Bush tried to warn Congress

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Old 12-20-2008, 12:07 PM
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Default Bush tried to warn Congress

This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks. This video says it all.

Also that the liberal AMERICAN media did not want this video on You Tube, so they had Tim e Warner threaten a law suit (proprietary rights) if it was not taken off.

This link is of the same video but is routed through Canada .
Old 12-20-2008, 12:25 PM
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Having Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in charge of restructuring is like having the fox in the henhouse. The liberal media will be sure to carry their water, however. It must be nice being a Democrat and never having to worry about what you do or say because the media will gloss over it.
Old 12-20-2008, 12:33 PM
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Default Leadership

I'm really pleased that the President issued that forwarning, himslef as well as thru his cabinet. I wasn't aware that he had issued that warning and prediction.

But what about his prioritization of that issue? How much emphasis did he place on it? What about his leadership? What about the bully pulpit? What about proposing the necessary legislation to enable the "world class regulatory agency" proposed by John Snow? What about simply toughening up the regulatory activities already authorized by law?

At the time the forewarnings were issued, the President had his party in control of both houses of Congress. If he got such legislation to the floor of the Congress, surely it would have passed. Whether the current crisis could have been avoided is problematical. The heart of the problem was overspending and overborrowing by the public, and that pattern was already well down the road towards the cliff we eventually went over.

But I don't think this President--or any President--can escape responsibility with an "I told you so", particulalry one as quiet and weak as the one referred to in the Fox News report. The financial mess we find ourselves in happened on his watch and he cannot escape that responsibility. He is not totally responsible, for sure. The Congress is also culpable. The various agencies of the executitve branch also share the blame for a job badly done.

But as I have said here before, the ship of state turns slowly. Whether it was by election or criminal prosecution, we got rid of a number of the perpetrators in the Congress that were enablers of this mess. Maybe in the 2010 elections we can get rid of some more. Maybe even Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid!
Old 12-20-2008, 01:32 PM
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Default I guess everything always seems to get distilled...

down to what George Bush did or did not do....which in my opinion is getting old and very thin.
How about a real time example of everybody being aware of the problem for the last 40 years ans STILL TODAY nothing being done.....foreign oil dependence.
As has been warned many times before...when this one blows up in our face...the Washington crowd will have no way to help. Here is the hypothesis: Ama-deen-a-nut-job (the Iranian maniac) nukes the terminals and the Straights of Hormuz. The mis east oil supply system is NOT JUST DOWN, it is destroyed and fall out contaminated. When oil goes up in price we felt it at the pump the next day. So under this scenario (or any other one you desire that interrupts the oil flow) what will happen at the pump tomorrow? The only supplies of oil are those on the way to the US today. Now, using reason, extrapolate the consequences of low supplies of gasoline/diesel to no supplies of either. Then the consequences of the way of life you used to enjoy.
The financial crisis is a piece of cake by comparison to the impact.....WHICH WILL HIT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US....unlike the current financial crisis.
As the astute politicians argued this past summer anything that will have a real affect on foreign oil dependence is 10 years away....so what have we embarked upon.....words and BS about going green...yeah I feel better already. This one has been in the works for over 40 years (sorry Bush Bashers you can't lay it at his door step). What is being done? NOTHING!
What are we doing about it? NOTHING!
WHy this rant? The video warned of the coming financial problem...nothing was done by ALL parties involved. Hence a financial crisis that money is being thrown at faster than they can print. I choose foreign oil as the subject because when it happens, throwing money at it won't do a thing.
We all know about it. The government knows about it. And we go merrily on our way.
Far fetched? Not one bit. It is only a matter of time before the oil supply will be interrupted and the disaster snow ball begins to form.
This is one we the people know about. We the people can imagine how negatively and unpleasant our lives will be affected....the warnings have been there or over 40 years!!!! Real impact on the effect not realizeable for at least 10 years from now....if something was underway...which there is not.
So why is this not a priority? And please save the Bush bash

Old 12-20-2008, 02:12 PM
Posts: n/a

BTK: I voted for Bush 43 twice. Having said that, Bush 43 has been a very big disappointment to me. He has conducted his presidency regarding the economy of this country as a liberal and almost a socialist. McCain is just as bad, I might add. The one thing I do believe is that 43 believes he is doing the right thing and has the stones to stick with his convictions. He has good character.

Unfortunately, good character is not a description I would give to Pelosi, Frank, Kennedy, Schumer, Reid, Dodd, Biden, Obama, and on and on. The American people as a whole will pay dearly for allowing these folks to stay in office this long and cause so much damage, some irreversible as well.

We are where we are. The ignorant electorate has spoken. I don't mean that everyone is stupid. I just mean that they are ignorant because they have been lazy and not paid attention. They let the lying politicians and MSM tell them what to think.

The solution is long and painful. Forget Republican and Democrat parties. Start voting out ANYBODY who does not show strength of character, real caring for this country and its sovereignty, and moral values that many have long since trashed via political correctness. PC is just another term for Godlessness in my opinion.

True, getting this first part done will take more than just a few election cycles. But in that time we must grow leaders with these basic principles who will govern as in service to this country and not to get rich. Service is serving, not taking.

It will also take years to get our colleges and education system unscrewed. Our young people need to learn critical thinking. The ones that are being turned out now for the most part are drones who can spew out the PC gibberish. If we don't get down to this folks, soon we will be gone and then all will be lost. Our children and grandchildren will reap the hell on earth we can't even imagine.

