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rubicon 10-14-2017 02:00 PM


Posted by Guest
Even if that were true (it's not) why do you care? How does someone else's sexual identity threaten you personally? Why do you wish for rights to be taken from another American simply based on what they do in the bedroom? If Jesus could be gay, why not your neighbor?

My concern is not with someone's sexual identity nor what they do in their private lives. My concern is the campaign by homosexuals and their friends who have gone from being an acceptable lifestyle to an alternative lifestyle to a preferred lifestyle.

My concern is the homosexual indoctrination at all educational institution of our young . young minds are too susceptible and fragile for this heavy duty material and it is going to create unintended consequences .

My concern is that the left motive is to eliminate gender (sex) because once they do how can homosexuality really exist? its just two non-gender people attracted to one another. Now what can be wrong with that?

The left is winning the war on the feminzation of males . but then as feminist say "a gay guy is a girl's best friend.

It all goes against nature but is being pushed as "a right" and from a right a law and from a law as nature intended . Because its just a choice based on attraction what's the harm

Personal Best Regards:

graciegirl 10-14-2017 02:13 PM


Posted by Guest
My concern is not with someone's sexual identity nor what they do in their private lives. My concern is the campaign by homosexuals and their friends who have gone from being an acceptable lifestyle to an alternative lifestyle to a preferred lifestyle.

My concern is the homosexual indoctrination at all educational institution of our young . young minds are too susceptible and fragile for this heavy duty material and it is going to create unintended consequences .

My concern is that the left motive is to eliminate gender (sex) because once they do how can homosexuality really exist? its just two non-gender people attracted to one another. Now what can be wrong with that?

The left is winning the war on the feminzation of males . but then as feminist say "a gay guy is a girl's best friend.

It all goes against nature but is being pushed as "a right" and from a right a law and from a law as nature intended . Because its just a choice based on attraction what's the harm

Personal Best Regards:

I think a persons sexual orientation is determined at birth. I think it is genetic. I don't think the current "in style" fixation on gender is needed to be taught in schools. We all figured out who we were attracted to and why all by ourselves. I try to be accepting and understanding of people's differences, but all this trying to keep girls from being girly and boys from being boyish is SILLY. Everyone listen to me.

Girl's whine and boys wrestle.

They always have and they always will. It is parental love that keeps them alive.

rubicon 10-15-2017 05:51 AM


Posted by Guest
I think a persons sexual orientation is determined at birth. I think it is genetic. I don't think the current "in style" fixation on gender is needed to be taught in schools. We all figured out who we were attracted to and why all by ourselves. I try to be accepting and understanding of people's differences, but all this trying to keep girls from being girly and boys from being boyish is SILLY. Everyone listen to me.

Girl's whine and boys wrestle.

They always have and they always will. It is parental love that keeps them alive.

Experts differ on the "cause" issue. It is convenient that the left calls it biological rather than a choice because if it is biological well then it lends itself to more legitimacy and hence ....

And I would like to believe what you say about boys being boys, etc. However you ought to take a closer look at the sexual orientation school agenda. In short it is brain washing and if one kid speaks up they are shouted down as being recalcitrant. Try to have a kid walk in school with a t=shirt that promotes heterosexuality and see what the leftist administers do?
these are fragile mind susceptible and unsuspecting but very curious and hungry for answers. Indeed a lethal cocktail

Personal Best Regards:

ColdNoMore 10-15-2017 06:09 AM


Posted by Guest
Experts differ on the "cause" issue. It is convenient that the left calls it biological rather than a choice because if it is biological well then it lends itself to more legitimacy and hence ....

And I would like to believe what you say about boys being boys, etc. However you ought to take a closer look at the sexual orientation school agenda. In short it is brain washing and if one kid speaks up they are shouted down as being recalcitrant. Try to have a kid walk in school with a t=shirt that promotes heterosexuality and see what the leftist administers do?
these are fragile mind susceptible and unsuspecting but very curious and hungry for answers. Indeed a lethal cocktail

Personal Best Regards:

Sexual orientation is a choice? :oops:

So tell us, at what age do you recall making the 'choice' to be heterosexual...and not homosexual?

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Don Baldwin 10-15-2017 06:50 AM


Posted by Guest
Sexual orientation is a choice? :oops:

So tell us, at what age do you recall making the 'choice' to be heterosexual...and not homosexual?

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Around puberty when I began having erections.

I wanted to put it somewhere...and it sure wasn't into my friends ass.

But that is because my brain developed normally...unlike yours...and others.

Usually women or those with disabilities push for the liberal ways of "everyone shares no matter how much they contribute". can't/don't contribute equally. Shuffling papers in an office isn't contributing equally...building...inventing...that's contributing. Being black is a disability.

