The Glenn Beck Rally

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Old 08-31-2010, 03:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Default The Glenn Beck Rally

I am sore and stiff after a beating I took yesterday from two or three folks on here, but thought it best to pick myself up and get going. I admit I deserved it you guys, so please don't start on me again today.

I watched the rally and was very happy with the type of message that was put out. It stayed positive all day. Also, the audience in attendance was as lawful as a group that large can get. MSNBC indicated last night that it was at or close to a half million people in the crowd. Thats a whole bunch of people. Lots of money was raised and I am sure DC benefited greatly from the money spend while the supporters were in the District.

I think it would have been less controversial if the rally would have been a week earlier or a week later, but it came off well. I hope I can get away with this comment without being beat up again. I'm sore and tired.

I am going to watch more of the Beck show with a positive attitude. I will assume he is right, and if he is, I need to get on his train to help. If he steps over the line in my opinion, I hope y'all let me express my concern on this site. If I do, I will keep it soft and easy.
Old 08-31-2010, 07:04 AM
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I do not watch Beck's TV program very often. But in his defense, he has a boss and he needs ratings. Is he sincere? Everything I have read from sources I respect say he is.
Old 08-31-2010, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I am going to watch more of the Beck show with a positive attitude. I will assume he is right, and if he is, I need to get on his train to help. If he steps over the line in my opinion, I hope y'all let me express my concern on this site. If I do, I will keep it soft and easy.
I have said this sooo many times Lou; not just in regards to Beck, but about anything in life, politics, name it. It isn't about believing things blindly. It isn't assuming everything anyone says is right. It is seeking the truth.

Please don't watch Beck and assume he is correct. Watch and seek the truth for yourself. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," John 8:32. Listen to what Beck says and research it on your own, prayfully, with many different reliable sources.

Research the verse I quoted and have a heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear. It really underscores so many things going on in this world. From the fear of nuclear weapons in Iran to the mosque at ground zero.
Old 08-31-2010, 07:42 AM
Posts: n/a

I don't post in this forum that often but read it every day. On Beck I have an opinion.
We on the right have been coasting along just trusting that all was in good hands and went about living our lives, but it started to slip away and Glenn Beck is the canary in the mine. He sometimes goes over the top to drive home his point but to use another anology it is like bending metal. You have to bend it past the point you want to be at because when you let up on it it comes back a little.
I think that if he had not done what he has been doing for the last two years we would be to far down the wrong path to wake up enough people fast enough to return this country to what I believe most people think it should be.
I really don't believe that we want what we have been getting the last two years and Glenn Beck has found a way around the main stream media to bring us back closer to the center. I say center because I don't back everything the far right believes and I do see a small amount in good from the left, (not much) but some.
I think that right now he is good for the time, just like George Bush was good for 911. After that, not so much!
Old 08-31-2010, 12:22 PM
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Just use Beck's advice he gives constantly. That is don't believe him for everything he says, look it up yourself and get informed.
Old 08-31-2010, 07:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I especially liked the way Glenn, today, offset the oppositions

ragging and railing about white fear and the other dribble they were peddaling with actual scenes debunking their hate messages.

The minority (not race) are becoming increasingly alarmed at the response from we the people. Thank GOD and about time.

The scene showing the mall one hour after the rally, clean and orderly compared to a similar scene after the inauguration. I am not sure what the message portrayed is but the difference is staggering.

Can't wait for the November "wave vote" as it is being labeled (more like a tsunami we can only hope).

Old 08-31-2010, 07:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Bravo Lou; I glad you've given Glenn Beck's message to America another look and liked what you saw. You were not wrong that Glenn has a flawed past, but who among doesn't have something in his past we wouldn't want everyone to know about. The point is Glenn overcame his demons with a belief in God and an increasing belief in the greatness that was and still is the U.S.A.
His is a nice story of redemption and I, for one, don't doubt his sincerity. I do, however, usually check what he says if it makes me go "Huh?". The wonder of the internet. How did we manage without it?

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