Freedom and liberty will be things only mentioned in history books.

Think about it. No commentary necessary. But think about it. Self assessment doesn't hurt every one in a while. We are not perfect. But we can DO better.
Old 12-20-2008, 02:19 PM
Posts: n/a

One more thing -- forgot to mention a first step should be: term limits all around
Old 12-20-2008, 09:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by renos View Post
This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks. This video says it all.

Also that the liberal AMERICAN media did not want this video on You Tube, so they had Tim e Warner threaten a law suit (proprietary rights) if it was not taken off.

This link is of the same video but is routed through Canada .
He also warned about trouble with SS in 2004 and was mocked. The congress was warned in 2006 about the impending credit crisis and housing situation and they blew it off !!!
Old 12-20-2008, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by TallerTrees View Post
BTK: I voted for Bush 43 twice. Having said that, Bush 43 has been a very big disappointment to me. He has conducted his presidency regarding the economy of this country as a liberal and almost a socialist. McCain is just as bad, I might add. The one thing I do believe is that 43 believes he is doing the right thing and has the stones to stick with his convictions. He has good character.

Unfortunately, good character is not a description I would give to Pelosi, Frank, Kennedy, Schumer, Reid, Dodd, Biden, Obama, and on and on. The American people as a whole will pay dearly for allowing these folks to stay in office this long and cause so much damage, some irreversible as well.

We are where we are. The ignorant electorate has spoken. I don't mean that everyone is stupid. I just mean that they are ignorant because they have been lazy and not paid attention. They let the lying politicians and MSM tell them what to think.

The solution is long and painful. Forget Republican and Democrat parties. Start voting out ANYBODY who does not show strength of character, real caring for this country and its sovereignty, and moral values that many have long since trashed via political correctness. PC is just another term for Godlessness in my opinion.

True, getting this first part done will take more than just a few election cycles. But in that time we must grow leaders with these basic principles who will govern as in service to this country and not to get rich. Service is serving, not taking.

It will also take years to get our colleges and education system unscrewed. Our young people need to learn critical thinking. The ones that are being turned out now for the most part are drones who can spew out the PC gibberish. If we don't get down to this folks, soon we will be gone and then all will be lost. Our children and grandchildren will reap the hell on earth we can't even imagine.

Freedom and liberty will be things only mentioned in history books.

Think about it. No commentary necessary. But think about it. Self assessment doesn't hurt every one in a while. We are not perfect. But we can DO better.
This is a great post...TALLERTREES...from the dissappointment with President Bush and on !!!! There have been so many warnings the last few years and despite that BOTH parties have done nothing but played and PLAYED is the key word...POLITICS with us all !!!!
Old 12-21-2008, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by TallerTrees View Post
One more thing -- forgot to mention a first step should be: term limits all around
And what will inspire folks who have been in the Congress for 15-20-30-40 years to champion term limits? The foxes will not outlaw chicken-hunting for the sake of the poultry industry.

We the people have the power with our vote - just don't vote or anyone beyond the third term for Representatives and one term for Senators.
Old 12-21-2008, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
And what will inspire folks who have been in the Congress for 15-20-30-40 years to champion term limits? The foxes will not outlaw chicken-hunting for the sake of the poultry industry.

We the people have the power with our vote - just don't vote or anyone beyond the third term for Representatives and one term for Senators.
Right on stevez
Old 12-21-2008, 06:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
And what will inspire folks who have been in the Congress for 15-20-30-40 years to champion term limits? The foxes will not outlaw chicken-hunting for the sake of the poultry industry.

We the people have the power with our vote - just don't vote or anyone beyond the third term for Representatives and one term for Senators.
Good question. That will be a long pole. It would have to start at the grass roots State level. The old crones will not budge, but people do die ! The younger ones we elect going up will have to prove themselves by campaigning on this issue as well. We have to have 'replacement troops.' Ergo, growing folks. I wish I were 30 years younger and know what I know now. I would run and do the people's work. Then when my time was up, I'd work in the private sector. Hindsite is great huh !
Old 12-21-2008, 07:28 PM
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We hear this kind of rhetoric after every election, ie., dont vote back the incumbents, etc. and I predict that, as always, the voters throughout the country will vote by name recogniton and send basically the same cast back to Washington.

While it is a nice thought and makes sense, it never happens !!!
Old 12-21-2008, 09:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Let's see...name recognition....

Stevens in Alaska...7 count convicted felon-re-elected.
Larry Craig...admitted airport rest room homo....re-elected.
Ted Kennedy... Chappaquidick murder...re-elected.
Jack Kennedy...Marilyn Monroe escapades...good family name recognition!!
Bill Clinton...the Lewinski cigar magician who "did not have sex with that woman"....more good family name recognition....

And as the saying goes....just to name a FEW....

Just watch what happens with Blogdogavitch as the wagons circle to cover his .....he is a most likely candidate....he was holed up for 10 days doing lawyer work to either use or hide behind the letter of the law....and make his list of what he has on who and where.

Apathy in America is the ruination of the country....nobody cares as long as it is not in their back yard or affecting them...... yet!!

What would it take to get a groundswell of we've had it.....a mandate from the majority? I fear we have gone too far to make a difference...I would join it!!


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