Here is a classic example of politicians greedy

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Old 01-21-2011, 12:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Here is a classic example of politicians greedy

non-thinking, inconsiderate action:

Over half the deficit the city will experience!!!
It was "unexpected"!!
It is on top of COLA adjustments already in place!!

This is what I refer to when people want to talk about cuts in services to we the people to make ends meet.

NO!!! Not when there is irresponsible decision making CONTINUING every single day.

And this is not unique to is modus operendi for politicians who do not care about the impact of their decisions/actions.
And of course we the people who CONTINUE to allow stuff like this to go on.

Absolutely disgusting! Irresponsible! And worst of all.....ALLOWED.

Old 01-21-2011, 07:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
non-thinking, inconsiderate action:

Over half the deficit the city will experience!!!
It was "unexpected"!!
It is on top of COLA adjustments already in place!!

This is what I refer to when people want to talk about cuts in services to we the people to make ends meet.

NO!!! Not when there is irresponsible decision making CONTINUING every single day.

And this is not unique to is modus operendi for politicians who do not care about the impact of their decisions/actions.
And of course we the people who CONTINUE to allow stuff like this to go on.

Absolutely disgusting! Irresponsible! And worst of all.....ALLOWED.

California has unique problems it would seam.

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