The expendable soldier

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Old 02-13-2009, 07:46 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Default The expendable soldier

Last night was a national tragedy... 50 people died suddenly in a horrific plane crash. It, naturally was on every news station all day. Imagine the grief and heartache those families are experiencing at this moment.

How many of you knew that in the month of January half that many (I believe 24) US Army active duty soldiers committed suicide? Where's the horrror and national grief? That is more casualties than those killed in combat in Iraq and Afgan... . I just came back from visiting my son and his family in Ft Lewis, Wash. As I strolled around the area I was taken back by the young mothers out with their children walking in parks and downtown without their dad... who is deployed.... some for the 4th deploy't. Next time you're in the airport and see a soldier... just say thanks. It's taking a toll on them mentally....
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