I feel obligated to post some of this stuff

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Old 09-10-2009, 07:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Default I feel obligated to post some of this stuff

in case too many don't read as far and wide as some others.
The Treasury Department, very quietly, is stating it will most likely not recover the monies (many billions) loaned to the automotive companies as the share price the stock would have to attain was set un realistically too high.

Mortgage bail outs for those who can't afford the home they bought!
Auto bailouts for companies that were supposed to go bankrupt, and now won't be able to pay we the people back!!

How long has it been on the above two give aways? A few weeks??

Bank bailouts whose benefits thus far have been to the banks and it's executives, with no (dare I say it?) trickle down to we the people.

Medicare and SS forecast to go bankrupt in _ ? _ years.

And on the morning after Obama gets up there and states, this will not cost one dime!!!!!!!!!!!!! The known Medicare problems have been there for years with nobody even so much as caring about the abuse and now all of a sudden the Obama dynasty is trolling for believers in what he is saying the government will do.

We the people need to encourage the slamming of the door of the health care reform ruse in the faces of those perpetrating the farcical premises it is founded upon.

Just how much more do we the people need to get calibrated to what is happening and about to happen.

As I have pleaded in previous posts, what am I missing?

Old 09-10-2009, 08:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Nothing

That's what you're missing....nothing. You have it pretty well nailed down.
Old 09-10-2009, 08:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Arrow It's Obvious...

Originally Posted by billethkid View Post

As I have pleaded in previous posts, what am I missing?

An open mind.
Old 09-10-2009, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
An open mind.

I have an open mind on this issue for sure !

He, the President, said that no federal money would be spent on abortion...

All plans cover abortion to my knowledge !!

He,the President, said he will sign no bill that will add one dime to the federal deficit...

All costs are to be taken care of by cuts and all those cuts are undefined !

He, the President, said that no illegal immigrants would be covered (by the way that guy Wilson was so out of line it is not even debatable)...

There are TWO lines in the bill(s)....and one specifically DOES cover illegal immigrants!

What are we to think....open mind or not ?

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