Paranormal News..

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Old 06-13-2008, 12:25 AM
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Default Paranormal News..

'Earthbound Spirits' are Discovered Inside Ripley's Haunted Adventure in Myrtle Beach

2008-06-11 16:46:02 - Experts examined sounds and images and have identified at least four spirits living at the attraction on Ocean Boulevard

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (June 11, 2008) - Following a series of mysterious sounds, events and apparitions at Ripley's Haunted Adventure attraction on Ocean Boulevard, Ripley officials called in the experts from Coastal Spirit Chasers to assist them in identifying the cause of these events.

Following several investigations at the attraction, the team identified at least four earthbound spirits residing in the attraction. The primary spirit dubbed the 'antagonist' seems to be the most prominent. In all, there are two other male spirits, one of whom speaks only of finding a woman named Carol, and the spirit of a woman who appears to have taken up residence there.

Ripley's was first alerted to the situation after noticing several sounds they could not identify, seeing inexplicable images, having guests speak of 'sensing spirits throughout the building,' and witnessing a plethora of bizarre unexplained occurrences.

Ironically, the story line for the haunted attraction is based on spirits that roam the halls, remnants of the previous business, a casket company. The writers of the presentation claim they were not aware of any earthbound spirits when they created the fictional show, recreated daily by live actors within the attraction.

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