Just how desperate is Obama to stop the leaking oil?

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Old 06-01-2010, 03:03 PM
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Default Just how desperate is Obama to stop the leaking oil?

Apparently the crisis in the Gulf has gotten so bad ...(How bad is it you ask?)... the Obama administration is using environmentalist/Progressive/Hollywood producer James Cameron as a consultant on the Gulf oil mess. Cameron did direct movies like
Titanic and Avatar and both involved water, so, I suppose anything is possible. Hey if Al Franken can be a Senator, Cameron can plug the hole.

Old 06-02-2010, 07:48 AM
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James Cameron worked with robots down at the Titanic site so he DOES know something about working in those environments - and, FYI, the Titanic is in deeper water than the Deepwater Horizon was. It's not like they're talking to him as the ONLY advisor. This is the guy who practically INVENTED the 3D cameras used in Avatar (he spec'd them out and told Sony how to build them). He has more working brain cells than a lot of people give him credit for.
Old 06-02-2010, 08:42 AM
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Default Too bad

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
James Cameron worked with robots down at the Titanic site so he DOES know something about working in those environments - and, FYI, the Titanic is in deeper water than the Deepwater Horizon was. It's not like they're talking to him as the ONLY advisor. This is the guy who practically INVENTED the 3D cameras used in Avatar (he spec'd them out and told Sony how to build them). He has more working brain cells than a lot of people give him credit for.
He may be a smart guy, but you cannot trust his conclusions because they are all ideology based on Liberal bias.
Old 06-02-2010, 09:13 AM
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Default Since he made his speech last week on the subject of the oil spill,

you know the speech where he reminded us saying..."...I am the President..." and I take full responsibility. Why does he feel obligated to first person state who he is? Other POTUS would state "...as your President..." or "...as President...". Is he confirming an inferiority complex?

Anyway back to the thread. However he states ownership of the problem, just exactly is different and at his command that did not exist before his claim of responsibility. He has no clue what it means to take responsibility. He has no executive concept what so ever of the inherent accountability of claiming it is "mine" to fix. In very simple terms it requires very specific actions being taken by whom and when to fix it. Something a politician knows nothing about. Lawyers ONLY resource is WORDS. Not action.

I don't mean to drum on the subject but unfortunately he continues to demonstrate what he cannot, will not or just doesn't do.

Old 06-02-2010, 03:22 PM
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Listened to a comment made on CNN today and heard that BP wanted to save the well, therefore, they didn't use the more aggressive ways to stop the flow in the beginning of this mess, like putting explosives down there to blow it up. They are completely at fault. During the press conference today, the Coast Guard took off the BP crest off the podium. Now I hear the oil has reached the Pensacola Beach. Remember, who's the criminal in all of this--BP. I can't wait to see the BP CEO chucked out on his ass, after he made a comment about the spill being a small leak in a BIG ocean (not gulf!!!) Doesn't know the Gulf from the Ocean. What an ASS!!
Old 06-02-2010, 03:25 PM
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[QUOTE=djplong;267705]James Cameron worked with robots down at the Titanic site so he DOES know something about working in those environments - and, FYI, the Titanic is in deeper water than the Deepwater Horizon was. It's not like they're talking to him as the ONLY advisor. This is the guy who practically INVENTED the 3D cameras used in Avatar (he spec'd them out and told Sony how to build them). He has more working brain cells than a lot of people give him credit for.[/QUOTe
That's very interesting. Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
Old 06-02-2010, 03:30 PM
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joannej, BP has been charged for illegal actions? I missed that. Would you direct me to where I can read about it please.
Old 06-02-2010, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
joannej, BP has been charged for illegal actions? I missed that. Would you direct me to where I can read about it please.
Our attorney general has launched a criminal investigation into this matter, which IMO should open up a can of worms for BP. The Coast Guard spokesman has made comments that this is BP's mess to clean up and stop the oil flow. Many articles have been written, but here's the latest one I read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environmen...pill-bp-future
Old 06-02-2010, 04:54 PM
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There are federal regulatory agencies who oversee the drilling of offshore oil. Isn't it their job to assure that the drilling is done properly? One of these agencies is the Minerals Services Agency. This agency oversees the leases and the regulation of the rigs. Does that seem like a conflict of interest?