They want white men gone because we dominate over them so.

Did women create western civilization? Did blacks? Hispanics? Did they invent the technology we use?

Whites developed the power grid...whites put water into pipes to be shipped to homes...whites put in sewers to remove the waste. White MEN did these things. What did YOUR people do? Leeched off us.

graciegirl 10-15-2017 07:09 AM


Posted by Guest
Experts differ on the "cause" issue. It is convenient that the left calls it biological rather than a choice because if it is biological well then it lends itself to more legitimacy and hence ....

And I would like to believe what you say about boys being boys, etc. However you ought to take a closer look at the sexual orientation school agenda. In short it is brain washing and if one kid speaks up they are shouted down as being recalcitrant. Try to have a kid walk in school with a t=shirt that promotes heterosexuality and see what the leftist administers do?
these are fragile mind susceptible and unsuspecting but very curious and hungry for answers. Indeed a lethal cocktail

Personal Best Regards:

Being male and being female is instinctive. There is a very small percent of the population that is homosexual. Many of the males act infeminate and many gay woman act masculine. But not all by any stretch. I think most of us act instinctively toward and against confusing genders, not because we don't like them, or we don't try to understand them or care about their well being and happiness, but just because it is instinctive to be drawn toward the opposite sex and when that sex isn't clearly male or female in the traditional way we are confused on an instinctive level..

Most men would be repulsed by a sexual advance by the same gender and ditto most women. That is not a bad thing , it is an instinctive thing. Those instinctive feelings encourage procreation and continues the human race.

When we do a lot of things we do them by instinct. Protect our children. Protect our lives. Sex is complicated and powerful.

Every day in our strong young lives we made choices about what we did and why because of our instinctive inner sex programming.

I think if we trust our instincts and our moral teachings we can be kind and accepting of these sometimes confusing feelings..

It is a very complicated issue. It cannot be taught, it is there inside all of us; our sexual pull.

rubicon 10-15-2017 02:09 PM


Posted by Guest
Sexual orientation is a choice? :oops:

So tell us, at what age do you recall making the 'choice' to be heterosexual...and not homosexual?

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Well to be honest with you, when in kindergarten my parents were called to my school because of a distraction. what was I doing that distracted the class. Kissing girls. I knew I liked it but I didn't know why :D My parents did admonish my behavior but with a look of approval

So let me ask if homosexuality is not a choice but a biological event then why was it removed from the DSM in 1987? Why for example is OCD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, etc listed as mental disorders in the DSM, all of which have biological origins? Everyone of these illnesses creates mental distortions. Everyone of these illnesses carries with it a stigmatic undertone. If a person with one of these illnesses claims to be Napoleon then s/he is advised to go on their meds and seek treatment. Yet we have homosexuals and trans who can make ridiculous claims of legitimacy for their illusions of abnormality.

Further if homosexuality isn't a choice then how does one explain bi-sexuals. and how does one explain a Bruce Jenner or a Bradley Manning?

My intent concerning this thread was not homosexuality;albeit the subject matter does encompass it.

I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. Live and let live but the issue has taken an ugly term and being foisted on Americans, a majority of whom disagree and these same people will not speak up because the left invented a word called "homophobic"

My intent, my concern is the adverse implications, pointing out that what is happening to males in this nation is an abomination. The feminizing/girlification of the male has moved now to the Boy Scouts of America. How can you call it the [B]oy Scouts when girls are now admitted. Again the elimination of gender surfaces. so now we have only Scouts.

This society has been committing a major faux pas for a number of generations now by not allowing boys to be boys and it will have serious consequences on our society and the social justice warriors won't be satisfied until they eliminate any reference to sex, race, religion from this nation.

Personal Best Regards:

Don Baldwin 10-15-2017 07:06 PM


Posted by Guest
Well to be honest with you, when in kindergarten my parents were called to my school because of a distraction. what was I doing that distracted the class. Kissing girls. I knew I liked it but I didn't know why :D My parents did admonish my behavior but with a look of approval

So let me ask if homosexuality is not a choice but a biological event then why was it removed from the DSM in 1987? Why for example is OCD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, etc listed as mental disorders in the DSM, all of which have biological origins? Everyone of these illnesses creates mental distortions. Everyone of these illnesses carries with it a stigmatic undertone. If a person with one of these illnesses claims to be Napoleon then s/he is advised to go on their meds and seek treatment. Yet we have homosexuals and trans who can make ridiculous claims of legitimacy for their illusions of abnormality.

Further if homosexuality isn't a choice then how does one explain bi-sexuals. and how does one explain a Bruce Jenner or a Bradley Manning?

My intent concerning this thread was not homosexuality;albeit the subject matter does encompass it.

