

Did someone hack into a secure site and get the info?

How did this information get put out there?

How serious is it?
Old 11-29-2010, 02:13 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
This may belong in political, but I think more of it as world affairs. I have been so busy and the few brief things I've heard....or read...I don't understand.

Did someone hack into a secure site and get the info?

How did this information get put out there?

How serious is it?
Gracie..this should help you get started.
Old 11-29-2010, 04:53 PM
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The 9/11 Commission was very critical of the lack of information sharing among intelligence, military, state, and law enforcement agencies. Now that info is available to many more thousands of people over classified networks. One low level military PFC had access and decided to download as much as he could to Lady Gaga labeled CDs and smuggled them out of the Pentagon. He released them to WikiLeaks. He is now in custody but he hasn't been charged with treason. WikiLeaks has released about 5 rounds of classified downloads so far this year. They were all military related mostly going back to the last administration so nothing much was done. However, the latest release was state dept secrets and now this administration is embarrassed and wants to take action. All of these leaks are potentially serious and some say WikiLeaks already has blood on their hands since some of the military documents didn't redact the names of local informers.
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