Civilian Trials for Terrorists??; another huge Obama blunder.

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Old 11-18-2010, 01:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Civilian Trials for Terrorists??; another huge Obama blunder.

Not having the stones to use the time honored method of trying enemy combatants in a military trial while he is Commander-In-Chief and would be personally responsible for the signing off on the verdict of a trial of a Muslim terrorist, Our ducker-in-chief convinced almost one and all that it was better to go with a civilian trial.

This is the result.

Ahmed Ghailani convicted on one count and acquitted of 280 counts of attempted murder for his conspiracy to blow up US Embassies.
Old 11-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Being an attorney he knows full well the civil system id much

more able to use or abuse or hide (evidence) behind the letter of the law.

The military he also knows is much more direct and the outcome more harsh than he would like to see dealt to Muslims.


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