Six of one, half-dozen of another, BOTH ignorant!

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Old 10-19-2010, 02:12 PM
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Default Six of one, half-dozen of another, BOTH ignorant!

This is the real problem with politics today.

A lot of people have been making fun of Christine O'Donnell, the GOP candidate for the Senate in Delaware. However, during a debate, something her opponent, Chris Coons, said caught my eye.


Christine O'Donnell questions the separation of church and state and her opponent responds:

When Mr. Coons offers a shorthand of the relevant section, saying, “government shall make no establishment of religion,” Ms. O’Donnell replies, “That’s in the First Amendment?”
Coons gets it wrong as well. His quote above is WAY different than what's really in the Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
"Make no establishment of religion" clearly means a prohibition of establishing a 'state religion'.

It's RESPECTING an ESTABLISHMENT (*noun*) of religion.

Neither one of the major candidates really knows the Constitution and that is NOT a good thing!

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