Elizabeth Birnbaum, director of the MSA, which regulates offshore drilling, "resigned" in late-May. Birnbaum took the role in 2009 and had mostly campaigned and promoted the wind farm in Cape Cod.

It is a blame game with the government's involvement and threats becoming nothing more than posturing for the sake of politics and policy to pursue their agenda and increase taxes. I can't hail Eric Holder as a hero for going to the Gulf to investigate criminality before the diaster is even close to being under control. If Holder wants to investigate a crook, he need look no further than the mirror and to his Chicago cronies in DC.

Obama is exactly right about one thing, "In case you were wondering who's responsible, I take responsibility," Obama said.

Curious about who gave BP the required permits to drill on the Deepwater rig that exploded? Read this.


Old 06-02-2010, 06:33 PM
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If there's one incident that should also be a wake-up call to Libertarians, it's this one. I mean, these are the people who want to get rid of the FDA and every other regulatory agency. It's bad enough that they weren't doing their jobs as well as they should have been but I hate to think how much worse things would be over the years if even that incompetent oversight was removed.
Old 06-02-2010, 07:25 PM
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Eleven men dead. A company that employees over 90,000 people possibly ruined. Fishing and seafood livlihoods in the Gulf regions wrecked for years. What many are calling the worst oil disaster ever. No, I can't imagine how much worse it could have been if the "incompetent oversight" was removed.

Why are we drilling in 5000 feet of water in the first place?
Old 06-02-2010, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
Eleven men dead. A company that employees over 90,000 people possibly ruined. Fishing and seafood livlihoods in the Gulf regions wrecked for years. What many are calling the worst oil disaster ever. No, I can't imagine how much worse it could have been if the "incompetent oversight" was removed.

Why are we drilling in 5000 feet of water in the first place?
I think the industry drills where the oil is and wherever it can get clearance from our government to do so. If we don't drill for it some other nation will and they don't care what our "environmental groups" and our goverment think about it.

Everything of value has risk. How many workers died building some of the worlds greatest structures; our bridges, our dams, our skyscrapers?

How many die working in our mines? Should we close them?

All we can do is learn from our efforts and our mistakes and make adjustments and move on and progress.
Old 06-02-2010, 08:06 PM
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I agree Richie. I don't think they should be closed. My point is that the government regulations and environmentalists drove the rigs out into unprecedented, untested waters and depths in the first place. BP wasn't out there because it was cheap or for the thrill of it. The government interference is as much to blame as BP. Accidents happen. I don't for one second believe BP intentionally caused the accident. If they did something wrong, that is what our courts are established to sort out. Keep politics out of the situation.
Old 06-02-2010, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
I agree Richie. I don't think they should be closed. My point is that the government regulations and environmentalists drove the rigs out into unprecedented, untested waters and depths in the first place. BP wasn't out there because it was cheap or for the thrill of it. The government interference is as much to blame as BP. Accidents happen. I don't for one second believe BP intentionally caused the accident. If they did something wrong, that is what our courts are established to sort out. Keep politics out of the situation.
I fully agree that we need to keep politics out of the discussion. BP did not want this, President Obama did not want this ad certainly the people of this country did not want it. S*** happens. We, not just BP or our government, need to take whatever steps are needed to stop the flow and cleanup the mess. Accidents will continue to be a part of life. Murphy is still in charge. Let's treat accidents and stop pointing fingers and threatening criminal prosecution.

Let's also give the green light to the people of Louisiana who want to put up sandbars in order to minimize the amount of oil going into the marshes.

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