The swine flu coverup

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Old 05-18-2009, 06:30 PM
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Default The swine flu coverup

does anyone else realize it or just not care because it has not affected you yet!!! There is a swine flu coverup by this country and what has to happen is to find the epic center (which is Mexico), close the borders, and contain it. Stop downplaying the severity of this flu!! this is serious but once again this country will do nothing. Why would they close a border for a flu when they don't even close them to terrorists??? fed up cc
Old 05-18-2009, 06:47 PM
Posts: n/a

There doesn't seem to be a cover-up, but a lack of continued reporting by the mainstream media.

For information, links, advice, statistics, etc, check out
Old 05-18-2009, 07:03 PM
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It just hasn't been as bad as they expected. At least not yet.
Old 05-18-2009, 07:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Coverup?

I agree with Steve and GG. I believe the media coverage has been exceptional. Although the flu is now in 48 states, it's not as severe as was originally thought. The schools and municipalities have been reacting appropriately in my area.

I use hand sanitizer many, many times a day. I don't know what else I can do . . .

How do you propose we close up the Mexican borders?
Old 05-19-2009, 01:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Default There is simply media madness

Swine flu is the latest media craze. The basic problem is that we have 24/7 media coverage and very little real news that appeals to the public at large.

The best example of this I can provide is the Casey/Caylee Anthony story. I certainly do not believe that the death of this young child is excusable, nor do I believe that her killer (the media says her mom) should be let off the hook. I do want her tried by a jury of her peers and found either guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or, alternatively not guilty. I do not want trial by media.

The resources of law enforcement, including the FBI for something that was clearly not an interstate crime, have been poured into this case because of the continuing local and national news. Orlando has one of the highest murder rates in the United States yet I dare say that more than 100 times the time and effort have gone into this case than any other on the books. Why? - It's a hot media topic. If you doubt my assertions, please name one other child who was murdered in Orlando in the last ten years.

The Anthony case draws media attention because the mother is pretty and a party girl. Caylee is a beautiful child, who certainly deserved to live. But what about the several hundred murders in Central Florida that have occurred in the last two years? Does anyone on this board know even one of their names - I don't.

Media coverage overhypes everything available - Swine flu, abu grave, waterboarding, hurricanes, global warming/climate change, etc. The media wants readers, listeners or viewers. Overhyping a story gets those.

Swine flu is simply the latest of these overhyped stories. Does it have the same mortality rate as a normal flu, for which we all take annual vaccines? - No. The Mortality rate is far lower. Swine flu is simply the latest media scare for ratings/circulation.

Ignore the media on this one just as you should on the Anthony case. Just my HOP.

Old 05-19-2009, 06:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by BBQMan View Post
Swine flu is the latest media craze. The basic problem is that we have 24/7 media coverage and very little real news that appeals to the public at large.

The best example of this I can provide is the Casey/Caylee Anthony story. I certainly do not believe that the death of this young child is excusable, nor do I believe that her killer (the media says her mom) should be let off the hook. I do want her tried by a jury of her peers and found either guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or, alternatively not guilty. I do not want trial by media.

The resources of law enforcement, including the FBI for something that was clearly not an interstate crime, have been poured into this case because of the continuing local and national news. Orlando has one of the highest murder rates in the United States yet I dare say that more than 100 times the time and effort have gone into this case than any other on the books. Why? - It's a hot media topic. If you doubt my assertions, please name one other child who was murdered in Orlando in the last ten years.

The Anthony case draws media attention because the mother is pretty and a party girl. Caylee is a beautiful child, who certainly deserved to live. But what about the several hundred murders in Central Florida that have occurred in the last two years? Does anyone on this board know even one of their names - I don't.

Media coverage overhypes everything available - Swine flu, abu grave, waterboarding, hurricanes, global warming/climate change, etc. The media wants readers, listeners or viewers. Overhyping a story gets those.

Swine flu is simply the latest of these overhyped stories. Does it have the same mortality rate as a normal flu, for which we all take annual vaccines? - No. The Mortality rate is far lower. Swine flu is simply the latest media scare for ratings/circulation.

Ignore the media on this one just as you should on the Anthony case. Just my HOP.

