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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Health care...
Lets see, We have a health care bill that forces you to take coverage or get fined, adds 10 million people without adding one single doctor, BUT adds 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman admitted he does not understand it, passed by a congress that never read it, BUT exempted themselves from it, signed by a President who smokes, funded by a Treasury headed by a man who did not pay his taxes..a bill on which we will pay taxes years IN ADVANCE of it taking effect.
NOW, I am reading that this administration is making unilateral decisions on what company will be exempt from the bill..they get to pick the winners and losers and thus far ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN companies have been ruled exempt from the law as deemed by THE GOVERNMENT. Does any of this mess make sense to ANYONE ? |
Not one bit of the entire thing has made any sense to me from the beginning. The law also limits the physicians wages, but does not limit any malpractice suits. What person in his right mind would enter the medical profession knowing their income will be limited by the govenment. There is also supposed to be no difference in the different specialties. A neurosurgeon will earn the same as a family practice.
Not one bit of the entire thing makes any sense. |
Since this subject is one of the main drivers of the most recent
elections "house" cleaning (pun intended)...and Obama and Reid and Nancy are still on the same track to force it into play whether we the people have spoken or not.
The question is always asked, don't they get it? Asking them the question has a fundamental flaw!!!! They don't care. And I am still amazed at the throngs of sheeple (fortunately the minority count) who still blindly accept that it is a good thing. btk |
This bill MUST be addressed and immediately. Health care costs are beginning a steady and constant rise as a result of this serves not much purpose and was done in such stealth, it simply rankles me that we will allow this President to pull this off !!!
Not much said on here about it except how wonderful he is for insuring...well, we are not sure who he insured...we do know he is causing rising health costs. |
Bucco, I think you're wrong in one aspect. Health care costs are NOT "beginning" a steady and constant rise - it's been going on for decades.
It would be more accurate to say that the legislation, certainly thus far, has had no effect on halting this increase, which was supposed to be one of the selling points. |
Your point is well taken and accurate ! My point was that this President spent much of his campaign..a GREAT deal of time...and spent a year of his presidency talking about how his bill or ideas would reduce health costs, and after the backroom deals and the blackmail, the costs continue to rise and frankly I dont think he cares one iota. He feels he got more people insured and frankly, that was his ONLY goal and he feels content and satisfied that he bribed enough to get it done despite the country not wanting it. |
For health care increases to even go flat or Medicare fraud
to go flat....i.e.stop increasing....actions have to be taken.
The bill has been signed. Nobody knew or still knows what was/is in it, hence how can any actions be defined? Obama's objective has been accomplished....he got 'his' bill passed. Costs? unknown! Benefits? Unknown! Impact on we the people? Unknown! Maybe what they should be working on is to define exactly what the bill states and it's economic impact. And then Obama can ask the question, just like he has for extending the Bush tax cuts......" me where the money is going to come from to offset the costs...". No leadership = no results btk |
The assertion that there will be an additional 16,000 IR agents has been proven to be bogus...the claim was part of the disinformation put forth by opponents during the so-called 'debate.' There's plenty of good stuff in the measure...let's hope that the new Congress tweaks it for the better.
Oh - and one other thing.. Could the Democrats be any more adept at shooting themselves in the foot?
I mean - let's assume for a moment that the claims of Obamacare starting to reign in costs is true (go with me here). Much of the provisions of the bill don't take effect until 2014. In the meantime, costs constinue to spiral. How, exactly, did they think the public would react to this? It's like the bill had it's own suicide vest on - because people could justifiably keep complaining about escalating costs and other insurance company abuses while the law that was SUPPOSED to fix (or at least HELP) this situation just sits off in the corner saying "Nope - not yet. Wait.. Wait... 2 more years...." |
I just signed up for the same healthcare plan I had last year. My copays went up 5.00 per visit. My premium went up about 8 dollars a month just about what happens every year. I have no historical information because this was my first year on this plan. The year before I had a PPO under which I paid a percentage of every procedure 10% if in plan and 20% if out of plan. The new plan is good for me because I only pay for office visits, and have caps on ER and Inpatient Hospitalizations. So I did't pay for my Upper GI nor my OP Gall Bladder surgery under this plan although I would have under the old. So from my experience so far nothing has changed. Thats the facts. |
The ONLY changes we will continue to see are
increased costs for the care we have been used to having
increased wait times at the doctors offices as more are insured and less is paid for by your current provider and as more either leave the health care profession or leave it. as more of Obama care goes into effect the more you will pay to maintain the level of care you have been used to all these years. and there will be filters or screens put in place that will determine the level of care you should or could be afforded under the new rules. As I have said many times before, enjoy what you have now as it is the best and least expensive it will ever be again....EVER!!! the corruption and abuse will continue and grow even worse as there are no checks and balances. and of course those who have been living in la la lands of entitlement will screech for more and more and get it. btk |
I have always detested the use of email fodder like the 16000 new agents needed to handle the bill, thus I will back off on that number....I did some research and could not validate a number either way. It appears that the bill will make it necessary to hire more but the number is guess work, AS IS THE FUNDING !! Please tell me what is good about this bill and I am not being sarcastic. It was to cut health care costs and it does not even get close ! |
I hope it reduces costs in the long run we will just have to wait and see. |
Nothing happens for a few years except we pay for it and cost go up. As you say...just a fact !!! Listen, not surprised you would love this bill...if anybody but a democrat had put this together in the back room with no input from the other side, with payoffs, secret deals etc to get it passed EVEN WITHIN HIS OWN PARTY, you would scream to high heavens but you ALWAYS support whatever this man does...not matter how much he has lied to you or continues to lie to you. I realize sometimes I post tough to you, but perhaps you dont realize how you defend just about anything he does and he has screwed us up in so many ways. This bill is a disaster.....nobody read it...guess you couldnt in the back dark room...the CBO even changes the analysis of the costs because it was based on so many maybes and could be's...and it was something the american public in all polls did not want. Yet you continue to find some good with this guy (and that is not personal so dont go there...talking about his left wing politics).....sorry COLOGAL..he is everything and more that people said he would be...a career politician who deceives openly and often....he has been campaigning for years...never actually "worked" as a senator..just campaigned and now he has a real job and he just cannot handle it. I respect your constant defense and admiration of him, but you know deep in your heart if this was someone else using the backrooms, you would be up in arms. |