Our Senator Bill Nelson-sells us out-big time

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Old 01-13-2010, 12:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Our Senator Bill Nelson-sells us out-big time

Senator Bill Nelson... our Bill Nelson... just sold every Floridian north of Palm Beach out. We've been assured over and over by Obama and the democrats that the new health plan "won't cost us a nickle", there will be no cut in coverage and that you won't pay more or lose Medicare Advantage if you have it.

The big question than, has to be why did he just cut a deal that would exempt three heavily democratic strongholds in South Florida, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach from cuts in the new plan that would affect their Medicare Advantage. Why was this politically corrupt maneuver necessary if we have nothing to fear from the new plan?

What about the rest of the state including The Villages? It seems like the plan is being selectively tailored for democratic constituencies and the hell with the rest of the taxpayers.

Is anyone else ticked off????

Does anyone else want an investigation into this.

I have not found a contradiction to this representation.

The source, believe it or not...is the liberal, progressive radio beacon...Air America. Please, please view and listen to the link before it is pulled. Nothing from Snopes disputing it yet.

Be sure to watch the clip in its entirety so you won't miss Sen. Crapo of Idaho, citing page and paragraph, Nelson's insidious and treacherous scheme.


Are there any defenders of this maneuver on this board?

When is enough really enough?
Old 01-13-2010, 01:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default There will be no defenders of such another unfair, corrupt

move by yet another politician with the ever lying smile on his face.
Those affected by the protection certainly are not going to have anything to say. And those Obama/health care reform supporters certainly are not going to respond.....even if they disagree with the shameful way this bill is being negotiated.
Then there are all the non Advantage folks who aren't going to stick their nose in something they THINK does not affect them.
And of course there are few and far between of any one of the party loyals who disagree with the corrupt practices but hey it is the party!!!

So Cabo, I am afraid there is little or no hope for any responses.

I would like to think that the other states who have not had the benefit of corrupt negotiations by their representatives just might, maybe, finally get up in arms and get mad.

At the more global level, it is just one more brick in the wall of ongoing lies and corruption that our POTUS has aid and even has the nerve to keep saying things like it won't cost one dime....it will be deficit neutral....there will be no cuts in Medicare....this is the UNITED States of America....he is the lead liar and the faithful for some reason either buy it or are not going to speak against "their guy"........that is until such time as some of what he is lying about affects them personally.

What is needed is more marching in the streets to protest. The occasional tea parties are accepted as a nuisance and most politicians are counting on the fickle we the people's short attention spans and memories and dis-like of standing to be counted.

I fear the Dems obvious divide and conquer...provide their critical mass locations with favors and $$$$$ to maintain office and the hell with the rest of America. They may not be saying it that way but their actions speak louder than words. And for Obama it is just the opposite....all he has are the words for those that blindly follow the piper's tune....there certainly is no action.

This country needs a revolution to get back to it's origins...it has become too big to get anything with sufficient staying power to get anything done......UNFORTUNATELY.

I do, as usual, wait with baited breath to see what the supporters have to say......but have been taught by experience....they will say nothing.

Old 01-13-2010, 01:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Has Anyone watched Nelson

Has anyone actually watched Sen.Nelson on TV, (not the Villages).. He is a total embarassment. It is not surprising that he would pull a stunt like this as he is truly way beyond his "Peter Principle"..
Old 01-13-2010, 07:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Your observation of him is shared by most thinking

warm blooded humans.
So, how does this man get re-elected?
He sells out the rest of the state to take care of his followers in the counties mentioned and they in turn keep the dunce in office.
And so goes the political machine....all locations....local/federal....including the POTUS.
We need a revolution, I say!!! The twenty first century version of one anyway...
Old 01-14-2010, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default I agree

with most of your posts and ideas BTK and this one is no exception. Why do we continue to re-elect people who don't give a rat's behind about the voter's is beyond me. The voter's spoke in the last election but Congress didn't get the message. I can only hope the voter's will speak again in November and Congress along the POTUS gets the message.

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