Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

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Old 02-25-2008, 05:16 PM
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Default Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

This is absolutely meant to be a nonpartisan discussion. I'm just curious as to what people are thinking out there. I've looked back at the years between attacks on U.S. Bases, Ships, Embassy's, and 9/11 of course, and I've noticed a pattern of about 7 to 9 years between attacks. I was just wondering what your thoughts are as 2008/2009 approaches?
Old 02-25-2008, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

Its not a matter of if, but when. This is not an indictment of Islam as the majority of them are not part of this, but there are a group of Islamic terrorists whose life mission it is to destroy this country. They are taught that from birth. They blow up women and children with bombs, they want to kill you and me and everyone else in the US. This is not fiction, dreams, alarmist preaching, but fact.

They will attack us again. At some point they will set off a nuclear bomb or bombs in a US city. This is one reason I am so dissappointed in all our presidential candidates. Not one of them is for secure boarders. And that is how they will get a nuclear device into the US.

During the cold war, Russia made a suitcase nuclear bomb. There are over 100 of them missing and can't be located. Don't you believe a terrorist has at least gotten there hands on a couple these?

So it will happen, probably fairly soon, and my guess would be this one will be worse then the 9/11. Maybe the nuclear device this time, maybe not until next time, but it will happen in our lifetime.
Old 02-25-2008, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

In my humble opinion (sometimes!!) there will not be an attack during the remainder of the Bush term. Our enemies know that would strengthen not only him but could affect who gets the WH next.....only an opinion.

Beyond that, knowing the Muslim credo to kill as many Americans/Christians as possible it is only a matter of time. They have the patience to take years to make and then execute a plan. They count on American complacency. Also affecting their timing, like it or not our country has become more difficult to pull off such spectaculars as 9/11.

When one ponders the subject for any length of raises some fundamental questions.
One would be, since they are so good at the cowardly suicide bombings in their own back yard......why hasn't it been employed else where?

I worry more about a terrorist with a bomb setting himself off in a shopping mall than another 9/11. Imagine the chaos....the fear (their biggest advantage).
Right behind supplies....etc.
One explanation why this has not happened yet is their need for the spectacular. And there are those who continue to believe they will not rest until a mushroom cloud rises from one of our cities.

As all the officials querried on the subject is not a matter of if....just when!
Hopefully they are wrong.

National ID system is one of the most effective deterrents as well as border control.
That is not likely due to all the special interest groups wailing about invasion of privacy. To protect my family, children, grand children and so on....bring it on (please no invasion of privacy lectures it is a concept I do not believe in or choice right).

That's my $3.95 (adjusted for inflation)

Old 02-25-2008, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

It is just that period that goes by when they have been successful. I remember a class on Terrorism at the University of Nevada, Reno in the Poly Sci Department around 1980. This has been going on a very long time and think that the success Charlie Wilson had with arming and training the Taliban fighters came back to haunt us when their target of the Soviets was defeated. Now they have switched aim at us. That is just one political entity too there seem to be a great number of them that come and go.

The President in office does not matter all that much to them would be my guess too unless perhaps he/she really is a Muslim. Then if he/she were a Shi'ite or a Sunni would also be an issue.

I do not see a Muslim in the office of the US President in the next few decades.
Old 02-25-2008, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

Another one who believes it is simply a matter of time. I've lived in Muslim countries. Most of the people are warm, wonderful. The fanatics, however, are downright frightening in their hatred. They don't care if the innocent are harmed. If you try to point out to them that paradise will not be accorded to them if war is made upon innocent women and children, they don't believe it because their leaders have taught them differently. Most cannot read the K'oran -- it is taught to them verbally and only those portions that further the cause of the fanatic leaders.

Sadly, I don't think it is possible to truly close America's borders. It is too vast. Even if we could, I doubt it would stop anyone truly wanting to get in to do harm. This is pretty much true of anyone wanting to do harm to another. The only way to be kept from harm is to truly disappear and this is a pretty big nation to hide. You also have to remember that many of our so-called terrorists are born and bred Americans (think McVey and his ilk) or have been here for a period of time already.

Old 02-26-2008, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

Thank you for your comments. The reason I started this thread is because we all have opinions and have discussed the candidates, whether in a polite manner or not. But I know we are all united in one thing, and that is to keep our country safe. I try not to think about another attack because the prospect is so frightening, it's chilling. My stepson was in the third tower. Luckily evacuated before it crumbled. Once when I was a little girl I was watching a "Martian" movie and was sitting with my Dad, and as he soothed me, he wistfully said, almost to himself, that if Martians invaded the Earth, we would all unite in a common cause." It might seem silly but that has always stayed with me. We have a common enemy now, and they're not from outer space and it's not each other or each other's choice of political candidate. So, for all the flippant remarks I've made on other thread's . . . I do apologize. This is a serious, serious time and I know we all feel helpless. But united we stand, divided we fall. I truly believe that. So, whomever becomes our next President, I will wholeheartedly support him or her.
Old 02-26-2008, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: Do You Think We Will Be Attacked Soon, No Matter Who Becomes President?

Unfortunately you just can't protect against everyone being a radical kook. There's approximately 300 million folk in this country. Even if 99.99% of the population can be considered sane and safe, that still leaves approximately 30,000 wackos running around. You can't identify let alone track all of them.

That being said, I would rather be in the USA than anywhere else....


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