Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

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Old 09-03-2007, 06:53 AM
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Default Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

I haven't watched it in years. I guess I never really liked it. The cause is certainly worthy, but it has never been an attraction for me. :dontknow:
Old 09-03-2007, 07:05 AM
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

Jan - I've always watched it off/on.. donate my usual dollars... I think when Jerry was younger and was on stage more the interest was higher... also, I believe when he was out of LV he generated more interest and guests.. what I found interesting - my wife always looked forward to watching it , starting at 9pm Sunday nite when we were living in NYC area. When we relocated to western NY, we found the telethon didnt start airing til Monday morning sometime... we lost some interest!
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Old 09-05-2007, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

I'm with you - never found the telethon with jerry lewis much of an attraction. Great cause but never thought jerry lewis was playing with 52 cards - this may be wrong to say but felt like maybe there should be a telethon for him -- oh that was bad - well maybe not a bad a his slip on live television - i guess it was a joke?? never really thought his joke were funny just kind of retarded - i really bow to the man - he has done so much over the years for charity we need more people like him who give his time - etc
Old 09-05-2007, 12:51 PM
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

Originally Posted by nitehawk
I'm with you - never found the telethon with jerry lewis much of an attraction. Great cause but never thought jerry lewis was playing with 52 cards - this may be wrong to say but felt like maybe there should be a telethon for him -- oh that was bad - well maybe not a bad a his slip on live television - i guess it was a joke?? never really thought his joke were funny just kind of retarded - i really bow to the man - he has done so much over the years for charity we need more people like him who give his time - etc
I was never a fan of his either - always thought his humor pretty dumb - always thought his cause very worthy. At the risk of going somewhat off topic, I am inclined though to cut him some major slack with his comment. He's a comedian, and said it as part of a routine he was doing. Today's comedians say AWFUL things about others, and I think it's OK when said in fun. To say it with ill will or hatred is wrong. And some people are just too darned sensitive. You don't hear the illiterates complaining about his comment, do you? ;D
Old 09-05-2007, 01:23 PM
jjdees jjdees is offline
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

He may be getting a bit flaky but that does seem to be something that will happen to most of us. He has though, done an absolutely tremendous job raising money to fight the muscular diseases. My hat is off to him. I hope they find a cure in his lifetime.
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Old 09-05-2007, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

I for one have been a lifelong Jerry Lewis FAN Actually I am shocked to find so many who don't follow the telethon every year. I admit it was more exciting when all those stars we all knew were alive. They would all show up for Jerry. This year many of the acts i had never seen or heard before. However it is Jerry Lewis doing his thing for these kids. I hope someday we will find out what brought him to such involvement with MDS.
He made me laugh my butt off through out my childhood and there are none like him left.
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Old 09-07-2007, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Does anybody watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon anymore?

I watch Jerry Lewis' telethon occasionally while flipping channels. If there is an act I like on the telethon, I will keep the channel on. Usually, this is also in between DVDs I might be watching. I watch a lot more DVDs than regular television. Was going to say TV but there is a new meaning for tv especially on this message board.
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