Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
The Democratic hold outs prostituted themselves
today in return for an executive order, a piece of paper, that states there will be no federal funding of abortion. It is not part of the bill, it will not be part of the law (if it ever gets that far), it can be rescinded by the POTUS any time he likes. It runs out when the current sitting POTUS (than GOD) moves on.
So they got what to sell out their constituency? Without them the bill would not have passed. Once again demonstrating the politics is the prime motivation, not the needs of the people....... For sure today is the best quality of life and the best quality of health care at the lowest cost you will ever have from tomorrow forward. btk |
They will pay for it next November with their jobs. Then the dismantling starts not to mention the states will tie it up in courts for years. Once BO gets run out of town in 2012 we'll start repelling it all. Won't be easy but it can be done.
Just A Guess
This is just a guess and may be way off base, but....
Remember when the "change" was put in place on the credit cards? They immediately raised interest rates substantially while it was still legal. I think the insurance companies are going to do the same by dropping those who are sick while they still can, refusing new clients by whatever means they can find, etc. so that those people will be forced into the "pools" he mentioned. Me also thinks it's gonna get really ugly and we "ain't seen nuttin' yet". IMHO Sure hope to be wrong. |
This take-over is not over yet. State District Attorneys will be suing the Feds and it might go to the Supreme Court.
Even if the Republicans do win the majority... then what? We can all sit around again, like we did for years and get nothing done? This administration is a breath of fresh air! BTW, someone ought to tell John Bohner to turn off his sun lamp. I think it's gone to his brain. What a ridiculous rant! |
Health Bill
They, the progressives, tax and spend. Spend this country into the largest debt nation in history. Our children and their children had been begin learning to speak Chinese.
And now the supporters come out
and revel in the sunshine.
btk |
The air from this White House is anything but fresh.
I guess you call Jesus a "socialist" too because in the Christian teachings, Jesus spoke of taking care of each other. He spoke of sharing and caring for those less fortunate.
In my opinion, one cannot be a true Christian and be against helping his fellowman. That's hypocrisy at it's highest level. |
Boy is that a twisted view.
Jesus also said those who don’t work shouldn’t eat. But aside from that I don’t recall any teachings in the Bible about government confiscating from one to giving it to another against their will. I also don’t think Jesus was in favor of bribes and back room pay-off’s in the name of helping others. The Bible is also quite clear on finances and being in debt. |
Again, why do you need to equate the sharing with this political mess that is in WASH ! Do you imply or say that those of us who oppose this bill because it is not even close to addressing the issues of health care are not sympathetic..not giving...somehow non chrisitan ? Is that what you say ? Would Jesus have made promises that he did not even intend to keep (open discussions on health care, posting of bills 5 days before signing...Would Jesus have postponed the hard work until his apostles had to do it (the taxes have to be instuted after this President leaves office)...would Jesus have given sweetheart deals to any of those he needed votes from and would he have done that in private ? You preach to all of us about hyprocisy, but admire this "breath of fresh air" who did all those things and continues. Why must you take everything political and reduce it to personal ? Why cannot you ever come on here and tell us why this bill is good for this country without spieling as if you are giving a sermon on the mount ? You never debate the issues, but rather go for the personal....the sun tan of a tell us that those who do not support this bill cannot be christians are hypocrits and you say that those who oppose this bill are non giving and will not help their fellow man. |
Just a few reasons...
I like the bill because............................ It covers 30 million more Americans. Insurance Companies cannot discriminate for pre-existing conditions. Health Care cannot be denied to babies born with birth defects as having a pre-existing condition. Children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26. Insurance Companies cannot cut off people because they've reached a certain cap and still need much medical care. People won't go bankrupt or sell their homes for to pay Medical Bills. Medicare donut-holes will be closed. I see this bill as a start. Is it perfect? No! I'm all for the Public Option, which I believe will come. I see this bill as a foundation for better things ahead. I see that after 75 years of trying, we have finally taken a step forward. And I wouldn't count on The Supreme Court or any repelling of this bill. Don't forget you're dealing with a guy that was a Professor of Constitutional Law. But, really, the bottom line is that million Americans will be getting Health Care. It's not that complicated. |
IMHO, it is interesting to see how someone can selectively interpret the words of Christ into the discussion on the thread about abortions and healthcare.
Don't forget, Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple. Rebuking them for making His word and the temple of God "a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13) for using His house and His words in the wrong way. Interestingly, immediately after the rebuke, he healed the blind and lame. Sorry all you Robin Hood fans. Forced charity, taking from someone else to give to another, isn't charity and it isn't righteous. |
This is against the constitution and will be nullified by the supreme court. Never in history has the the American people been ordered to purchase a service or product and told they will be fined or go to prison. And yes, it is complicated. Liberals want laws without consequences. They think that these things are free? We are going bankrupt and you think it is not complicated. What kind of fantasy world is that? |