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Old 10-04-2009, 08:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Rambling....

I apologize for the thread title because I wasn't sure what to call it, but basically....

I do not hate Chicago...been there twice and it was ok !

I dont care if they got the Olympics or not

I do not find fault with the President making a try, although I DO find fault with what I understand his presentation was.

I KNOW for a fact that there will be a health care bill no matter what because it will be crammed through in anyway possible and there is NOTHING that we or anyone can do to stop it.

I know also that nationally we are in for a smackdown of social programs...basically robbing the rich to give to the poor and more of the class warfare stuff. Must happen...that is what this President and congress believe in ! The so called stimulus program which was a pork bill and all the other plans to strengthed unions and dissolve jobs with many of the social programs will go on and we cant stop that either !


We have already given Iran something they have wanted for many years...a one on one with our country and legitimacy. This is more important than you may think but ok..that is done...PLEASE MR PRESIDENT...dont play rock star...you biography is not going to impress them or anyone in that situation. PLEASE MR PRESIDENT...if you have to sit down with them, at least be strong and dont be naive.

We are in the midst of scrapping the first Afghan plan after only 6 months. Ok....review it, but dont dally with it Mr President. We have troops dying over there and if you are going to slow the attack or pick it up and add more troops...DO IT without looking at polls...without trying to be a hero....WITH ONLY ONE THING IN MIND...THIS country. I, for one, could give a hoot if you find Osama bin Laden. Whatever you do, think of the security of this country,

You announced Mr President first thing after being sworn in that you were closing Gtmo. You chastised a past President in front of the UN....PLEASE MR PRESIDENT...I am reading each day that those in GTMO that you choose to call "refugees" instead of prisoners are really bad guys...I mean REALLY BAD GUYS. I posted a link which gave details about their backgrounds and the fact that no country in the world wants them anywhere near them...there was a reason for locking them up. They are living better there and have been living better than probably 60% of all americans.
PLEASE MR PRESIDENT....look at this again..dont worry about political fall out...dont worry about being liked...do the right thing here. Announcing that closing was a mistake....be a big man and admit it !

You pulled the defense system in Europe and gave reasons. You know more about what is going on than I do, but do not do it because you dont want the Russions to be mad at you. Keep your eye on the ball Mr President...Russia AND China are big business partners of Iran...dont forget that !

As you can see, I am sort of "giving up" on the social programs we are having shoved at us at least until 2010, but that will become a very very minor point if we are not doing the right thing in this scary world.

Understand Mr President, that because you are a likable guy and considered a rock star around the world, those bad people who live to kill US CITIZENS could care less. Be strong on the world stage...being liked means absolutely nothing because this country will be disliked for whatever we do, NO MATTER HOW NICE YOU SAY IT, so make only one thing important.....THIS COUNTRY OF OURS AND PROTECTING IT.

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