No to State Bailouts

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Old 05-20-2009, 09:24 AM
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Default No to State Bailouts

Have you noticed that it is the most liberal, entitlement based, tax burdened states that need bailouts. California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Illinois come to mind. Spending like drunken sailors on entitlement programs, they have financially crippled their state's finances and want the Feds to bailout them out on the tab of honest, hardworking, American taxpayers. They squandered public tax dollars on programs and perks for constituencies like unions and others, who don't even pay income taxes, to curry votes. The least financially disciplined states are at the head of the federal handout, "bail me out" line.

A perfect example is New York where just last year, Gov. Paterson and a litany of other liberal governors "were imploring Congress to let them spend more money by expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Since the states share the cost of the program with Washington, the expansion would have allowed them to cover families with incomes up to 300% of the poverty level (more in some cases). It also would have meant hundreds of millions in additional state spending, and an estimated $24 billion in additional federal spending." WSJ

President Bush vetoed the bill and was ostracized by the democrats who painted him as the consummate villain and enemy of the people. Thank you "W". What if President Bush hadn't vetoed their raid on taxpayer dollars? Now the same group of liberal hypocrites are at the head of the public feeding trough looking for dollars for their states at the expense of states and taxpayers who were more conservative, financially responsible and realistic in their budget submissions. Sound familiar? In case you forgot, how about the banking bailout? You know, people who were the least responsible and least qualified were mandated by Washington to be "gifted" mortgages by lenders under the thumb of Washington, so they too could live the American dream.

In a Wall Street Journal article, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford said,"In Texas and South Carolina, we've focused on improving "soil conditions" for businesses by cutting taxes, reforming our legal system and our workers' compensation system. We'd humbly suggest that Congress take a page from those playbooks by focusing on targeted tax relief paid for by cutting spending, not by borrowing."

I agree with Sanford and his recommendation that Washington lawmakers need to free states from unfunded federal mandates that cost his State $425 million dollars a year. He cites the minimum wage and Homeland Security's REAL ID requirements. Kahuna, you asked about future Republican leadership. If Governor Sanford stands true to his words, he would be on my short list.

Have you ever noticed that the majority of the 40% + Americans who don't pay taxes live in urban areas. Where do those liberal Democratic votes come from...mostly? Is that why those Red/Blue election maps by county you often see, look so Republican? Hmmm....Give it a few seconds to load. Its worth it. Look at the RESULTS BY COUNTY HEADER as well as the other views.

Unfortunately, the scenario doesn't get better. When they give 20 million illegal immigrants the right to vote themselves access to tax dollars.....the American dream is over for everyone.

Have you read about the new credit card entitlement legislation the democrats are brewing? You will enjoy the part where responsible, prompt payment users are financially penalized to pay for the dregs of society who don't pay. Makes you want to become a dreg. It's easier than paying bills. That needs a stand alone, dedicated post. Unbelievable.

Sorry for the dismal dialogue. It must have something to do with having to cancel my tee time....again....or reading the Wall Street Journal.

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