Health Care - Just Focus on the Costs

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Old 03-11-2010, 06:06 PM
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Default Health Care - Just Focus on the Costs

Conservatives are demonized for being against health care. Even in this forum. This, in spite of the fact they have repeatedly stated they are against the plan contrived by a corrupt, radical Congressional leadership and a President whose ego needs a legacy more than the interest of the country during these tumultuous, dangerous times.

I believe it was Warren Buffett who recently put this divisive circumstance into perspective and suggested a course of action that makes sense for America.

His advice would be to start over on health care and get it right with a bill that says "we're just going to focus on costs and we're not going to dream up 2,000 pages of other things." Imagine all that energy that's been wasted, being focused on cost containment and reduction while eliminating bribes, kickbacks and political payoffs for votes. Imagine a clean fresh bill that doesn't require 111 new agencies to regulate. Imagine a bill that isn't a bridge too far.

Now that's the beginning of health care reform I would be happy to advocate for.

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