Todays Laugh - It's Your Patriotic DUTY to Pay Higher Taxes

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Old 09-18-2008, 03:26 PM
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Default Todays Laugh - It's Your Patriotic DUTY to Pay Higher Taxes

So says Joe Biden - You have got to wonder about Obama's decision making skills or lack there of when he picks a guy like this to be his running mate.

That's right, most of you make TOO much money and the Obama/Biden team would like some of it. I doubt that you will see this on the front page of NBCBS, ABCBS OR CNNBS.
Old 09-18-2008, 03:42 PM
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Default The rest of the story

WASHINGTON - Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. In a new TV ad that repeats widely debunked claims about the Democratic tax plan, the Republican campaign calls Obama's tax increases "painful."

Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.

Although Republican John McCain claims that Obama would raise taxes, the independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals

READ MY LIPSTICK - Wasn't anything said against the war or Bush "unpatriotic" for years. It seems the least the rich would want to do for their country.
Old 09-18-2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by conn8757 View Post
WASHINGTON - Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. In a new TV ad that repeats widely debunked claims about the Democratic tax plan, the Republican campaign calls Obama's tax increases "painful."

Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.

Although Republican John McCain claims that Obama would raise taxes, the independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals

READ MY LIPSTICK - Wasn't anything said against the war or Bush "unpatriotic" for years. It seems the least the rich would want to do for their country.
As I stated in another thread. The so called (Rich) already pay most of the taxes!. In a bad economy rasing taxes on anyone is bad enough. Two thirds of those so called rich are small business owners who will now be paying higher taxes. They will need to cut expenses somewhere to offset this and that will start with labor making matters even worse. A vote for Obama/Biden by anyone making less than 250,000 is a vote for a possible trip to the unemployment line.
Old 09-18-2008, 03:57 PM
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Default the rest of the story

Puterguru - Sorry - scare tactics don't work really on me - I think I have heard all of them on tv already. About 8 years worth
Old 09-18-2008, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by conn8757 View Post
WASHINGTON - Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. In a new TV ad that repeats widely debunked claims about the Democratic tax plan, the Republican campaign calls Obama's tax increases "painful."

Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.

Although Republican John McCain claims that Obama would raise taxes, the independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals

READ MY LIPSTICK - Wasn't anything said against the war or Bush "unpatriotic" for years. It seems the least the rich would want to do for their country.

Old 09-18-2008, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Puterguru View Post
As I stated in another thread. The so called (Rich) already pay most of the taxes!. In a bad economy rasing taxes on anyone is bad enough. Two thirds of those so called rich are small business owners who will now be paying higher taxes. They will need to cut expenses somewhere to offset this and that will start with labor making matters even worse. A vote for Obama/Biden by anyone making less than 250,000 is a vote for a possible trip to the unemployment line.
Boy have they got the wool pulled over your eyes....this time the Dems have the tax advantage and you all just don't know how to handle it.

Tax decrease under $250,000, no additional payroll tax under $250,000 and no death tax under 3.5 million dollars.

Here is the truth read it and weep.....

The Villages Florida
Old 09-18-2008, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Boy have they got the wool pulled over your eyes....this time the Dems have the tax advantage and you all just don't know how to handle it.

Tax decrease under $250,000, no additional payroll tax under $250,000 and no death tax under 3.5 million dollars.

Here is the truth read it and weep.....

The Villages Florida
Thanks colo!!! I appreciate the truth! OBAMA 08!!
Old 09-18-2008, 05:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Boy have they got the wool pulled over your eyes....this time the Dems have the tax advantage and you all just don't know how to handle it.

Tax decrease under $250,000, no additional payroll tax under $250,000 and no death tax under 3.5 million dollars.

Here is the truth read it and weep.....

The Villages Florida
Could you please provide a link to where this information was obtained? Thanks in advance.
Old 09-18-2008, 05:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The link

Here ya go.....

