Support the Troops

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Old 07-01-2008, 02:54 AM
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Default Support the Troops

The Webb/Hagel GI Bill, including the expanded education benefits for veterans, passed overwhelmingly (92 to 6), Today, Bush was all too happy to pat himself on the back for the GI Bill. "The bill is a result of close collaboration between my administration and members of both parties on Capitol Hill. … I want to thank members who worked hard for the GI Bill expansion, especially Senators Webb and Warner, Graham, Burr, McCain. This bill shows that even in an election year, Democrats and Republicans can come together to stand behind our troops."McCain, campaigning in Ohio, told voters, “I’m happy to tell you that we probably agreed to an increase in educational benefits for our veterans that not only gives them increase in their educational benefits, but if they stay in for a certain period of time than they can transfer those educational benefits to their spouses and or children. That’s a very important aspect I think of incentivizing people of staying in the military.”
Bush and McCain were two of the strongest opponents of the bill!
I hear people making comments about one nation indivisible. GWB was the divider. 85% of the country feels we have been heading in the wrong direction. 85% believe the war in Iraq is wrong. Quit being divisive and join in with rebuilding this great nation. It is time to put death and destruction behind us.
Old 07-01-2008, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

I've read all sorts of things lately about McCain where he has opposed certain laws for years, then all of a sudden he's doing the big flip flop. He's a politician, that's for sure.
Old 07-01-2008, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Which one isn't?

Sen. Obama thought the DC gun law was fine and dandy, then flipped after the Supreme Court found the law unconstitutional.

It seems to be an occupational trait....
Old 07-02-2008, 12:07 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

This thread is about the GI bill and McCain's flip flop. if you want to bash Obama on another issue, do it on another thread thank you.
Old 07-02-2008, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

I am curious;since when does stating a"fact" become bashing?
Old 07-02-2008, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Originally Posted by schotzyb
I am curious;since when does stating a"fact" become bashing?
When facts are uncomfortable to liberals, they become bashing. Reference "swift boating" as a media approved euphemism for political dirty tricks.

And SteveZ, how dare you attempt to change the subject in any manner not previously approved by these two. This is their forum and if you insist in broaching facts that they find uncomfortable, you will be dealt with.

We may now return to the Bush/McCain/war/etc bashing.
Old 07-02-2008, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Originally Posted by Muncle
When facts are uncomfortable to liberals, they become bashing. Reference "swift boating" as a media approved euphemism for political dirty tricks.

And SteveZ, how dare you attempt to change the subject in any manner not previously approved by these two. This is their forum and if you insist in broaching facts that they find uncomfortable, you will be dealt with.

We may now return to the Bush/McCain/war/etc bashing.
Well, what do you do when you want to "bash" both? From now until mid-November, it will be constant double-speak from the candidates.

To sanctify one and demonize the other for the same action seems hypocritical to me. These are politicians, not candidates for beatification.

I'm all for unity and change - but change should be more than changing your stance on an issue every 10 weeks.
Old 07-02-2008, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

You didn't 'grasp' what I was saying. The question is not whether or not Obama flip flopped like McCain, the point is - this is a thread devoted to "Support the Troops" i.e. the GI bill. Don't hijack it please. If you want a new topic devoted to Obama and what ever issues you'd like to discuss, start a new topic.
Old 07-02-2008, 06:35 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Prior Post:
Originally Posted by Lil Dancer
I've read all sorts of things lately about McCain where he has opposed certain laws for years, then all of a sudden he's doing the big flip flop. He's a politician, that's for sure.
Latest Post:
Originally Posted by Lil Dancer
You didn't 'grasp' what I was saying. The question is not whether or not Obama flip flopped like McCain, the point is - this is a thread devoted to "Support the Troops" i.e. the GI bill. Don't hijack it please. If you want a new topic devoted to Obama and what ever issues you'd like to discuss, start a new topic.
Earlier in this string your first comment had nothing to do with "Support the Troops" or the G.I. Bill. It was strictly a "McCain flip flop" post. My comments were based on your earlier post. No hijacking was done - it was a followup based solely on your posting.

Old 07-02-2008, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Hello, it was a flip flop on the GI Bill, the topic of the post.
Old 07-02-2008, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

If you will look back to the first post after the original post, you will see who mentioned "flip flop" first therefore "opening the door"
Old 07-02-2008, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

Originally Posted by junglejim
The Webb/Hagel GI Bill, including the expanded education benefits for veterans, passed overwhelmingly (92 to 6).....
Regardless of who flipped, flopped, flimflammed or fricasseed - the new law was the right piece of legislation at the right time. It is good to see Congress do something as a unified body, with sufficient votes to show that an overwhelming number of Americans are willing to demonstrate in a quantifiable way their true Support for the troops.

For a summary of the bill, please visit
Old 07-03-2008, 01:19 AM
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Default Re: Support the Troops

This is a good bill which passed by a huge majority. But don't forget Bush and Mcain were against this bill but tried to lie their way out of it, again!

Mcain's past record:

September 2007: McCain voted against the Webb amendment calling for adequate troop rest between deployments. At the time, nearly 65% of people polled in a CNN poll indicted that "things are going either moderately badly or very badly in Iraq.

May 2006: McCain voted against an amendment that would provide $20 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for health care facilities.

April 2006: McCain was one of only 13 Senators to vote against $430,000,000 for the Department of Veteran Affairs for Medical Services for outpatient care and treatment for veterans.

March 2006: McCain voted against increasing Veterans medical services funding by $1.5 billion in FY 2007

March 2004: McCain voted against creating a reserve fund to allow for an increase in Veterans' medical care by $1.8 billion.

October 2003: McCain voted to table an amendment by Senator Dodd that called for an additional $322,000,000 for safety equipment for United States forces in Iraq.

April 2003: McCain urged other Senate members to table a vote (which never passed) to provide more than $1 billion for National Guard and Reserve equipment in Iraq related to a shortage of helmets, tents, bulletproof inserts, and tactical vests.

August 2001: McCain voted against increasing the amount available for medical care for veterans by $650,000,000. To his credit, he also voted against the 2001 Bush tax cuts, which he now supports making permanent, despite the dire financial condition this country is in, and despite the fact that he indicated in 2001 that these tax cuts unfairly benefited the very wealthy at the expense of the middle class.


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