Maybe we SHOULD be more like Europe.

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Old 06-16-2010, 09:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Maybe we SHOULD be more like Europe.

Maybe there is hope, if the European loving loving lefties follow their lead on disenchantment of the Man Who Would Be King.
Old 06-16-2010, 10:03 AM
Posts: n/a

I was going to start a new thread regarding the story in today's Telegraph about Obama's speech. Thanks RichieLion for posting a good introduction to the Telegraph story. Hope you don't mind me posting the link here to emphasis Daley's remarks.
Old 06-16-2010, 10:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Is there anything that Obama can do to make you happy!!!!

I've voted both Republican and Democratic, now Independent, and find it so sad that NOTHING this President can do or say is right, good golly, it's been 18 months of cleaning up the last administrations mess! Give me a break!!!!
Old 06-16-2010, 10:41 AM
Posts: n/a

jebartle, what does Obama's rebuke against BP last night and his plan to force BP to set up a special fund controlled by the government or the British press turning against Obama have to do with the Bush administration. I'm confused by your remarks.
Old 06-16-2010, 10:53 AM
Posts: n/a

YOu obviously have all the answers, I'll look for you on the next ballot!..We will be looking at this disaster many years down the road....NO ONE, BP, President or you and I wanted this tragedy, but now it is time to clean it up....Let's work together, is it possible?
Old 06-16-2010, 02:46 PM
Posts: n/a

I have no idea what Jebartle's problem is, specifically, with articles posted. I'm thinking he's just happy Obama's making a public display of seeming to do something useful. Jebartle; if your happy, I'm happy.

Now; I was pleased to provide the lead-in and see the article elaborating on the administrations lame response to this event. Maybe we should now refer to Obama as the "Claims Adjuster In-Chief". I guess now BP can relax and all future problems can be sent to Obama now that he has control of the restitution monies.

The government seems to have no answers to any of the problems to this spill, so why all the grandstanding? If they had a better solution, they should have told BP to step aside, "We've got This".

Now this is just turning into another opportunity (Don't waste a good crisis) to inflict more massive damage to our country's future by ramming through the enviromental bills they've been dying to saddle our already failing economy with.

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