Very good thoughts. I am suckered in and watch this stuff.
Old 05-19-2009, 08:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Swine flue cover up

swine flu is not the latest media craze!! it's a flu spreading throughout the world and its very possible in todays society where we all travel. The CDC is no longer a useful organization. They are no longer run by people who are concerned about our health but by politicians. when are you people going to wake up?? When swine flu hits your own family?? It just hit another man in NY, a principal i believe who is now dead. What if he were your son or brother or father??
Second comparing swine flu to media coverage of killers is senseless. Perhaps we don't need the over the top coverage of killers all the time but we do need the correct information about swine flu to protect ourselves. Oh and by the way, the Casey Anthony case is sensationlized not because the mom is beautiful (because she isn't) but because the little girl was adorable, how a mom could kill their own child, and the involvement of the grandparents all make an interesting story. And for the record Casey Anthony case did not dominate Fla news about killers. Off the top of my head here are a few others who dominated the news in Fla Ted Bundy, little Adam Walsh 6 yr old son of John, Gary Ray Bowles, Aileen Wuornos - fla female serial killer, Bobby Joe Long, Danny Rolling, Erin Belanger, and Skylar Deleon. These are only a few i can think of immediately.
The topic i posted however had nothing to do with killers and everything to do with an epidemic of the flu. If our government were really concerned with us they would close borders until it's under control, close off the borders to all citizens from terrorist sponsoring nations, and maybe even remove the pesticides and chemicals from our foods that are killing us. It's about time the politicians worked for us the citizens of the USA!!!
Old 05-19-2009, 08:32 AM
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Default Carnival & Royal Caribbean resume stops at Mexican ports

The cruise lines seem to feel safer.
Old 05-19-2009, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by conservativechick View Post
swine flu is not the latest media craze!! it's a flu spreading throughout the world and its very possible in todays society where we all travel. The CDC is no longer a useful organization. They are no longer run by people who are concerned about our health but by politicians. when are you people going to wake up?? When swine flu hits your own family?? It just hit another man in NY, a principal i believe who is now dead. What if he were your son or brother or father??
Second comparing swine flu to media coverage of killers is senseless. Perhaps we don't need the over the top coverage of killers all the time but we do need the correct information about swine flu to protect ourselves. Oh and by the way, the Casey Anthony case is sensationlized not because the mom is beautiful (because she isn't) but because the little girl was adorable, how a mom could kill their own child, and the involvement of the grandparents all make an interesting story. And for the record Casey Anthony case did not dominate Fla news about killers. Off the top of my head here are a few others who dominated the news in Fla Ted Bundy, little Adam Walsh 6 yr old son of John, Gary Ray Bowles, Aileen Wuornos - fla female serial killer, Bobby Joe Long, Danny Rolling, Erin Belanger, and Skylar Deleon. These are only a few i can think of immediately.
The topic i posted however had nothing to do with killers and everything to do with an epidemic of the flu. If our government were really concerned with us they would close borders until it's under control, close off the borders to all citizens from terrorist sponsoring nations, and maybe even remove the pesticides and chemicals from our foods that are killing us. It's about time the politicians worked for us the citizens of the USA!!!
The government is doing a lot. As far as the border is concerned, on an average day, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will: 1) process more than 1.1 million passengers and pedestrians; 2) inspect more than 70, 000 truck, rail and sea containers, 3) make 2,402 apprehensions between ports for illegal entry; 4) execute 70 arrests of criminals at ports of entry; 5) seize over 7,000 pounds of narcotics; 6) seize over 4,000 prohibited agricultural items; 7) deploy more than 1,000 canine enforcement teams to aid inspections; and 8) make 5,479 pre-departure seizures of prohibited agricultural items. In addition, the U.S. Public Health Service provides on-site medical assistance/evaluation support to CBP for all situations where infectious disease is suspected. All of this is tied together nationally, so that the best information and decision support can occur.

While not discounting the potential medical impact of swine flu, let's also remember the other things going on which impact mortality so that reasonable perspective is given. On any given day in the USA: 1) approximately 50 people will die in auto accidents in the USA which have alcohol abuse as a contributing cause, yet many gas stations in the nation legally sell beer; 2) there are somewhere between 600,000 to 1,100,000 people with HIV/AIDS and over a third of that number doesn't even know they have the condition; and 3) approximately 15 new cases of TB will be provisionally reported, investigated and treated accordingly.

