Snake skin

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Old 07-04-2008, 01:18 PM
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Default Snake skin

My lawn guy saw a snake skin near my front door and pointed it out to me. It is a little over 2 feet in length and is complete from head to tail so it looks like a healthy snake from this linked web-site.

The lawn guy said that it could be something from a black racer to a water moccasin to a pygmy rattlesnake.

Other than not venturing near my front door, anyone have any suggestions?

Of course, this snake could be long gone by now. From the web-link it looks like it is the snake that is just about to shead its skin that can be very aggressive.
Old 07-04-2008, 04:58 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

OH Boy. I didn't want to think about snakes shedding their skin. I didn't want to know that when the were doing it they got irritable, and I didn't want to know that after they did they defecated and drank huge quantities of water.

I want to believe that your snake, Tal, and all Villages snakes have left town.

End of story.
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Old 07-04-2008, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Tal, I think you can rule out the pygmy rattler. If it is a fat skin it could be a moc. Most likely it's a harmless garter snake. Please don't hurt it if you see him. Unless a snake is menacing to me and I know it's poisonous, I never kill it. Living right on the water, I have had more than my fair share of snakes in the yard. We coexist peacefully. I've had to remove one from my garage several times..he wants me to share garage space. I sort of know where he goes so I keep an eye out for him. He is nonpoisonous and non aggressive so I'm OK with him.
The Villages, Florida
Old 07-04-2008, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Congrats Tal!

Aren't snakes good luck? LOL

I have a big one living between my garage door and front door, behind the siding. It's about 4 ft long, and black. I almost picked it up one time when I was closing the garage door, and it was lying right where the door would've hit it. I thought it was a branch or something, at first. It looked like a bicycle tire, but stretched out. I reached down to move it out of the way. When my hand got close, it suddenly moved. Yikes! I don't mind it being there, just don't want to be startled by it!
Old 07-04-2008, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

I suggest you have the skin made into a wallet.
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Old 07-04-2008, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Hmmm. Behind the siding. (shiver)

Wasn't it St. Patrick who drove all of the snakes out of Ireland?

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Old 07-04-2008, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

I suggest you enlist samhass the snake charmer to encourage the snake to move on down the road
Old 07-04-2008, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Originally Posted by samhass
Tal, I think you can rule out the pygmy rattler. If it is a fat skin it could be a moc. Most likely it's a harmless garter snake. Please don't hurt it if you see him. Unless a snake is menacing to me and I know it's poisonous, I never kill it. Living right on the water, I have had more than my fair share of snakes in the yard. We coexist peacefully. I've had to remove one from my garage several times..he wants me to share garage space. I sort of know where he goes so I keep an eye out for him. He is nonpoisonous and non aggressive so I'm OK with him.
The snake skin was fairly skinny and just over 24 inches so you are right samhass that it probably is not a moc nor a pygmy rattlesnake. It seems too short for a black racer as I have seen these in Palm Harbor, FL. and they seem to be about twice that size.
Old 07-05-2008, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Makes no difference to me whether it is a black racer or a red convertible. I don't like snakes. AND Sam? Don't worry about me harming a snake. I wouldn't get close enough to even insult one.
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Old 07-05-2008, 03:03 AM
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Default Re: Snake skin

You would have loved the big gator swimming across Lake Sumter this evening. It looked pretty hefty.
The Villages, Florida
Old 07-05-2008, 05:07 AM
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Default Re: Snake skin

You think he is coming in to your house after the RATS in the bathroom ? :dontknow:
Da Sgt
Old 07-05-2008, 05:36 AM
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Default Re: Snake skin

SGT!!!!!! 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl
Old 07-05-2008, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Originally Posted by Sgt Mac
You think he is coming in to your house after the RATS in the bathroom ? :dontknow:
Da Sgt
Think those rats are bigger than the snake. :joke:
Old 07-05-2008, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

It's an election year - they are everywhere! (LOL)

About the only time I can remember a snake being aggressive was a coral snake that I saw coming down my driveway and heading straight for me on my front steps. This was in Seminole County - about 80 miles away from TV.

Rattlers don't attack - they respond to perceived aggression against them. I had a terrier that was bit because he charged where the snake was (in the woods, under a bush), with both going after the same mouse. I've never had a rattler make a move towrds me unless I was moving toward it and I came into it's circle-of-range. Like any critter, if cornered, it will defend itself.

Shedded skin is a natural occurrence. When it becomes a concern is when you find one in your garage or behind the bedroom dresser, and that's when to get a pest remover (no, they don't do in-laws). Many of the humane societies have folks on a list that perform this service in a safe manner to humans and critters.
Old 07-05-2008, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: Snake skin

Do you think it may have came off ELVIS boots when he was eating a Donut in your yard
Da Sgt :redface:
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