I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. Live and let live but the issue has taken an ugly term and being foisted on Americans, a majority of whom disagree and these same people will not speak up because the left invented a word called "homophobic"

My intent, my concern is the adverse implications, pointing out that what is happening to males in this nation is an abomination. The feminizing/girlification of the male has moved now to the Boy Scouts of America. How can you call it the [B]oy Scouts when girls are now admitted. Again the elimination of gender surfaces. so now we have only Scouts.

This society has been committing a major faux pas for a number of generations now by not allowing boys to be boys and it will have serious consequences on our society and the social justice warriors won't be satisfied until they eliminate any reference to sex, race, religion from this nation.

Personal Best Regards:

It was removed for purely political reasons.

Gays don't want ANY stigma. They want to be embraced.

For political reasons. How else can we condone a man shoving his pen!s in another mans ass because he "loves" him? How sick is that? Pretty sick. personal opinion is they are men who have trouble getting they'll accept a homosexual encounter when they're really horny. Bi women...I'd guess they're gay but submissive and will allow a man to take her...but loves women.

The left invented the word racist too. It SHOULD be "speciesist".

"Maleness" is bad. THAT is what is being taught. You think WHITE males were too aggressive? You just wait until the minority males take over. In 30 years...white men will only be 10% of the population.

We are committing national and species/race suicide. We WILL be bred out in 30 years and NONE of this will matter. America will be no more..."our" culture will be no more. Women will be treated like property again. Don't believe me? Visit the border towns...

ColdNoMore 10-15-2017 08:35 PM


Posted by Guest
Well to be honest with you, when in kindergarten my parents were called to my school because of a distraction. what was I doing that distracted the class. Kissing girls. I knew I liked it but I didn't know why My parents did admonish my behavior but with a look of approval

Which is exactly how gays feel.


Posted by Guest
So let me ask if homosexuality is not a choice but a biological event then why was it removed from the DSM in 1987? Why for example is OCD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, etc listed as mental disorders in the DSM, all of which have biological origins? Everyone of these illnesses creates mental distortions. Everyone of these illnesses carries with it a stigmatic undertone. If a person with one of these illnesses claims to be Napoleon then s/he is advised to go on their meds and seek treatment. Yet we have homosexuals and trans who can make ridiculous claims of legitimacy for their illusions of abnormality.

Further if homosexuality isn't a choice then how does one explain bi-sexuals. and how does one explain a Bruce Jenner or a Bradley Manning?

My intent concerning this thread was not homosexuality;albeit the subject matter does encompass it.

I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. Live and let live but the issue has taken an ugly term and being foisted on Americans, a majority of whom disagree and these same people will not speak up because the left invented a word called "homophobic"

My intent, my concern is the adverse implications, pointing out that what is happening to males in this nation is an abomination. The feminizing/girlification of the male has moved now to the Boy Scouts of America. How can you call it the Boy Scouts when girls are now admitted. Again the elimination of gender surfaces. so now we have only Scouts.

This society has been committing a major faux pas for a number of generations now by not allowing boys to be boys and it will have serious consequences on our society and the social justice warriors won't be satisfied until they eliminate any reference to sex, race, religion from this nation.

Personal Best Regards:

Because it never should have been there in the first place. :oops:

Only bigoted, ignorant people like yourself put gays on that list to begin with, but I don't hold much hope that you're intelligent understand something even that simple.

By the way, despicable and ignorant people like yourself and those who thought gays were mentally disabled, also once claimed a black person...was only worth 3/5ths of a white.

Then again, I'll bet you still think that too. :ohdear:

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Don Baldwin 10-15-2017 08:58 PM


Posted by Guest
Which is exactly how gays feel.

Because it never should have been there in the first place. :oops:

Only bigoted, ignorant people like yourself put gays on that list to begin with, but I don't hold much hope that you're intelligent understand something even that simple.

By the way, despicable and ignorant people like yourself and those who thought gays were mentally disabled, also once claimed a black person...was only worth 3/5ths of a white.

Then again, I'll bet you still think that too. :ohdear:

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Let me get this straight...homosexuality NEVER should have been on the list and it's PERFECTLY normal for one man to show "love" for another sticking his pen!s in the other mans ass?

Gays are mentally DEFECTIVE...a birth defect. They can't help it...but neither can a pedophile.

SLAVES were counted for Congressional representation as 3/5ths because there were so many of them in the south...they didn't vote...and they CERTAINLY weren't considered they shouldn't now. The BEST thing we could do is sent them all to Africa. Today...blacks as a people have NO value.

Wiotte 10-15-2017 10:08 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1462121)
Let me get this straight...homosexuality NEVER should have been on the list and it's PERFECTLY normal for one man to show "love" for another sticking his pen!s in the other mans ass?