I checked it....still there.
Old 09-18-2008, 07:30 PM
Posts: n/a

John McCain should not be traveling in a bus called the Straight Talk Express. No, that equivocating multimillionaire who kowtows constantly to the wealthy should be riding in one of those private, gilded railroad cars.

That would be symbolically appropriate as well since he is trying to railroad the middle class on taxes.

He is actually proposing a brand new tax on the middle class.

This has gotten so little attention it is astounding. And frightening, frankly, as television reporters and commentators focus instead on inane incidents like the lipstick-on-pigs remark.

McCain intends to tax workers for the value of health insurance that they receive from their employers.


Although it’s not included in the description of his plan on his web site. It is, however, on the site of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that specializes in health policy.

I understand McCain neglecting to mention this new tax on the middle class. If I were proposing this shocking tax increase, one that will cost the average American worker an additional $110 a month in taxes out of the blue, I would conceal it as best I could too.

So let me provide you with some clarity. This comes from the Kaiser Foundation evaluation of the McCain and Barack Obama health plans. It says McCain would “reform the tax code to eliminate the exclusion of the value of health insurance plans offered by employers from workers’ taxable income.”

The value of the typical plan provided by an employer to a family is $12,106, of which the employer pays $8,824, and the worker pays the remaining $3,282. The median household income is $44,389, which places most American families in the 15 percent income tax bracket.

McCain wants to add the employer’s cost — an additional $8,824 — to that middle class family’s income, then tax it. The hit to the average family is 15 percent of the McCain-added income — $1,323 more in income taxes.

This new tax would affect the 158 million Americans who are insured through their employer.

Right now you should be yelling, “What?” And demanding to know why you haven’t heard about this before. That is because the media keeps focusing on McCain’s proposed health care tax credits — $5,000 for families and $2,500 for individuals.McCain certainly wants the attention to stay on those credits. It sounds so much better to be giving families tax credits than tax increases.

But what needs to be stressed here is that the tax credits only go to families or individuals who go out on the market and buy insurance for themselves. Right now, only 14 million Americans obtain insurance that way.

So, under McCain’s plan, 14 million Americans could get these tax credits. And 158 million working people would have to pay an additional $1,323 in income taxes.

Still, somehow, no one mentions the new tax part of McCain’s plan!
Even the credits don’t sound so great after you hear the whole story.
John McCain wants to kill employer-provided health insurance. He wants every American to go out on his or her own and try to buy insurance. He says that on his site if you read between the doubletalk. He says, for example, “The key to health care reform is to restore control to the patients themselves.. . .Health care. . . should not be limited by where you work.”

Here’s the way the New York Times put it in an April 30 story, in which there was only straight talk: “Mr. McCain’s health care plan would shift the emphasis from insurance provided by employers to insurance bought by individuals.”
Since 2000, the percentage of employers offering health insurance has declined from 69 percent to 60 percent.

Many more companies would dump their plans as soon as the federal government offered tax credits to individuals who bought their own. Corporations would disingenuously justify this abandonment the same way McCain does — by saying workers would get the advantage of carrying their individual plans from job to job as they move around the country.

They won’t mention the cost, however. To buy plans comparable to what workers now receive from employers, families are going to have to shell out a lot more money from their own pockets.

The math is simple. To buy the $12,106 plan with the $5,000 family tax credit, a worker is going to have to cough up an additional $3,824. (That is the $8,824 the employer previously paid toward the plan minus the $5,000 credit.)
That is, assuming, of course, that you can get coverage. Insurance companies are notorious for rejecting anyone with pre-existing conditions, including acne, being overweight and diabetes.

John McCain himself would likely be unable to find an insurer on the private market since he’s had the most serious form of skin cancer, melanoma, more than once.
But he doesn’t have to worry because, as a U.S. senator, he’s covered by a government plan. And he’s certainly not proposing eliminating that!

