Economic Recovery Depends Upon Small Business

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Old 01-21-2010, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Economic Recovery Depends Upon Small Business

and small business needs a stable environment in order to act. If a small business wants to either to start or expand, it needs to be sure of its expected costs. Today, under the programs put forth by the Obama administration, a small businessman has little or no handle on expected healthcare costs, energy costs, labor costs or taxes. Until the healthcare program and its costs sources of funding, the costs of cap and trade known (President Obama is on record that energy costs will necessarily skyrocket) and the impact of proposed union organizing bills are known; anyone trying to put together a business plan is a fool.

Talk of economic stimulation under these circumstances is just so much ‘whistling by the graveyard.’
Old 01-21-2010, 07:52 PM
Posts: n/a

...and small business needs capital...until the banks and financial institutions loosen their death grip on lending and stop granting bonus payments small businesses will continue to fold up their tents and move away.

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