Gays are mentally DEFECTIVE...a birth defect. They can't help it...but neither can a pedophile.

SLAVES were counted for Congressional representation as 3/5ths because there were so many of them in the south...they didn't vote...and they CERTAINLY weren't considered they shouldn't now. The BEST thing we could do is sent them all to Africa. Today...blacks as a people have NO value.

Not exactly the best Segway. Homo’s to blacks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

rubicon 10-16-2017 04:49 AM

First Do No Harm

Posted by Guest
Which is exactly how gays feel.

Because it never should have been there in the first place. :oops:

Only bigoted, ignorant people like yourself put gays on that list to begin with, but I don't hold much hope that you're intelligent understand something even that simple.

By the way, despicable and ignorant people like yourself and those who thought gays were mentally disabled, also once claimed a black person...was only worth 3/5ths of a white.

Then again, I'll bet you still think that too. :ohdear:

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

I understand that homosexuals believe they are acting instinctively but so do schizophrenics. And of course you did the predictable progressive non sequitur prank of calling me a bigot. I am surprised you didn't include homophobic. Well that Alinsky tactic is so old its completely ineffective.

Again my only concern is the feminization of males.

Today there is an aggressive progressive move and a demand by the homosexual community not only to accept but to submit to their belief that homosexuality is normal and only an alternative choice lifestyle.

Included that effort is a push by progressive to indoctrinate our young, children, whom I believe should be treated as a protected species.

We all agree that young men and women have successfully been indoctrinated in the radical Islamic cause up to and including suicide.

Yet we allow our educational institutes to brainwash fragile and young minds on the issue of homosexuality .
We are doing great harm to our future.

Fortunately I do not have any children in school nor do I have grandchildren. And given the state of this nation I am beginning to believe that it is for the best that I have no grand children. My branch of our family tree ends with my children and I feel some relieve. and I expect give your propensity for sarcasm you will readily agree with glee

Personal Best Regards:

graciegirl 10-16-2017 06:37 AM


Posted by Guest
I understand that homosexuals believe they are acting instinctively but so do schizophrenics. And of course you did the predictable progressive non sequitur prank of calling me a bigot. I am surprised you didn't include homophobic. Well that Alinsky tactic is so old its completely ineffective.

Again my only concern is the feminization of males.

Today there is an aggressive progressive move and a demand by the homosexual community not only to accept but to submit to their belief that homosexuality is normal and only an alternative choice lifestyle.

Included that effort is a push by progressive to indoctrinate our young, children, whom I believe should be treated as a protected species.

We all agree that young men and women have successfully been indoctrinated in the radical Islamic cause up to and including suicide.

Yet we allow our educational institutes to brainwash fragile and young minds on the issue of homosexuality .
We are doing great harm to our future.

Fortunately I do not have any children in school nor do I have grandchildren. And given the state of this nation I am beginning to believe that it is for the best that I have no grand children. My branch of our family tree ends with my children and I feel some relieve. and I expect give your propensity for sarcasm you will readily agree with glee

Personal Best Regards:

I think it will soon be proven that people who are truly and completely and always attracted to the same sex are born that way. I don't think anyone can deprogram them anymore than I think anyone can influence someone to shift their sexual orientation. I realize this post was not directed at me, and I also realize I can't change your mind. There are a few things I disagree with you about and this is one of them.

I see not one reason why kindergartners need to have any formal education on gender. Most humans are just simply male or female. Children that young are just beginning to understand life in general and gender conflict is rare and is a very complicated thing to understand even for adults.

I have met a good many gay men who acted feminine and a number of gay women who acted masculine and many are my friends. I have never met personally anyone who was one sex and felt they were the other. I have met a lot of people in my life.

The Catholic Church and The Lutheran Church both part of my life as a child and an adult have never offered any teachings of condemnation for homosexuality as some very conservative Christian sects do. I don't agree with them and see no evidence in sacred scripture of anything that could be construed as condemnation by God.

It must be very hard to be gay. I don't think anyone would choose to be in a minority so unkindly treated and sometimes so difficult to understand for people who are heterosexual.

billethkid 10-16-2017 08:50 AM

What role does the intent of procreation play in the minds of those who profess "studying" homosexuality.

There remains one fact of life; requiring a male and a female to procreate. In my opinion anything beyond the male/female intent is rationalization and preference by choice.

Taltarzac725 10-16-2017 08:54 AM


Posted by Guest
What role does the intent of procreation play in the minds of those who profess "studying" homosexuality.

There remains one fact of life; requiring a male and a female to procreate. In my opinion anything beyond the male/female intent is rationalization and preference by choice.

Almost all the sex in the Villages has nothing to do with procreation. It would be a huge surprise to those doing it if it did.

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