Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Part Time Jobs in The Villages - How Easy To Get - Pay Rate & Other Info
For those of us coming to TV in the next year or so and who might want a part time job for whatever reason (a little extra income, maintain something productive to do, etc.) what is the market like?*
How easy is it to get a part time job at the "base" rates; at higher pay rates?* How many of you have part time jobs and what are they in? I heard $7 to $8 per hour is pretty common, unless you have some special high demand skill.* What are the "high demand skills" in TV that offer part time employment?* I've noticed most higher paying jobs are full time. Can anyone comment on Barnes and Noble employment? Here is one link to potential job openings, a few of which are part time:
Brockton, MA 1946-49 * Fort Lauderdale 1950-66 * Northern Virginia (Army) 1967-69 * North Lauderdale 1970-72 * Coconut Creek 1973-87 * St. Louis 1988-89 # Northern Virginia (again) 1990-2000 * Destin, FL 2001-08 * The Villages - Amelia/Hadley
Re: Part Time Jobs in The Villages - How Easy To Get - Pay Rate & Other Info
I can't comment on employment opportunities since I'm not there yet but I have some thoughts on the issue. I did some analysis with my wife since she was also looking for something productive to do in terms of self esteem etc. My course is set since I'll be an RN and plan on working for the next decade or so in that field at a facility in or near TV.
What Linda is going to do is seek out volunteer opportunities either at the hospital or other area. This way she won't be tied down to someone else's schedule for those times that we want to take a trip etc. Since RN's usually work 3 days (or less) I don't want her tied down to a job that isn't flexible. She likes the idea of being a help to someone else even if it doesn't pay real dollars. Just my plan but i thought it might be something to consider unless the money is an issue for your situation. Russ |
Re: Part Time Jobs in The Villages - How Easy To Get - Pay Rate & Other Info
How many TOTV'ers have part time employment?
Brockton, MA 1946-49 * Fort Lauderdale 1950-66 * Northern Virginia (Army) 1967-69 * North Lauderdale 1970-72 * Coconut Creek 1973-87 * St. Louis 1988-89 # Northern Virginia (again) 1990-2000 * Destin, FL 2001-08 * The Villages - Amelia/Hadley
Re: Part Time Jobs in The Villages - How Easy To Get - Pay Rate & Other Info
GF, the grocery stores seem to always be hiring part-timers. So does the developer. The problem is the pay rate -- $7.00-$7.50 an hour. Maybe up to $10.00 an hour if you're skilled as a electrician or the like. The restaurants may hire one of the older generation to be a host/hostess, but the server positions usually go to the kids. You do have to be careful, though. Many of these "part-time" positions frequently have full-time hours, especially at the grocery stores (which is probably why they always have openings). Many of the stores here will be happy to hire you as a part-timer. Again, the hourly rate is minimal.
Hope this helps a little.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay) "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein |
Re: Part Time Jobs in The Villages - How Easy To Get - Pay Rate & Other Info
Thanks, Redwitch. It sounds fairly easy to get a part time job at these salary levels and that there may be some options available. We can be a little choosy, but not a whole bunch. Thanks for the heads up about being cajoled into working more than full time hours - probably with the threat of not being "a team player."
Brockton, MA 1946-49 * Fort Lauderdale 1950-66 * Northern Virginia (Army) 1967-69 * North Lauderdale 1970-72 * Coconut Creek 1973-87 * St. Louis 1988-89 # Northern Virginia (again) 1990-2000 * Destin, FL 2001-08 * The Villages - Amelia/Hadley
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