Price of oil today????

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Old 09-16-2008, 12:51 PM
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Default Price of oil today????

Does anybody but me wonder why the price of oil trading today around $90/barrel isn't headline news like it was on the way up?
Maybe they think some of us have forgotten what the price of gas was as it was escalating through and above $90.
Oil has come down almost $50/barrel from it's high and the price of gasoline has done what?
How easily we allow ourselves to be had.
How quickly we forget!

Old 09-18-2008, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
Does anybody but me wonder why the price of oil trading today around $90/barrel isn't headline news like it was on the way up?
Maybe they think some of us have forgotten what the price of gas was as it was escalating through and above $90.
Oil has come down almost $50/barrel from it's high and the price of gasoline has done what?
How easily we allow ourselves to be had.
How quickly we forget!

BTK, I noticed. It would have been a good day to unload some Winnebago stock!

What amazes me, the gas stations raise prices as soon as the oil prices rise in the oil market (not refined gasoline, not even out of the ground yet). Apparently the reason being "We have to raise it or we'll be paying too much for the future oil" or whatever. Bunch of in my opinion. But NOTHING on the way down. Incredible. Price of oil is down almost 1/3. Do you think gas will go from $4 to $2.70 as a result? No, it's maybe dropped a dime, and the fear of Gustav or Ike damaging the Gulf of Mexico has kept it high. It's absolutely amazing how this level of greed is encouraged!
I heard a report that Americans drove 10,000,000,000 (yes, 10 BILLION) less miles this year. So demand is down. Why aren't the prices too?

But I suppose, if we had a baker as president, the price of bread would be through the roof!
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