Unfortunately, you just can't protect everybody from everything all of the time.
Old 05-19-2009, 12:10 PM
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Default Swine flue cover up

ufortunately i disagree. the government is not doing enough. But who likes to hear the truth? It's only a matter of time before this flu or another disease becomes a major health problem with politicians running CDC. TB was of those diseases that had nearly been wiped out in the US but was then reintroduced through immigrants. After generations of heroic efforts to eradicate it in our country, it was brought back into the US by Indo-Chinese refugees in the 70s after Vietnam. Many people coming into our country are from the most disease infected areas around the world. And we're bringing them right into our midst, thanks to our spineless government leadership. Did you vote for this at the ballot box? As for aids, that's a lifestyle choice. You and I we don't have to get aids. Its not contagious. You get it from being a homosexual or from shooting up needles!! I'd personally rather donate my money to cure cancers or a disease thrust upon someone through no fault of their own. No one chooses to get cancer or contributes toward getting it. Although with all the fruits and vegs coming in from foreign lands with pesticides and chemicals on them, the gov't again doesn't seem to care. Your on your own there. So good luck to everyone. The best we can do is educate ourselves about the truth and write our politicians.
Old 05-19-2009, 12:15 PM
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"...As for aids, that's a lifestyle choice. You and I we don't have to get aids. Its not contagious. You get it from being a homosexual or from shooting up needles!! "

That is a pretty bizarre statement. Women have gotten AIDS when their husbands have unprotected sex, and pass it on to them; heterosexual college students have gotten it when they had unprotected sex; a doctor got it from picking up a dirty sheet in the hospital that happened to have a contaminated needle in it; people have gotten it from being treated by a dentist who did not properly sterilize his equipment; the list goes on and on. Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including heterosexual men and women, homosexual men and women, hemophiliacs, sexual partners of hemophiliacs and transfusion recipients, injection-drug users and infants have all developed AIDS.

You're free to contribute your research dollars towards whatever disease cure you wish, but to state that AIDS is a lifestyle choice and to imply that people "asked for it" is incredibly insensitive to say the least.
Old 05-19-2009, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
Unfortunately, you just can't protect everybody from everything all of the time.
Well said.
Old 05-19-2009, 12:44 PM
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The CDC is and has been actively investigating and working on the swine flu virus and other equally serious health threats for quite some time. The CDC is NOT run by the politicians and I am personally aware of the efforts they have been making since 2005 to prevent this and other possible threats to our health. If I were an indiscreet person I could tell you how they have recalled certain retired scientists back to work at the CDC and name them and the dates of their recalls. You had better get some facts before you start slinging mud at the CDC and other government agencies who are working long and hard for your benefit. Just what do you expect your government to do for you? Make a list including the cost and submit it to this or any other forum. OH and as for AIDS being a lifestyle choice ? There are many people who have been innocently infected by sex with a cheating spouse or blood transfusion. Do not tell me that a child with AIDS contracted his disease by a lifestyle choice. Keep writing your politicians with your whacko ideas and then ask why they dont have time to work more than an 18 hour day on the real problems.
Old 05-19-2009, 01:04 PM
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Default Swine flue cover up

i'm glad everyone feels the CDC is not run by politicians and they are working hard for you. Please feel free to now travel anywhere, head on into Mexico or out to Calif and enjoy!!! Also although there are exceptions to every rule ref aids (the dentist who did not sterilize a needle) that is an exception to the rule. Woman who get it from their husbands choose a husband who cheats (dont' tell me you dont' know your husband is cheating) I know i'm an intelligent woman and i'd know in a heartbeat!! I choose to marry someone who is faithful!! College students are having UNPROTECTED SEX!! Bingo!! Choice again. Babies (as sad as this is) get it from their parents who are shooting up the majority of the time. If anyone knows, believe me it's me. I've seen more people come into our jails in my lifetime with aids and can tell from their lifestyle EXACTLY how they contacted it!!! That's how the majority of people get aids whether you want to believe it or not. So I'll send my dollars to a charity for those who choose a responsible lifestyle and contacted an illness out of NO fault of their own. Once again, i'm referring to the majority of aids patients. There are always a few exceptions. But homosexual relationships are a choice and having any sexual relationships with anyone today requires responsibility on the individual's part before they choose to jump into bed with anyone. Guess i'm from the old school. I believe in taking responsibility for our own actions and with those actions comes consequences. cc
Old 05-19-2009, 01:17 PM
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Personally, I don't care who thinks they run any of these major agencies. At an average, the largest agencies will have about a dozen or so political appointees at the top, with half of them being "administrative" workers. The other upteen thousand employees in each agency, including the career supervisors and managers, really run the day-to-day operations regardless which politician became president, and the managers, supervisors and employees I've been privileged to know and serve with all are working their collective butts off to keep the nation as safe as possible. They've done a good job!

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