Have you given up your hard wired phone line?

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Old 09-16-2010, 01:28 PM
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Default Have you given up your hard wired phone line?

And now only have a cell phone?
What do you miss, if anything not having "HOME" PHONE?

Old 09-16-2010, 01:45 PM
Minnesotalyn Minnesotalyn is offline
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I don't miss anything and we got rid of our's 3 yrs ago
Old 09-16-2010, 01:51 PM
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We gave up our land-line more than a year ago. I can truly say that we don't miss it.

Sometimes when I don't have my cellphone in the same room, I don't get to it in time to answer a call. But, I can see who called and call right back. Sometimes, I don't know where I put it and if I had the land-line, I'd be able to call my cellphone and hear where it is. But that's not worth the cost of a home phone. I don't miss using one. Not at all.
Old 09-16-2010, 01:51 PM
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Went with cell phone only two years ago. Never regretted dropping the land line.
New York, California, Pennsylvania, Florida
Old 09-16-2010, 02:00 PM
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Have a land line and as long as I live in hurricane/tornado area I will keep it.
When we lived on the Outerbanks of NC we were without power for 6 days, which if I had a cell phone I would not have been able to charge it. There were other times we lost power due to hurricanes but for shorter periods of time.

We were in an neighborhood that had underground utilities but the power lines along the main road went down, but the phone lines were never affected, why I have no idea.

Do have a prepaid trace phone for when we travel.
North of Pgh and OBX

Last edited by obxgal; 09-16-2010 at 02:49 PM.
Old 09-16-2010, 02:42 PM
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Still have a land line and probably will until cell phone sound quality gets better. I can instantly tell when someone is calling from a cell phone. We're not big phone talkers anyway and I hate paying embarq/century link $26/month, but, quality counts.

We're just the opposite from most of y'all...we each have pre-paid Tracfone for cell service ... $100/year for 600 minutes and we never use up all the minutes.

So, one landline and two cheapo prepaid cell phones.
Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:49 PM
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Started using Magic Jack over 5 years ago and other than some minor issues it has worked well for us along with our mobile phones. For $19.95 a year, I can tolerate some minor issues
Mississippi; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; The Villages (Polo Ridge) Keep it in the short grass!!!

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Old 09-16-2010, 03:04 PM
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11 years with just a cell phone. Actually added another cell phone for my wife about 3 years ago. I don't miss a thing not having a land line.

I have a car charger for the cell phone in the glove box. Our latest cell phones can also be charged directly by using the laptop's usb. I also keep a small low cost inverter in the trunk so that I can use the AC adapter for the computer while I'm in the car. It converts 12v direct current to 120v Alternating Current. We feel that we are prepared.

Old 09-16-2010, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
We gave up our land-line more than a year ago. I can truly say that we don't miss it.

Sometimes when I don't have my cellphone in the same room, I don't get to it in time to answer a call. But, I can see who called and call right back. Sometimes, I don't know where I put it and if I had the land-line, I'd be able to call my cellphone and hear where it is. But that's not worth the cost of a home phone. I don't miss using one. Not at all.
I have a landline phone that has bluetooth capability.
When I come home I place the cell near the base. I have three other extensions throught our house ( two floors) A cell call comes in and all the phones ring. You can have two cells on the same land line but it will work with only one at a time. You can also make a call on any of the extensions connected to your cell. Very nifty.... Costco sells it. Vtech phone. I know no Costco at TV.
Old 09-16-2010, 03:42 PM
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I have always, always had a land line. Just old fashioned part of me I suppose. I didn't want to give it up.

When I finally was forced by my techie husband to get a cell phone a few months ago, I tried to get rid of my land line and couldn't because it is tied to my wireless Internet.

So now, I have to pay $10 a month for a land line that doesn't have any features except local calls, 1-800 calls and receives calls. Bahh. I never thought I could, but I could live without the land line easily.

I made certain everyone I know and love and is important to me have my cell phone number. I have a $45 a month plan from Wal-mart and that little phone is awesome.

I get unlimited Internet, text messages and phone calls for $45 a month. Period. The service has worked everywhere on the east coast from near the Canadian border to south Florida. I wouldn't trade it for a land line now that I have gotten use to having it with me.
Old 09-16-2010, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by aljetmet View Post
I have a landline phone that has bluetooth capability.
When I come home I place the cell near the base. I have three other extensions throught our house ( two floors) A cell call comes in and all the phones ring. You can have two cells on the same land line but it will work with only one at a time. You can also make a call on any of the extensions connected to your cell. Very nifty.... Costco sells it. Vtech phone. I know no Costco at TV.
Is there a monthly fee? How much?
Old 09-16-2010, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by villages07 View Post
Still have a land line and probably will until cell phone sound quality gets better. I can instantly tell when someone is calling from a cell phone. We're not big phone talkers anyway and I hate paying embarq/century link $26/month, but, quality counts.

We're just the opposite from most of y'all...we each have pre-paid Tracfone for cell service ... $100/year for 600 minutes and we never use up all the minutes.

So, one landline and two cheapo prepaid cell phones.
Hi V07,
I don't talk on the phone much either and never use up all my minutes. If I used a cellphone primarily for calls, I'd probably get one like yours!

It's strange though, when I think about it. Of all the things I can do with my cellphone, I use it the least for talking on the phone. I use it most often to read various news media, sometimes read books synced with my Kindle if I'm waiting somewhere, check weather, use golf GPS, take photos, get my daily Sudoku fix, listen to music. I use it for other stuff too, but you get the idea. It's as much a "to go" computer as it is a phone.
Old 09-16-2010, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by obxgal View Post
Have a land line and as long as I live in hurricane/tornado area I will keep it.
When we lived on the Outerbanks of NC we were without power for 6 days, which if I had a cell phone I would not have been able to charge it. There were other times we lost power due to hurricanes but for shorter periods of time.

We were in an neighborhood that had underground utilities but the power lines along the main road went down, but the phone lines were never affected, why I have no idea.

Do have a prepaid trace phone for when we travel.
Charge it in your car whnae you're out & about.Problem solved!!
Old 09-16-2010, 04:33 PM
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Been without a landline for over a year now.My wife & I both have cell phones.Haven't regretted not having a landline.
Old 09-16-2010, 05:09 PM
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Default Curious

How does not having a land line work with a MedicAlert system?
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