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Old 09-28-2008, 10:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Acorn

For those that are interested in the nuances of the bailout, check out ACORN BAILOUT on Google. After you checkout this CBS spin piece, I encourage you to do a broad search on ACORN. ACORN is publicly funded. It's your money.

For starter

Another perspective, you can't make this stuff up folks

The New York Times reports that Dale Rathke - whose brother started the group back in 1970 as a vehicle to help low-income people "take back what's rightfully theirs" - embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN back in 1999 and 2000.

How did ACORN handle the crime? By disguising it on the books as a loan from one of its contractors and letting Rathke's family make restitution at the rate of $30,000 a year. (An anonymous donor reportedly has agreed to pick up the remaining $800,000 tab.)

As Michelle Malkin wrote on these pages last month, the group recently settled the largest case of voter fraud in Washington state history - having submitted thousands of bogus voter-registration forms.

ACORN has been implicated in similar schemes in 14 other states - including Ohio, where a worker traded crack cocaine for fraudulent registrations

There is much, much more out there if you have the time, motivation and iinclination to find the truth in ACORN's role in the bailout. Your tax dollars at work for the democratic party.
Old 09-28-2008, 10:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The lead attorney for ACORN?????

BTW, did I mention who the lead attorney for ACORN was? Barrack Obama.
Old 09-28-2008, 11:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Millions $$$$$$ for dance troupe

Is that where Barack Hussein Obama got the 4 1/2 million $$$ that he obtained for a Chicago dance troupe that had his wife on the board ??? Not so much as "Dancing With The Stars" as "Dancing With The Stars and Stripes" !!!
Old 09-29-2008, 06:55 AM
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Is this another "tip of the iceberg" for Sen Obama ? WOW...he has more tips than a good server !!
Old 09-29-2008, 07:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Lucko View Post
Is that where Barack Hussein Obama got the 4 1/2 million $$$ that he obtained for a Chicago dance troupe that had his wife on the board ??? Not so much as "Dancing With The Stars" as "Dancing With The Stars and Stripes" !!!
Sounds more like dancing with wolves.
Old 09-29-2008, 07:19 AM
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Problem is folks that NOBODY wants to hear about this Senator !!!! Media decided before the primary and will ignore everything to insure his presidency. If you could get CNN or MSNBC to simply put all the "tips" together in one show it would sink this campaign but it is not going to happen !
Old 09-29-2008, 08:06 AM
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Default Sources Please.

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
BTW, did I mention who the lead attorney for ACORN was? Barrack Obama.

Just another BS post. All community organizers at one time or another had dealings with ACORN. Please show me in print where it says that Obama was a LEAD Attorney for ACORN? Sources please. Thank you.
Old 09-29-2008, 09:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
For those that are interested in the nuances of the bailout, check out ACORN BAILOUT on Google. After you checkout this CBS spin piece, I encourage you to do a broad search on ACORN. ACORN is publicly funded. It's your money.

For starter

Another perspective, you can't make this stuff up folks

The New York Times reports that Dale Rathke - whose brother started the group back in 1970 as a vehicle to help low-income people "take back what's rightfully theirs" - embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN back in 1999 and 2000.

How did ACORN handle the crime? By disguising it on the books as a loan from one of its contractors and letting Rathke's family make restitution at the rate of $30,000 a year. (An anonymous donor reportedly has agreed to pick up the remaining $800,000 tab.)

As Michelle Malkin wrote on these pages last month, the group recently settled the largest case of voter fraud in Washington state history - having submitted thousands of bogus voter-registration forms.

ACORN has been implicated in similar schemes in 14 other states - including Ohio, where a worker traded crack cocaine for fraudulent registrations

There is much, much more out there if you have the time, motivation and iinclination to find the truth in ACORN's role in the bailout. Your tax dollars at work for the democratic party.

While I agree that this sounds deplorable...I would ask...if the democratic party was at work...why didn't the republicans STOP it?? Why didn't they bring this to the publics attention when it was happening?
Old 09-29-2008, 07:57 PM
Posts: n/a

While I agree that this sounds deplorable...I would ask...if the democratic party was at work...why didn't the republicans STOP it?? Why didn't they bring this to the publics attention when it was happening?
__________________________________________________ _______

I have the exact same question on a number of issues in this campaign !!!!
Old 09-29-2008, 08:31 PM
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This ACORN group.....did I understand that Lou Dobbs said tonight (I did not see it) that the Democrats insisted that funds (20% or something of all profits) for them remain in the bill ????? Just asking..dont know
Old 09-29-2008, 09:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Just found this update on ACORN...

"Even with the removal of the ACORN provision from the current compromise bill, ACORN will still reap a windfall from this financial crisis. The first bailout bill passed a few weeks ago is already pumping what will eventually be billions of dollars into a slush fund to benefit organizations like ACORN and its affiliate, the ACORN Housing Council (AHC).
Old 09-29-2008, 09:20 PM
Posts: n/a

From CBS..

"After several days of rage from conservative activists regarding a provision in the bailout bill that would send some of the profits from the sale of distressed assets the goverment buys into an affordable housing trust fund, congressional negotiators have removed section 105(d) of the bailout proposal, according to aides on both side.

ACORN, a Democratic ally, was not specifically directed any funds in the previous proposal, but money that went to state and local governments could then have been divvied out to the organization, which the GOP said was a deal breaker. Fevered opposition to the provision had become a viral sensation.

It appears that, with the removal of the affordable housing trust fund, all of the proceeds from the sale of assets will now go to retire the debt."
Old 09-30-2008, 12:30 AM
Posts: n/a

It appears like to me we have more gridlock and nothing will get done to help anyone.
Old 09-30-2008, 03:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default As was stated in an earlier post ..........

above do a search on Acorn. It is a real organization.
And BHO was an attorney in their behalf....that is a fact of record....not a political snipe.
ACORN had/has what was/is known as "intimidation squads". Their assignments were to go after lenders, in the banks, lending institutions and in numbers protest, picket and harass the institutions to lower the requirements for those unable to afford mortgages.....bad credit....find a way to get them the money. One of the trainers of these "intimidators" was BHO....making sure they knew what the fine line of legally harassing these institutions was.
Not a political jab, just what the record shows. Will no doubt be viewed as Bill Clinton was when he said yes, but I did not inhale.....or I did not have sex with that those were most likely will be BHO participation in ACORN.
No you will not see or hear anything about it on network news.

It is just another evaluation point of some magnitude for those who are interested to do more discovery about about their possible choice for President.

Not a reason to be defensive or offensive......for most.


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