McCain could resolve the exclusion problem by requiring insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions. But he doesn’t. Instead, he suggests setting up a system in which states would become responsible making sure those people get insurance. He says he won’t shift the costs to the states, but what’s the chance of that? He’s establishing a pool of all of those rejected by insurance companies – thus those with the highest risk. And he’s telling the states to deal with the problem that creates.

Meanwhile, insurance companies would be left to profit big time by providing insurance for the young, the healthy and everyone who doesn’t have anything at all wrong with them. What a deal!

He claims this plan will increase competition and drive down prices – as if an individual worker, on his own, without any real knowledge of the system, has the negotiating power of a major corporation with full-time experts on its staff whose only function is to buy insurance for a pool of hundreds or thousands of workers.

While McCain is planning to increase your taxes if you’ve got insurance at work or to force you into the insurance market at a huge financial loss, he intends, at the same time, to cut taxes on corporations — you know, like those giant oil companies that just raked in the largest quarterly profits of any firm ever in the history of mankind. And he plans to permanently retain those income tax cuts his friend George W. Bush gave to the rich, because, of course, the wealthiest Americans, like McCain and Bush, need a break today.

In the meantime, McCain is traveling to states like Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, hard hit by the economic devastation caused by eight years of Bush administration fiscal policy failures. At each stop, McCain is sucking up the middle class – as if his administration wouldn’t cost workers dearly.

He needs to stop lying to America’s workers.

In fact, maybe Mr. Straight-Talk-Express needs to slap on some lipstick. Because sometimes the truth is a bitch.
Old 09-18-2008, 08:45 PM
Posts: n/a

The Villages Florida
Old 09-18-2008, 09:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by junglejim View Post
John McCain should not be traveling in a bus called the Straight Talk Express. No, that equivocating multimillionaire who kowtows constantly to the wealthy should be riding in one of those private, gilded railroad cars.

That would be symbolically appropriate as well since he is trying to railroad the middle class on taxes.

He is actually proposing a brand new tax on the middle class.

This has gotten so little attention it is astounding. And frightening, frankly, as television reporters and commentators focus instead on inane incidents like the lipstick-on-pigs remark.

McCain intends to tax workers for the value of health insurance that they receive from their employers.


Although it’s not included in the description of his plan on his web site. It is, however, on the site of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that specializes in health policy.

I understand McCain neglecting to mention this new tax on the middle class. If I were proposing this shocking tax increase, one that will cost the average American worker an additional $110 a month in taxes out of the blue, I would conceal it as best I could too.

So let me provide you with some clarity. This comes from the Kaiser Foundation evaluation of the McCain and Barack Obama health plans. It says McCain would “reform the tax code to eliminate the exclusion of the value of health insurance plans offered by employers from workers’ taxable income.”

The value of the typical plan provided by an employer to a family is $12,106, of which the employer pays $8,824, and the worker pays the remaining $3,282. The median household income is $44,389, which places most American families in the 15 percent income tax bracket.

McCain wants to add the employer’s cost — an additional $8,824 — to that middle class family’s income, then tax it. The hit to the average family is 15 percent of the McCain-added income — $1,323 more in income taxes.

This new tax would affect the 158 million Americans who are insured through their employer.

Right now you should be yelling, “What?” And demanding to know why you haven’t heard about this before. That is because the media keeps focusing on McCain’s proposed health care tax credits — $5,000 for families and $2,500 for individuals.McCain certainly wants the attention to stay on those credits. It sounds so much better to be giving families tax credits than tax increases.

But what needs to be stressed here is that the tax credits only go to families or individuals who go out on the market and buy insurance for themselves. Right now, only 14 million Americans obtain insurance that way.

So, under McCain’s plan, 14 million Americans could get these tax credits. And 158 million working people would have to pay an additional $1,323 in income taxes.

