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Old 10-27-2009, 07:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Hyperinflation

During the recession of the 1970's the government put an influx of cash into the economy of about 13%. Two years later in order to combat inflation the feds raised interest rates to nearly 20%.

This year 2009 the influx of dollars from the current administration and congress is right around 130%.

Wonder what's going to happen to inflation in the next couple years? What happens when the feds have to raise interest rates to the point that many can no longer borrow? Car loans, credit cards, home loans, business loans, etc.

It can't lead to anything other than a total economic crash. Even given this, they want to lump in trillions for government health care.

It says only one thing to me. It's a plan to crush our free market economy.

No matter what side of the isle you are on, no one can possibly think it can end any other way if we stay the current course.

It's one thing to have a national debt. It's quite another to keep dog piling trillions upon trillions of dollars that can never be paid back.

Next stop, hyperinflation?

What do you think?
Old 10-28-2009, 07:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Highly unlikely. Remember, Fed (as in "The Fed") policy has changed since the 1970s and now "inflation" is their Public Enemy #1. Remember also that recessions have been caused by increasing the Prime Rate to less than HALF of what we saw back in 1979.

No doubt that interest rates will go up but it will be to slow down the economy once jobs and other activity catch up to the money that was dumped into the system to prevent a collapse.

One thing, though, I'm unclear on where you got your 130% figure.
Old 10-28-2009, 09:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Default A problem that needs to be sorted out is the government

and economists have all these predetermined definitions of what constitutes any given subject.
For example a recession has a specific definition based on how many quarters in a row the economy does not grow. So now we are dealing with the same definition tolling the end of the current recession......when unemployment is at it's highest and still climbing!!! Sounds like time for a new definition....eh?

Inflation? What inflation? Social Security gets no increase next year due to the math based definitions of what constitutes inflation....hence zero or negative inflation generates no increase in SS for 2010. Are we paying more for services of ANY kind today than last year? Of course. Paying more for travel of ANY KIND. Ditto. Paying more for medical premiums/health care? Ditto.

Definitions of convenience....totally disconnected from reality as proven by the FEW examples above.

Did you get your Medicare part D statements from your provider yet for part D pricing for 2010? Mine is Humana. From 2008 to 2009 the monthly premium doubled. Now 2010 shows a fifty cent reduction in the monthly premium. HOWEVER......the copays are up in every category. They have also changed the definitions of some meds as to what category they are in to reflect higher pricing........inflation? Probably not. Robbery and screwing the public....absolutely.

How about some reality for a change instead of the mental-verbal, smoke and mirrors political


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