Still, somehow, no one mentions the new tax part of McCain’s plan!
Even the credits don’t sound so great after you hear the whole story.
John McCain wants to kill employer-provided health insurance. He wants every American to go out on his or her own and try to buy insurance. He says that on his site if you read between the doubletalk. He says, for example, “The key to health care reform is to restore control to the patients themselves.. . .Health care. . . should not be limited by where you work.”

Here’s the way the New York Times put it in an April 30 story, in which there was only straight talk: “Mr. McCain’s health care plan would shift the emphasis from insurance provided by employers to insurance bought by individuals.”
Since 2000, the percentage of employers offering health insurance has declined from 69 percent to 60 percent.

Many more companies would dump their plans as soon as the federal government offered tax credits to individuals who bought their own. Corporations would disingenuously justify this abandonment the same way McCain does — by saying workers would get the advantage of carrying their individual plans from job to job as they move around the country.

They won’t mention the cost, however. To buy plans comparable to what workers now receive from employers, families are going to have to shell out a lot more money from their own pockets.

The math is simple. To buy the $12,106 plan with the $5,000 family tax credit, a worker is going to have to cough up an additional $3,824. (That is the $8,824 the employer previously paid toward the plan minus the $5,000 credit.)
That is, assuming, of course, that you can get coverage. Insurance companies are notorious for rejecting anyone with pre-existing conditions, including acne, being overweight and diabetes.

John McCain himself would likely be unable to find an insurer on the private market since he’s had the most serious form of skin cancer, melanoma, more than once.
But he doesn’t have to worry because, as a U.S. senator, he’s covered by a government plan. And he’s certainly not proposing eliminating that!

McCain could resolve the exclusion problem by requiring insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions. But he doesn’t. Instead, he suggests setting up a system in which states would become responsible making sure those people get insurance. He says he won’t shift the costs to the states, but what’s the chance of that? He’s establishing a pool of all of those rejected by insurance companies – thus those with the highest risk. And he’s telling the states to deal with the problem that creates.

Meanwhile, insurance companies would be left to profit big time by providing insurance for the young, the healthy and everyone who doesn’t have anything at all wrong with them. What a deal!

He claims this plan will increase competition and drive down prices – as if an individual worker, on his own, without any real knowledge of the system, has the negotiating power of a major corporation with full-time experts on its staff whose only function is to buy insurance for a pool of hundreds or thousands of workers.

While McCain is planning to increase your taxes if you’ve got insurance at work or to force you into the insurance market at a huge financial loss, he intends, at the same time, to cut taxes on corporations — you know, like those giant oil companies that just raked in the largest quarterly profits of any firm ever in the history of mankind. And he plans to permanently retain those income tax cuts his friend George W. Bush gave to the rich, because, of course, the wealthiest Americans, like McCain and Bush, need a break today.

In the meantime, McCain is traveling to states like Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, hard hit by the economic devastation caused by eight years of Bush administration fiscal policy failures. At each stop, McCain is sucking up the middle class – as if his administration wouldn’t cost workers dearly.

He needs to stop lying to America’s workers.

In fact, maybe Mr. Straight-Talk-Express needs to slap on some lipstick. Because sometimes the truth is a bitch.
Jungle Jim please don't insult us with you cut and paste routine. We can go to the Huffington post and read all the left wing we want. For anyone who wants to see where our Jungle Jim gets his material follow this link You will find the above story verbatim. If your going to steal someones story at least give them the credit. Leo W. Gerard was the author.
Old 09-18-2008, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a

So show us he is a reply with some facts.....
Old 09-18-2008, 10:50 PM
Posts: n/a

The facts will come out in the debates. They surely will not be found in the huffington post.
Old 09-18-2008, 11:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Starduster View Post
For anyone who wants to see where our Jungle Jim gets his material follow this link You will find the above story verbatim. If your going to steal someones story at least give them the credit. Leo W. Gerard was the author.
I agree with Starduster. IMHO, anyone quoting an article that someone else has written should clearly identify the source.

I'm sure that JungleJim didn't intend to be misleading.

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